Scenario: You buy a coffee table on EBay that the seller swears is solid wood and is in fabulous condition. When you get it home your husband informs you it’s veneer. (I'm not a forest ranger - how do I know what kind of wood it is?) You throw it out the back in disgust because you just paid 20 bucks for a piece of crap you can’t use.
Confession relevant to this post: With our current computer desk, I sit in the reclining swivel chair, lean back and have my feet on the desk. All. The.Time. I'm doing it now. It’s comfy. It’s an old desk. I’m a slob. Take your pick.
We're planning to renovate the computer room this year. Our current desk is 18 years old, and we inherited it from my parents when they upgraded about 5 years ago. My Dad made it out of packing crates. It’s lovely, and it’s quirky and I’m sentimental but it’s time for change. I have a vision. The vision does not include me having my feet on the desk in future or the packing crate desk. What to do? Inspiration! We need an ottoman.
The ugly veneer coffee table might just have a second life after all.

Armed with only with an ugly coffee table, black spray paint, freecycle foam, a voracious command of swear words and 3/4 of a metre of material, I create. Stand back...this could get messy folks. My vision is sometimes less than visionary.
I'm on a roll peeps...projects are working out almost like I planned left, right and centre. And I got to use my staple gun. Lots! There's 862 staples in the bottom of this baby. This ottoman weighs 400 pounds. Now I just gotta keep the mojo going for the desk re-do.
It appears Miss Pyjamas is sentimental too. She has announced her intention of taking the packing crate desk when she gets her own place in the next few months, so my Dad’s desk will get a third owner and live to be a desk another day. Sentimental me is happy.
This post is also linked up to Lit and Laundry Finished for Friday
"I'm not a forest ranger - how do I know what kind of wood it is?" I laughed SO hard at this!!!
And oh my gosh, I'm getting obsessed with your make-overs! That fabric looks FABULOUS on there! WOW! I'm in awe of people who can see beyond things and make them new!
Fabulous, was worth the wait to see that. 862 staples??? maybe that's why it weighs 400 pounds. xx
Leslie, I'd never even heard of a veneer tree! (ha ha)
Marg, I may have exaggerated a teensy weensy bit about the number of staples. But only slightly.
I just popped in to say thankyou for being part of the special quilt Lyn is making for me
I enjoyed your blog and was very impressed with what your daughter is doing Good for her
She,s lucky to have such support
Love the finished result! Was fun to catch up with you again, your laundry-less post gave me a good laugh! I'm so familiar with the many noises and asking often if he's still alive. I understand the sentimental too, have been culling through baby clothes and it's hard to let go. They're just so cute! =)
Wowsa! That is an amazingly beautiful ottoman!
Great transformation!
Love the ottoman! You are so funny, you had me cracking up.
Whoa! I love it! I think the staple gun and potty mouth always go hand-in-hand.
Thanks for linking up to Finished for Friday!
Cute! Love it :)
Thanks everyone,
I'm at the stage where nobody is actually allowed to put their feet on it because it's white and new which is kinda freaky since it was intended to be for feet.
I'm sure I'll get over it...or re-cover it in "dirty feet brown " material at some stage.
I'm always so envious--I mean inspired!-- when I see something so creative. Unfortunately, the same handicap applies to this sort of thing and for any ability to write fiction: Lack Of Imagination. Oh, well...somebody's gotta write non-fiction and buy clever things. Good for you, Mis P!
wow, you did a wonderful job. love that fabric choice.
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