I've had horrible thoughts recently that I may wind up one of those women who slipcovers her sofa in plastic for fear it will get dirty. I already insist people don't use my sofa cushions as actual cushions. They're for looking at - not using. Duh, I don't want them all crushed. But it's just a hop skip and a jump to a plastic sofa cover from not using the throw cushions and I don't want to be known as the crazy sofa lady.
I recently showed off some of my china collection . I freely confess I think tea cups are way too classy for someone like me to use every day. So they sit in my kitchen dresser, looking pretty but neglected. One day I'm going to die and all the beautiful things I've been so carefully treasuring are probably going to end up at Goodwill or in a rubbish bin somewhere. And I'm going to be looking down from heaven (see how I neatly assume that's where I'm going ?) and I'm going to be seriously annoyed with myself that I didn't use my treasures in real life. And I'm going to haunt the person who chucked them but that's beside the point.
I need to take drastic steps. My china is taking up valuable space I could be using to hoard fabric and I've decided that action is necessary. I'm creating an excuse to use them. I've decided I need to do High Tea so I can use all my pretty things at once.
One of the things about High Tea that really rocks is cake...and scones...and petit fours and other things that are bad for you but apparently if you eat them at high tea they have no calories. It's a fact of the universe.
So I'm planning my high tea party for the weekend of July 9th /10th and if you'd like to join me with your own high tea party you're more than welcome. I'd love to see other people's teapots and doilies and pretty tablecloths.

So I'm planning my high tea party for the weekend of July 9th /10th and if you'd like to join me with your own high tea party you're more than welcome. I'd love to see other people's teapots and doilies and pretty tablecloths.
You all know I'm really doing this for the cake don't you?
No one is ever guaranteed tomorrow, so use today what you love, and know your got to use it as intended. I live by the rules everyday now. There is nothing that waits, for a certain day. I guess when you have a near death experience, it changes the way you think, and most people just don't get it. so use your lovely teacups, have high tea everyday. Wear that fancy blouse, and that lovely smelling perfume too. Sit on those cushion, (they are probably hard as rocks, and you won't like them anyway) Eat what you like when you want it ( in moderation so if you do get thousands of tomorrows, your not as wide as you are tall) but enjoy life to the fullest. Tell the family to get all dressed up your going out to dinner, and then just go to McDonalds, or the local pizza joint!
And yes I know you are doing it for only the cake!!! Now I am stepping off my soapbox, and going to put a pie in the oven! Strawberry Rhubarb if you were wondering. Oh yeah, too bad I didn't win the lottery, I would come to your house weekend after next for YOUR high tea party! Then we could go to that fabulous chocolate shop near by, or yeah and the fabric shops too!
Man, I wish I lived on your side of the pond - I would definitely crash your high tea party! Me, I have no trouble using my pretty stuff - I don't have much, but I definitely use it. And the good thing about your pretty pillows getting worn out - then you get to make more!
That could just be an invitation too good to refuse...a reason for cake, um, I mean getting the pretty things out and setting the table and making tea in the pot and oh yeah, cake!
I collect teacups and teapots myself, and a few years ago I decided they must get used, even if it means one gets broken on occasion! It's silly how we want pretty things, but then are so afraid to use them! I've gotten much better about that in recent times. Have fun with your tea!
Well, I'm not fussy, but I could probably scrounge up a teapot or two and some nice cups. So yeah, I'm game. If I'm still on the no-sugar kick then, I'll have to think of something else, like aren't there some fiddly little cucumber sandwiches or something at a high tea? Anyway, I'll figure something out.
PS - My word verification is "belfart." Funny, mine don't sound like bells.
PPS - You sure you want to invite me?
Sounds like fun, but I think I have a prior engagement. Bummer.
I am so there! Now to decide which set of china I want to use. I used to share High Tea with The Baby and would love to share it with you.
I am off to search recipes!
On one of those days I plan to be at a family reunion (not my family...my neighbors...they "adopted" us..
But I will be ready to have tea on the other day, with my little pinkie sticking out from my cup and frosting on my upper lip....
My grandma was the crazy sofa lady and I laughed at her as a little girl, but I saw glimpses of myself in your post, soooooo I'm gonna start on that stash real soon, and I vow to use my china at least more than just at Christmas!
I so totally want to come for high tea and bring my own little tea cup and saucer but only if u are making lemon tarts? actually my broom stick wont get me that far, but maybe I will have a high tea too any queenslanders welcome. :)
Yep. I use my "good" stuff all the time. I even put it in the dishwasher. Of course, my "good" stuff is a dinner set collected from three secondhand shops. All matching, but old. Some of my set has been used by other owners, but mostly it looks like new. So as I see it, you have two choices. 1. Enjoy your stuff here and now, or 2. Be praised forever by the purchaser of your unused stuff!
Now that is the perfect excuse I have been looking for! The tea shop up the road has a lovely collection of cups and saucers and plates and every time I see them I think of your lovely collection. I will have to go and find myself a little set and join you for your tea party. My gran and I used to have a tea party once a week when I stopped in to visit her on my way home from work. As for your sofa...just use it and enjoy it :-) I have a set of lovely dinnerware that I bought and started using straight away because I remembered my mothers good set that only came out for christmas and this set was too nice not to use. I am still using it everyday 25years later and I think I have only broken one plate! It is my favourite and everytime I use it I think...I LOVE this pattern. Its a Mikasa with the fruit round the edges and nothing else I have looked at even comes close. I did change the set once and both Billy and I couldn't eat out dinner because it just wasn't right so I took the new set back and out came the old favourite once again :-)
Ooops school holidays make me long winded it seems ;-)
I'd love to come thank you...if only to see the teacups used (poor things)and as for cake well I think if I had turned down a beautiful piece of cake or chocolate and then I died I would be truly, truly annoyed...so I never do.
P.S. I don't have to cook do I??
What a fun idea, I might have a little high tea in my corner of the world.
I'm in! Will start hoarding treats ASAP for the occasion. Maybe some Aussie chocolate will arrive? APPARENTLY those farts at Canada Post are ordered back to work tomorrow by the government after 2 weeks away, so I can actually hope that all my goodies/shopping may come at once like Christmas!!! Will send your package quickly before they change their mind!
We all only do it for the cake! And of course the thrill of being a lady......
Im dusting off the china and airing the vintage linens as we speak!
Great idea and a good point too. Wish I could join in that weekend but I'll be away. I might plan for a different weekend though. I'll be watching to see what food you serve.
It's so odd that we deny ourselves the use of our finer things with the logic that we don't to break or wear them out. But in the long run, all we've done is disallowed ourselves from their full pleasure.
I've given people quilts they don't use because they don't want to "wear them out". Use them I say! What's the point if you've kept the quilt in the closet to "save it"?
Beautiful high tea cup, btw! Wish I could join you. :-)
Use the good stuff, Shay! I use mine. There's nothing pretentious about it...I just like feeling good. It makes me feel good to use the good china. I've had people come to my house who are amazed I use my crystal stemware and fine china for 'ordinary' events like dinner. ☺ Life is special, and family is special. Serve it up on the best stuff you've got! ☺
I'm all in for the High Tea. Alas, I cannot purchase a plane ticket between now and July 9th; so I'll participate online. ☺ Guess I'd better pull out the silver tea set. Hmmm...I feel a Back2Basics blogpost on polishing silver coming up soon. ☺
Happy Wednesday! ☺
Can you remind us? Because I'll totally forget unless you remind me. I think I'll try to make scones. My girls will love this!
I don't use my china much, just because I don't think my dishwasher is the greatest at getting my glasses clean - and I sure don't like to wash them by hand. My hesitation isn't preservation, it's laziness.
I'm in, that sounds like a fabulous idea. I'm off to polish the silver. The silver I inherited from my grandmother 20+ years ago that I've only used twice! That's it I'm going to get it out and use it, thank you for pointing out how ridiculous it is to put it away and not use it.
Really looking forward to joining in.
I'm in ... but what do I do? Never had high tea. I actually have a bunch of tea cups from my grandmother, in a box somewhere .. I also have some fancy china in some boxes in the garage. And I have a silver tea set ..
Yep...high tea....you are on....I'm in - and I just noted that you have your little vow on the side that you will buy under 100 yards of fabric this year.....well...here it is half way thru the year...and you have blown that one...LOLOLOL
In 2004 i had Cancer. When I recovered I threw out the everyday stuff. We use the special things everyday. Life is short! You deserve to use and enjoy beautiful things.
I may be siding with you on the couch cushions, after my family left, I have some repairing to do, somehow the "uncles" love throwing them at the grandson and watching him laugh and fall down and shout "do it again".
High tea sounds very yummy. I have a china collection that I never use I just look at it which is fine.
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