Pop on over to Little Miss Sunshine's and join the party .
I survived Day 2 of Fingergate. Thank you for all your well wishes. I was heartened to feel tingling in my pinky earlier today because I figured that meant healing until I started thinking a major infection probably tingles too. I don't know whats going on under that bandage and I was told not to take it off unless it got wet. They probably don't want me to freak out because my finger is going black. If they take it off tomorrow and my finger looks like a three year old carrot I'll be sure to take pictures to share. That would be an interesting blog post.
There has been plenty of time for contemplation since I have been banned from doing anything. I don't really understand how sewing could possibly impede my recovery but my orders were to rest up for the weekend.
Frankly I think this no sewing nonsense is some kind of world wide conspiracy to stop me from being crafty. Last weekend Patty banned sewing machines and this week the medical fraternity is denying me. Basically because I'm a smartarse I've now spent two weekends working my way around the rules. Last weekend I hand sewed. This weekend it was tidying up the sewing room properly ....so I could actually find things in there. Last time I did that was in April of 2008. If I spent half as much time applying myself as vigorously to other areas of my life as I do to bending the rules I swear I'd be President of the United States.
It took me two solid days to go through every nook and cranny of the sewing room. Welcome to Pigsty Central. And this was after I started.
So I sorted and bagged all my scraps by colour. I have heaps of scraps and there is some really hideous crap in there.
I put all my collections together. They look so pretty I don't want to use them.
I grouped my fat quarters and other fabric bits by colour.
And I have so many vintage sheets to play with that I'll never need to buy another one. It would probably be manners to leave some for other people anyway.
I found some really pretty chenille squares I should probably use. I keep promising Miss P a new chenille quilt but I still haven't forgotten how much fun the last one was to quilt.
And now it's done and I can see the carpet ..and I wish I couldn't because it needs cleaning.
Somebody amuse me - I'm so bored.
I'm really hoping that stink I can smell is my feet and not my finger....
I spent the afternoon thinking up rude slogans I can put on mugs because they're $3.75 from vistaprint at the moment, but I'm not sure how amusing a "rootin' in the back of the ute/your sister likes this" facebook mug is to everyone else. My real life friends aren't a good indication of something's hilarity.
Your sewing room looks great (you can't tell from the pictures the state of the carpet, so therefore it does not need to be cleaned).
Sorry about the medical restrictions. Look at this way, it does give you license to spend a lot of time on the computer without feeling guilty. Hope the news is good tomorrow and that the restrictions are lifted soon.
You want amusement at 11:30 at night?? Hm..guess that would be someone elses job wouldn´t it??
Love your sewing room...can I move in? I would even clean the carpet for you in case I ever moved out again:-)
Why must you torture me like this? I love your clean room and organized fabric piles. Gads, you should see mine. (blog post idea, right there...I think I'd scare people away, though).
You poor dear, no sewing allowed. Time to flip through books and make wish lists? Or, you know, blog surf. I'm sure you won't be bored long. Crossing my fingers for your pinkie's complete vitality tomorrow.
Hope your finger is ok tomorrow, fingers crossed, hmm that's probably not quite the right thing to say. How about eyes crossed for you.
Wow look how much more fabric you can fit in your room now, there's sooo much space. I can't see any marks on the carpet either. Love the ladder displaying the quilt.
While you are recuperating you can spend much more time on the computer and not feel guilty and that's a good thing.
I think tingling is good. Tightness and throbbing not so much. Your sewing room looks great. Your 'in progress' picture is why I always hesitate to start. I'm always afraid I'll quit halfway and end up with a disaster. I also vote for looking through books, jotting down ideas, and planning new projects. Good luck.
Wow, your sewing room looks fabulous! I love all of your 'collections' too - so pretty. I may just clean my room up too - don't hold your breath...
A three year old shrivelled carrot, pmsl, I have vision of Worzell Gummage :0) I'm sure the tingling is a good thing.
Sewing room looks fab-u-lous - you should cut the end of your finger off more often - your house would be immaculate!
I hope it doesn't look like a shriveled carrot!
The sewing room looks great!
Great job on getting your sewing room all in order it looks lovely.
Looks like you're getting lots of amusing suggestions, LOL!
See, I KNEW you and rules didn't really mix!
Hope that smell isn't your finger either.
Oh my! I hope your finger isn't smelly, black or looks like a carrot. I'm sure there is some miracle healing going on under there.
Since you can't sew, I think you should get someone else to clean your carpet if you think it must be done. After all, you were absolutely forced to clean your sewing room - someone else besides you must suffer as a result! Right?!
I hope you found some amusement .. you did a wonderful 9-finger job on the sewing room. I love the way you displayed the quilt in your sewing room.
Hope tomorrow goes well.
Am heading out with the devil cat and the dad so that the real estate agent can sell our house ..
I love your sewing room, it's like a shop!! I'll have a bundle of chenile and a scrap bag thank you. Great quilt ladder, I've been trying to describe one to my partner so he can make me one, I'll show him the photo. on second thoughts it might not be good to show him what a clean sewing room looks like. Look after little pinky!
Hey Shay,
Since I've been MIA (missing in action), I have no idea what has happened to your pinky--but I'm sorry. It sounds like a real bummer.
Trying to get back into the game, and enjoyed the pretty pictures of your fabric organizing.
Hope your pinky is Ok! Your sewing room looks amazing (when its clean!) what a lovely space and i agree this is the time to look through mags and surf the net to come up with a great list of things to make when youre back in action!
You are so good at tidy! I am impressed. Hope all goes well with your finger. When do they unveil it next? My son's finger (the one with the skin graft) was an apalling black colour. Every time the surgeon saw it though he thought it was coming along beautifully so I stopped worrying.
Your room looks perfect - now a little fabric petting and some serious pattern browsing to get you ready for that healed finger!
Hope it all went well today.
Nice clean room!! hope you can mess it up again soon....hmmm.....I am sure the pinky will be fine...and no wetting the bandage just so you have an excuse to peep!
How neat and pretty it looks all organized! Mine looks like....ummm... I've been working on a LOT of projects. A messy sewing room means you've been very productive, right? =)
Are you sure it wasn't a brain injury not a finger. I am sure all that cleaning and sorting can not be good not you.
Ouch!!!! You poor girl. Hope you recover quickly. No amount of chopping, cutting or lopping off anything I owned would make my sewing room tidy.
Surely having a sore finger won't stop you from shopping on the net???? That is a great way to beat boredom ;-)
I think it is funny that in order to get organized, you have to make a bigger mess than there already was. I am impressed with the cleaness of your sewing room. Here is the question - How long will it stay that way??
I am sure your finger will be just fine. I bet you will be happy to be able to get back to sewing soon.
Good on you for getting your room cleaned. I probably would have done it too. Except you need to treat yourself gently so that your body can heal. Hope the prognosis is good.
xo -E
Sorry to hear about your finger. Hang in there, my husband had his knocked off in the cattle yard (yes gross) and they stitched it back on. It eventually came good. Doctors are pretty amazing these days. Take Care x Lisa
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