It has long been a dream of mine that Miss P would one day find at least one crafty bone in her body. After 20 years of half finished projects I have all but given up hope. I envy mothers and daughters who do those sorts of things together but have resigned myself to the fact that it just wasn't going to be a part of our relationship. In the past when I have started to talk about my love for crafty pursuits her eyes would glaze over. That's a pretty good indicator of her level of interest don't you think?
You may recall last weekend when Miss P decided to stuff and sew a carrot. As if that wasn't crazy enough she voluntarily did a second one. At that point I almost made her do a random pee test for illicit drugs because I figured she'd gone down the Whitney Houston "Crack is Whack " road. Since an enforced urine test would probably be against her civil liberties I had to content myself with checking out her pupils. They looked normal. She didn't go crazy in the middle of stuffing a carrot and stab me in the eye with the needle. She wasn't gibbering about pink elephants. In the end I just figured it was a one off and took the (very pleasant) memory and filed it away under "Stuff I'll probably only see once in my freaking lifetime"
Miss P has been staying with us again the last few days and Saturday night I decided to go for broke and ask her when she might really rock my socks off and decide to make a quilt. Just as her eyes glazed over she made this earth shattering announcement:
"I really want to do some of that stitching stuff".
The above sentence deserves to be in HUGE letters because it's something I thought I would never hear. In fact when I did hear it I thought I was having a stroke. Within about 30 minutes she was set up with her first stitching project ever because I can move like greased lightening when it suits me and I didn't want her to have an opportunity to change her mind. I figured this would at least give me 45 minutes of happy.
And after about 3 hours of concentration this was the result...
Pretty good for someone who has never picked up a needle prior to the great carrot incident of 2011, don't you think? Better than the stitching her mother knocks out too. I don't know whether to bust with pride or kick her butt.
And then today we went shopping because she expressed a desire to buy these because sewing "is so relaxing".
And nobody was holding a gun to her head.
And while we were out she bought this kit which she is already halfway through finishing for Little P.
I guess all this proves miracles really do happen. I had to call my mother tonight to forewarn her that Miss P will probably be bringing sewing up for Easter because I didn't want the shock to kill her...

P.S. I think Miss P has her mother's sewing gene. I've heard a couple of murmured profanities when things haven't been going so well.I'm so proud.
P.P.S. I did achieve things over the weekend but this monumental news deserves it's own post.
Hey that is fantastic, and I'm pretty sure he'll hasn't frozen over either! How cool is it that Miss P is showing interest. Hope she doesn't get too interested or you'll be fighting over the sewing machine and your fabric stash!
And hasn't she done a fantastic job too....
I have two daughters that have no desire to do anything 'sewing', but perhaps, they too, will surprise me someday....NOT! I'm always chuckling when I read your posts - Love 'em!!
Ooh! A new partner in crime! Oh, the places you'll go. Oh, the things you'll sew. :o) Fabulous post and fabulous news. Can't wait to see all she creates. I wish my stitching looked that good.
The Sewing Adventures of Miss P has a nice bloggy sound to it, don't you think? Perhaps Miss P should start blogging too. Wait...slow good thing at a time! LOL
Happy Sunday night! :o)
Her stiching is very nice so she doesn't ONLY have your profanity gene. ;)
Maybe it just took time for her craftiness to mature, you know like a nervous system, it doesn't totally kick in until one is done that.
I have been keeping a back up machine in the hopes that my DD might decide to stitch. Alas, twenty-six years and counting...I am envious Shay!
Oh, definitely bust with pride! How cool!
Wow! You should be very, very proud, she did a great job on the Easter stitching. You and Miss P have given me hope that one day Kiddo's sewing gene might switch on.
Wooooh - how fantastic - you made me smile from start to finish. There are so many great stitchery patterns out there Miss P will be spoilt for choice! There are some great projects in Doodle Stitching - The Motif Collection, including a really sweet pair of pyjama bottoms - I got the book for Christmas so I could do some of that stitching stuff - there's a review on my blog...
And definitely burst with pride - she might be able to give you a few pointers hehe!
Just quietly, I sometimes wish my mum would sew with me. The closest we've come lately was making some curtains for the caravan of love, but I'm not really sure it counts. She doesn't even get excited when I bring new fabrics home. What a weirdo :)
Good stuff! Oh shay, I didn't post on Friday, late late, but did today.
Am so busy! My daughter has no interest in quilting, just collecting quilts that are laying around this house.
But, as all good things happen a couple of granddaughter have interest in sewing...
Lucky you...your daughter is talented...must be her Moms genes!! My daughter started sewig a few pillowcases last year but never touch a needle again after that...too bad..
I felt the same way when my DD took up crocheting with yarn(which I cannot do!) It rocked my world,,,and she is getting good at it!
Very momentous occasion, indeed! And she did a lovely job on her embroidery.
My two daughters are not crafty, though both have learned to machine sew and DD#2 even took a quilting class and made a quilt (with a lot of help from me when she told me ONE day in advance that she had to have the quilt finished for her grade--and it was only a top at that point!). I find handwork relaxing too, so I am not surprised Miss P enjoys it. So much more portable than a sewing machine and pedal, for sure.
That's wonderful! Maybe there's hope for my daughter.
Excellent stitching for first attempt, pretty even and no gaps. Woo Hoo. Not much crafting at this place this weekend I am afraid as I have deadlines that had better not continue.
I am so proud that in a very small way I have helped produce another addict !
My daughter is very similar. She takes up her pants with a stapler when she gets tired of walking all over them....or just waits till they fray and tear off.
Hopeless here I'm afraid , she's 35 !!!!
My daughter doesn't sew either. She is a beautiful cross stitcher but has no time now. But she does like what I do and supports my tecno efforts. See all that time your Miss P was absorbing that good stitching energy. You did give me a giggle.
My mother probably felt the same. I really didn't start sewing until three years ago or knitting until about 8 years ago. When we were kids she made all our clothes and she made many of her own for most of her adult life. Knitting was her main love and I think she was probably thrilled when I was knitting (but she had to wait until I was 40). so I think you should be thrilled about Miss P!
I missed so much that I could have done with my mom by not being interested ... ah well ... the two of you won't have to miss.
Very pretty Easter Stitching from MissP. Happy that the collecting and starting gene is alive and well in the next generation. Look forward to seeing a finish on the Lion he does look cute.
Enjoy creating together.
Maybe there's hope for my daughter - she's just going to turn 12 and has no interest at all. Two of her best friends are coming over to see me for knitting lessons, and she just rolls her eyes and laughs.
Great job on the stitching!
Good for Miss P.....the apple hasn't fallen too far from the tree!
Woo Hoo! How fab is that!! Great job Miss P and I love that little lion....too cute :-) Yes there is a lot to be said for a few moments of relaxation esp when there are little pattering feet around, those moments are few and far between!
Yeah for Miss P! It is relaxing and I'm glad she enjoys. :D
Woo Hoo, won't be long before she wants to make her own quilt too. Hang in there, the day is coming.
Nice work Miss P...but can you afford two stitchers in the family????? LOL ...and already she has started projects before she has finished the previous one.....ah...the apple doesn't fall far from the tree does it!?
Well, congratulations Shay (and Miss P). This is really exciting - and how did she do such a good job on her first try?
She looks really relaxed and happy in that picture!
Have a great time bonding together - and thanks for sharing such exciting news :)
"Sigh" of happiness for you.
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