Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The 15 minute Challenge with Kate

I mentioned I've been in a bit of a quilting funk lately. I've been ignoring the fact I made a public declaration to have 6 quilts finished before the end of the year. My uber cool quilting guru is going to do a custom job on the Dresden quilt and informed me last week that she can't do that until January so the number has been down graded to 5. At this point it could be one and I'd still be doubtful of a finish!

Sadly my quilting mojo seems to have been lost under a pile of quick to finish projects over the last month. And the trend continued this week. I keep telling myself I'll get those quilts. Plenty of time . 45 days to finish 5 quilts is eminently do-able. Right? Stop rolling round on the floor laughing please - it hurts my feelings . True blog buddies would buy into my fantasy and pretend that my dreams are possible.  

This week I played with a handbag 

I finished 5 selvage blocks (I haven't squared three of them up yet but lets not spilt hairs )

I made a  sunglasses case for my friend , Nat. 

And I did two more hand stitched hexie flowers for a quilt that doesn't have a time frame for a finish attached to it (But it was quilt related so I was kinda proud of myself !)

By Saturday I was sick of my own procrastination so I loudly announced to Mr. P I was going to work on the Merry Go Round quilt. And then a friend called with her own quilting emergency so my afternoon was taken up with helping her sort that out. Epic fail on getting any MGR done!

Sunday dawned bringing new resolve. I unplugged the phone, turned my front door "Welcome" sign to "Go Away " and planned to get busy. 

You know those moments we all have where you think you calculated your yardage wrong and you don't have enough to get what you need out of what you have? I had a moment like that making the final 7 blocks for this quilt. Thankfully as so often happens- since I am a maths idiot - I was wrong. 

Finished! I was hearing trumpets and angels at this point. Until I realised all those blocks had to be sewn into 14 individual rows . But I slogged on and got 10 of them done. 

The challenge for this week will be to sew them into a quilt top where the seams actually match up. Pop on over to Kate's for a look at other 15 minutes of fame


thea said...

The MGR quilt is going to be absolutely gorgeous! I love it. and so much other goodness. I am in awe of you being able to do so many different things at the same time.

and yes, you can get five quilts done in 45 days. that's nine days for each quilt.

Jennifer said...

You can get those quilts done.....if I can get a quilt layered and quilted and bound in the next ten days, you can do it too. Somehow I think I will be dancing very fats to get it done, but I will try. Step one.....get off computer......

Paulette said...

You know, I tend to use the same superlatives all the time to say I really love something, but I really do love the way that MGR quilt is looking. I can taste the rainbow, to steal a phrase from Skittles commercials, and it is mouth-wateringly delicious!

It's amazing what you get done when you're in a quilting funk.

Leanne said...

Don't be so hard on yourself. Look at all those finishes the bottom quilt looks fantastic. So bright and colorful.

Keep Stitchin' said...

Okay, first of all, you know you are my dearest friend in the world, right?? (shameless attempt at earning that beautiful purse you made! lol) I love it!! Also, the blocks for that spiderweb style quilt are gorgeous! Great job. I'm sure you'll get more done than you think you will. Sometimes when I remove the pressure from myself, all of a sudden I get hit with a burst of enthusiasm and energy and get more done than I intended! Trudy

Anonymous said...

You go girl!

Michelle Ridgway said...

Oh I need a panadol and a good lie down after all that..I am exhausted just reading about it. We better watch out when your Mojo returns. You got heaps done and your quilt will be stunning and so is your bag. I hope you wnet to work for a rest. LOL!

Lane said...

5 quilts in 45 days is imminently do-able. But, you'll have to give up purses and eye glass cases. And, sleep. In fact, you might not have any time for anything except loving the other P's. Good luck. I'm cheering for you. Lane

Nicky said...

You an do it - with the help of the Doctor's Tardis! Plenty of room in there to hide a galacti sized stash too!

Tamie said...

Wow. That is a lot more than I got done last week.

Rachaeldaisy said...

You've done heaps!! You made that beautiful bag and that big colourful quilt is looking scrumptious

Pokey said...

I think you have shown more than 15 minutes of work....
I too sure like the look of your quilt at the bottom, wow on colors and angles! The selvage blocks are way cool, too ~

seabreezequilts said...

Love those blocks in the last picture, quilt is going to be fantastic. You have been busy. I'm back to sewing binding tonight I was having a race with Leanne at sewing yesterday and she emailed me to say she had finished hers pooh

Shevvy said...

Merry Go round is amzing - such strong colours and shapes. Really stand out.

String blocks are great fun aren't they, so each to knock up and no pressure on them having to be perfect.

Baa-Me Kniits said...

Pah...5 quilts in 45 days, it will be a doddle! Are they Christmas presents? You could always make a mini block and give that with more to come. Adds to the suspense and then an extra present after all the
Christmas rush :-)

Brenda said...

Ooh, prettiness- you've inspired me to make a merry go round quilt - love the colors! I say anything that involves sewing is good - don't beat yourself up!

AMW said...

I LOVE the MGR quilt and am anxiously waiting to see the final thing! The colors are awesome! This is going to be a stunner, for sure!

Anonymous said...

The MGR quilt is stunning and your other makes are gorgeous too - heavens woman, if you fitted anything else in we'd have to start making you wear a wonder woman outfit never mind pyjamas! 1 Christmas ornament is the total sum of my sewing endeavours this week so chill - you're doing fab :-)

Kirsten said...

Oh I am sure you´ll successfully finish those quilts, the rate you are going at, you´ll probably start two more before the year is over...

Sarcastic Quilter said...

Great progress this week, even with a little procrastination and an emergency thrown in! :)

Michelle said...

HA! If I could, I'd beam down to Aussie land and kick your heinie. Here you got me all ready to feel sorry for you being in a slump and then show picture after picture of accomplishments!


Unknown said...

Oooh, I am so in love with your beautiful bright quilt. Congratulations with tackling the procrastination and getting it looking sooo good.

Larri said...

Look at all your fabulousness! I adore that handbag. What you do with 15 minutes is truly amazing. Thanks for sharing your progress! Happy Thursday night! ☺

Pat said...

Looks like you had a busy and productive week. Congrats.

Kritta22 said...

You can do !!!

It's 9 days a quilt!! That's more than a week

Mistea said...

All the little bits count - you have some finishes which is always good for motivation to work on the bigger things.
Love those colours in MGR - please keep showing this.
Have a wonderful weekend in the sewing room.

Kate said...

Love the MGR quilt, it's so bright. Looks like you got lots done last week. Hope this week was as productive.

Elizabeth said...

That MGR quilt is SO gorgeous! I love the colors! You go girl. You can totally accomplish your goals (even though I'm commenting like 10 days late -- you can do it!)

Love the handbag, the hexies and the string blocks. Nice work.

xo -E