I'm shuffling in late to my own linky party this week. I kinda feel like I should have a note from my Mum to avoid a tardy slip...It's still technically Friday...just.
My favourite thing this week is planning. I love to think things through and plan their outcomes. I love details and planning surprises or anticipating wonderful things to come and this week has been full of that kind of activity. It's been very exciting.
Plotting and Planning Scenario Number 1...
Someone here is going to be having a very BIG birthday soon and some of my week has been taken up with planning and organising, not one, but two celebrations for the birthday girl. I cant say too much just yet because I don't want to ruin any surprises so you'll have to stay tuned for further news. Let's just say there are lots of fabulous things going to happen.
The second big thing for this week is the decision I made out of nowhere on Thursday to start planning a holiday for this year. It took me all of about 5 minutes to decide where to go.
I've already picked up the passport application forms, finalised an itinerary, bought electrical appliance adaptors (America has weird arse power points ) and tentatively booked the flights . We're going to spend this weekend nailing down the final accommodation choices. Anyone want to do a meet up in Hawaii? Does anyone have any tips or recommendations? We're going to be there for almost two weeks. Im jumping up and down- Im so excited.
OK your turn - what's your favourite thing this week?
Wow what great things to have as a favourite thing friday....hope Hawaii is great for you ,you deserve it xx
I hate you!!! :-)))))
Love, love, love Hawaii! You will have such a great time. Years since I have been though. I remember loving Lahaina. Flying over the volcano in a helicopter is cool too. When are you going? I am soooooo jealous.
My kids have been begging me to go to Hawaii. When will you be there? If I win the lottery or someone buys one of my quilts for about $3000, I can definitely meet you there!
My daughter and son in law went to Hawaii last summer and had an absolute BLAST. So fun, she said. They brought back some beautiful photos.
You will have so much fun,.
Lucky you.....sounds like a fun holiday!
I'll meet you in Hawaii. I'm sure DH won't mind if I rob our savings account and leave him alone with the kids and dog for a couple of weeks. ☺ What an absolutely wonderful vacation you are planning! When are you going? Can't wait to hear all the details about that as well as the big celebration about to occur. Happy Saturday! ☺
Um, WE have normal plugs. YOU have weird ones. :P
As soon as you know dates, YOU TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Get it, TELL ME!!!
If there is any way I can swing it, I will so be there. I might even convince hubs. He's got academy until May but I'm not opposed to leaving his ass here.
Wow! Your holiday sounds amazing! Have a really great weekend, and thanks for hosting. :-)
Looks like it is going to be a great celebration for the 21st... and Hawaii !!?? I must say we've been looking there too as it looks lovely ( and I hear if you see George Cluny's film Descendants you'll be sold on Hawaii). Will be eager to hear about your plans.
Oh, wow, what a fabulous trip it will be! Can't wait to hear about your itinerary/plans and what areas you will visit! and, uh, we think the same way about your weird arse electrical plugs ;-) haha!
Very nice!! I am not a good planner so these sorts of things don't seem to happen. You can plan mine for me. When? When? When are you going?? That sounds fabulous .. though I've never been. any chance you'll swing by California on your way to or from Hawaii?
Wow! Good for you. Planning holidays is fun. Other than that I tend not to in my private life, although I'm great at it in work!
It's Friday morning here, you are right on time!
Happy birthday Miss P!!
Hawaii! One of my all time favorite places. We are planning to head back in 2014 when I am having a big birthday myself :) We went a couple times pre-kids, and even also used the same Lonely Planet book. Which island are you going to? WE have been to Oahu, Maui and Kauai....loved them all, such different "vibes." Loved hiking the A Pali Coast in Kauai, the road to Hana in Maui is gorgeous, with a beautiful black sand beach and an even better Red Sand Beach in this gorgeous secluded cove...a short hike there and you wonder if you are on the right path as it is unmarked, but so worth it as it is rather private and secluded, absolutely stunning, and it is actually a popular nudist beach, lol! On Oahu we took surfing lessons on the North Shore and that was a blast, and snorkeling at Hanauma Bay was excellent. You are going to have sooo much fun!!
I have to agree with the other Kate, our plugs our normal, the ones in Australia are weird.
Sounds like a great holiday plan. Hawaii is on our vacation bucket list too, but probably not this year. Though My Guy and Drama Teen are going on a vacation without me, if the timings right, maybe I can sneak in my own trip?
Well, the big birthday looks to involve lots of Pink!
I've been to Hawaii twice (well, the first time I stayed 2 months with family friends helping to watch the kids). You have to decide which island, of course. Oahu has Honolulu which is a very big city so think crowded streets and lots of traffic in town, entertainment, restaurants, etc, but plenty of open country the rest of that small island. Second time we went to Maui, DH and me. Loved Maui! Tons and tons of resorts and plenty of boating, golfing, snorkeling, pool time, etc. Takes a short while to drive from the airport to the main resorts on the other side of the island (hour or two?). Brother went to the Big Island with a friend and did lots of hiking on the mountains (Hawaii has those black sand beaches). Other brother went to Kauai on honeymoon and did a lot of relaxing on the beach.
me wanna go wif u. me wanna go to hawaii. me u'r best friend. me wanna go.
I saw that on facebook! Congrats! I love planning trips away, but it's usually a roadtirip to a BnS, and you don't need adapters for that, just lots of booze. Make sure you stock up on duty free!
I really hope to go to Hawaii some day - for now I'll just live through you! I'm so excited to hear that you and your hubby are getting away. Two weeks will be just perfect. I'm really happy for you!
Can't wait to hear all about the birthday surprises!!!
Wow you have had an exciting week no wonder you were late. Hope the 2 celebrations go without a hitch and the planning for the big Holiday gets finalised. I won't be planning an overseas anything until the kids are well and truly grown, planning for queensland was bad enough lol, sometimes living with Drama Queens can be a real drag.
Hawaii??? how exciting!!! Can you pack me in your suitcase? Enjoy your party and holiday plotting and scheming!
Wonderful Favourites Shay! Hawaii! wow! Should be amazing. From the looks of things some one special is going to have an awesome birthday.
Now a vacation in Hawaii is something
to get excited about planning. I've never been, but thought it would be top on my list if I ever decided to travel. (There and Australia)
Wow, do you think you could swing by and pick me up? I've never been to Hawaii either!
There was a big long article about who will live longer and the organizer, the detail person came out as those who live longer - that's you, Shay. Ah Hawaii!- been there 4 times and love it. We go to visit neighbors who were here in the states for 15 years. She's Australian (from Melbourne) and he's from San Francisco - a wonderful couple.
You're gonna have fun!
Hawaii!!! You lucky girl!!! I'm so jealous!
Will you do planning for hire? Because I seriously lack in the planning department.
Hawaii!! Are you serious?! You don't mess around, do you?
Hawaii!! I've never been but I can imagine you wearing flowery lays and drinking cocktails on the beach. That sounds fantastic!!
Hawaii? Get out of town. Wait. That's what you plan to do. That is so exciting. And I really wish I could meet up with you there.
xo -E
Never been to Hawaii, but I have heard many times how amazing it is right now. I have a friend living there for the winter, and he's always annoying me with e-mails about how everything people have told me about it is true. Good luck with your trip!
I'd certainly do a meet-up in Hawaii if I could!!!! I just got a new job. No vacation time for a year.
Woo hoo Hawaii lucky you.
WHAT??? I go away for a 4 day quilt retreat and I come back and you're heading to Hawaii?? Holy cow girl! LOL GOOD FOR YOU!! When are you going? Are you SURE you don't want to just fly into Iowa...the good 'ol corn state of the US? :o)
If you are going to be there for 2 whole weeks, save up some extra cash and go island hopping. The islands are small compared to the one you live on, the flights from one island to the others are cheap, and each island will give you something different to do. Ask the locals where good places are to eat, they usually aren't where all the tourists eat. Also the locals can give you some cool places to go and see too that you might otherwise miss. My husband graduated highschool there, I have been pre kids, and then again when the kids were 1.5 and 3.5 . It has been a while but it was fun. I hope to see lots of pictures!!!
What's wrong with our plugs, everytime I plug in something it works just fine!
Lucky you Hawaii is beautiful! Happy Birthday to the 'grown up' in the family ;-)
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