Welcome to Friday! I'm so unbelievably happy it's arrived. When you go back to work they don't let you have an afternoon siesta at 3.00pm ( I asked) and they expect you to concentrate on things for longer than 15 minutes at a time. It's been a busy week and I'm looking forward to the weekend.
I have never been one for video or computer games. I'm not really good at them. When I was a kid the closest thing we had to a video game was Ping Pong Tennis and my coordination was always off. In Mario Karts I spend most of my time reversing out of walls, fences and off grass. Crash Bandicoot and I never really bonded. I get bored with games really quickly because I'm hopeless at them.
As soon as I got my I pad I started downloading game apps like a crazy woman. I discovered that maturity has not helped my coordination or my ability to concentrate on games one little bit. One by one, usually after about 10 minutes of hilariously bad game play, I get rid of them.
With one notable exception. I'm completely addicted to Bakery Story. I've been playing it daily for months.
My Bakery |
For the uninitiated, Bakery Story is a game where you build your own bakery by cooking and preparing cakes, pies, breads, and drinks. The more stuff you bake the more things you can buy for your bakery such as tables and chairs, ovens , candy makers , and donut makers and the more customers you can serve. You can swap parts and baked goods with "neighbours" (other people who play the game ) to build special appliances as well. In my pretend world I am a master baker.
And just like in real life baking you can stuff it up and your food can go mouldy and manky. But it's OK because you can throw it in the trash and nobody will ever know.
Virtual baking is my favourite thing this week. It's a lot less stressful than the real deal! My cakes always rise, my cookies don't look like Chinese throwing stars and decorating cupcakes is a breeze. They always look perfect.
What's your Favourite thing this week?
All the above being said I baked a vanilla and chocolate zebra cake with chocolate cream cheese frosting this week that actually turned out . I was doing the happy dance I tell you .
Mmm, cake.... I am the ruler of a small town on the Fire. Thank goodness Bakery Story doesn't appear to be available, otherwise I'd never put the Fire down.
hmmm, different kind of linky but I linked for Favorite Things and now I can't find ANY of the links.....???....
I don't play the games so I don't know about Bakery Shop...it sounds good, tho.:)
I would be doing the happy dance if I baked that cake too! Gorgeous and delicious too, I'll bet!
Your zebra cake looks awesome! For a girl who hates baking, you sure talk/play/think about it alot, lol!! Bummer the lotto did not come through and you had to go back to the job....I just got home from holidays, and am already dreading Monday! BUT just paid for my pile of Flea Market Fancy preorder, so off to work I will go!
You cake looks awesome... Kiddo's birthday party is coming up and I have taken a daring decision to make his cake! Wish me luck! He wants a Nemo cake! I'm glad to be back and join the FTF series! :)
You make me giggle! Surely you are the only person doing virtual baking! That cake looks YUMMY, though!
Hey that cake looks pretty good to me. Had to laugh when I saw this post squid has just downloaded this and a couple of other similar apps to her iPod.
That cake looks soooo yummy!
Shay -I have just awarded you the Versatile Award on my blog at http://marciascraftysewing.blogspot.com/2012/02/double-surprises-versatile-blogger.html
Gbf used to play a game about selling lemonade which I thought was cute but now he plays shoot em up or zombie games. I play this game called Etsy where you browse and put things in a cart then pay with this magic money called paypal. I'm quite good at it. Your Bakery game sounds like fun, and that Zebra cake is out of this world!! Did it taste as good as it looks!!
LOL! and thats all!
I love that stripy zebra cake, how awesome is that! Bugger the virtual bakery you do just fine :-)
That cake looks delicious!
Like you games usually bore me very quickly, but your Bakery sounds like a lot of fun.
Enjoy your weekend.
Are we related? I don't do 'puter games either, and you know I can't bake! But this bakery thing sounds like FUN!
funny - the bakery game sounds great - but i can't sign up to that - MORE time on the computer??
The zebra cake looks yummy.
I gave up on vidoe games many years ago. I'm absolutely hopeless on them! Solitare was about the only computer game I was able to master! Virtual baking looks like fun, plus no dishes to do afterwards.
oh cake! yummy!
That zebra cake looks luscious. How'd you do that?
Pretty cake! I was never good at any of those games either--when Atari first came out I didn't even have a TV so never got in at the beginning and after that, no one wants to teach you! I stunk even at PacMan on pinball machines. Your pretend bakery looks the bomb and I'm sure you're a terrific employer.
That cake looks yummy! Is it real or virtual? :))
I'm back after a long hiatus from FTF but I have a great post today! Thanks, Shay, for this opportunity to post about positive things in our lives.
I take pride in my skills with Tetris from my teenage years. I am fairly hooked on Gardens of Time on Facebook at the moment as well.
Ha ha ha! I'm laughing at you because your subconcious is so mad about not being the best baker in the world that it forces you to be an awesome virtual baker!!!
(I think all of your sweets in real life look delicious, though.)
This is great!
I am so not a video gamester, but I'm sure there's one out there I would feel akin to playing, were I to explore. And there would go all my free time, I'm sure (which is why I haven't joined Facebook or Pinterest...yet). I'm glad you are enjoying your virtual bakery, but your real stuff looks fabulous to me. Shh...don't tell anyone but I caved in and baked something again today--the second time in a month--and I feel awfully guilty for it. So here I am confessing. Pumpkin chocolate chip muffins. I even cut the sugar way back and used honey instead, but still...not really on the healthy eating plan. Oh, so good though. I made a special one in a little Pyrex bowl just for me and it was huge but I ate the whole damn thing. I was on a carb high for quite a while. Now I'm crashing and want to tear into the rest of them...which I have chucked into the garage (where it's cold) so they are at least out of sight. Unfortunately, not out of mind.
Are you kidding it's taken me all this time to learn to blog and upload photos....glad it makes you happy though. Your zebra cake looks amazing. I think your baking skills are pretty spot on.
That zebra cake looks delicious! Is there any left? I'll be right over.
Also, your little bakery people are so cute!
I don't like video games either. My kids & husband are addicted. Certain kinds make me motion sick and in general, they suck time in to a black hole, never to be retrieved. I have too many quilts to make. So, for future reference, I'm going to avoid Bakery Story.
xo -E
That's one yummy looking cake, and pretty to boot!
It's outrageous that you are not allowed to have an afternoon siesta at work. That's just not on.
Your zebra cake looks fabulous, all that virtual baking must be paying off!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, let's be honest. Was that really your cake? or was it a photo taken from the net? Come on sweetie, don't be shy? Just tell mommy everything... it's okay. You can pretend that you made it to your readers. Okay sweetie, and what site did you download it from?
That tiger cakes looks pretty darn good...I'd be happy dancing too...while cramming in a slice or three...yum!...
Since this cold I'm just now seeing the end of has been kicking my butt all week, I missed FTF. But mine for next week is also a game! Gosh, they're fun, and just what I need to piss away more time. :-) Great favorite thing!
I play bubble breaker for android. Well. I say "play" - I've been stuck at level 62 for about a month now. Maybe time to give up?
If it doesn't smell nice when cooking and taste like chocolate (or something equally as lush) then it just isn't right!! That being said I am so crap at Mario Kart that the girls try to take pity on me and guide me through the course by shouting 'Go left', 'Watch out for...' etc and that makes it ever more nervewracking.
I play bridge or Bejeweled. I think it keeps my mind going strong. Well stronger.
Chocolate cake of any kind is my love. That one looks really yummy.
Sorry I missed the Friday Favs again. Geez, I gotta get to the computer more.
Ooh! Your zebra cake looks fabulous! ☺ I'm afraid to download any games. The last one I started playing (Quilting Time), I accomplished absolutely nothing else. Those games are as addictive as chocolate. ☺ Happy Thursday!
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