Welcome to a very special Friday for me this week. It's special because I went back to working full time in March for 6 months. As of today I finally have my Friday's off again. I love my Friday's off...I'm planning to potter and sew and spend time on the computer and possibly do some housework without the pressure of having only the weekend to get all the essential things done.
On to Favourite Things Friday for this week. Feel free to join us . All you have to do is write a post about something you love and link it on up to this one. It's like one big love in where we all wander over to your place and have a look at something that is meaningful to you. It can be an object , a thought , something that happened to you , or a place. There aren't many "rules" at all. So feel free to link up and tell us all about one of your favourites.
I think it's been well established that I am a planner. Holidays are no exception. I like the anticipation of deciding where and when we'll be going on a big holiday. I love researching what we'll do when we get there , booking somewhere to stay and working out all the finer details. Often I'll plan all that stuff months and months in advance. I love going on holidays and for me a lot of the pleasure comes from the planning.
Our last "holiday" was in July 2009. We went to Darwin to await Little P's arrival since that's where Miss P was living at the time. Little P inherited Miss P's lazy gene and decided to arrive a full two weeks late so I ended up staying in Darwin for three weeks. While it was nice to be away it was less a holiday and more a thrilling nail biting time counting down the minutes until Miss P went into labour. Everything had to be really flexible just in case.
Dinner at Yots. My Favourite Restaurant in Darwin.
The exact moment I fell wildly hopelessly in love with Little P. |
The year before that I went to Darwin to visit my sister for three weeks. That was a holiday. There were a lot of cocktails involved. Which is probably what led to me thinking this was the coolest idea I'd ever had.
It washed off after a week. But I thought I was a complete bad arse while it lasted. |
Me at Mindil Markets stuffing my face
In 2006 I went a little crazy and organised a holiday for Mr. P and I on the spur of the moment. Two weeks later we were in Surfer's Paradise. Just the two of us.
This photo makes me the envy of every kid I work with . I've canoodled with Wags the Dog. |
In 2003 just before Miss P started high school we went on a theme park holiday.
Me in the Big Brother house . I am a serious BB tragic. |
Miss P (looking a LOT younger ) hamming it with Fred and Wilma. |
This trip down memory lane does have a purpose. This week I booked tickets for my next holiday. I leave in just under 5 weeks and I'm heading here to spend time with Little Miss Sunshine and to see her part of the country.
I suspect there will be a lot of these in my holiday future....
To say I'm excited is the understatement of the century. So my favourite thing this week is looking forward to my holiday and spending time with one of my best friends.
What's your Favourite this week?
Just did a FTF post Shay. Hmm..... holidays sound good. Maybe that's what I need. A holiday!
I too love holidays - short or long. I love to have something to look forward too, so I am a big planner also. Coming up at my house - 2 trips to the condo (weekends), a trip to Arizona for my grandma's b-day/family reunion and then in December a trip to Missouri to see my daughter and her family, including the fantastic grandchildren that she thoughtlessly moved across the country!
Fridays off? I'm so envious! You AND my twin sister. I took today (Thursday) off. I woke up feeling like doo-doo, and after having worked all weekend, I just couldn't see why I should force myself to go to work. I didn't sew, though. I slept, I made some soup in the crockpot, I paid bills and did groceries and drank LOTS of tea. I have a feeling I'm not going to feel all that much better tomorrow, but unfortunately, tomorrow is much busier at work, so it would be irresponsible of me to stay home again. Enjoy your Friday!
love your favorite -- holidays are so fun! I, however, am not much of a planner. I am an "I'll show up, you tell me what to do" kind of person. so when I come to Australia, you can plan the whole thing.
Now that is something to look forward to.... is part of the planning getting in training for cocktail hour? Holidays are the best. I usually have the boys in tow and hubby stays at home so not much of a holiday but as you know I am off to see Meatloaf in Sydney in October WITHOUT the kids or hubby.....Now that is a holiday! :-)
Oh, that sounds fantastic! Have an amazing holiday! I am heading to Sewing Summit with my BFF from Toronto in just a few more weeks, and I must say I am excited about that as well. Something to look forward to!!
I love your vacation...er, holiday...photos! Dare I ask what's up with the blue shades whilst falling in love with Little P?
I so need a real vacation. I gotta stop fixing up the house first though.
Have a wonderful time on your upcoming trip!
Hey what day are you leaving and what times your flight we leave in 5 weeks.
I may not pick you up from the airport after you posted that photo of me!
Great FTF Shay!Love all your pics especially the intro to little P in the sunnies...best they know what they are getting straight up I reckon. LOL!
I cannot believe you will be and 1 and half away from where I live and guess what I will be four hours south on holidays!!!!!
I'm sure you and Marg will have a ball.
Love holidays. Not that we have had many (any) outside the country since the two mini monsters joined our family. Great FTF!
I forgot it was Tuesday and didn't do Quiltstory. Now I forgot it was Friday and don't have a FTF post yet. This getting back into routine thing is killing my schedule!!
Hope you are having a good time sewing, or are you just looking at holiday brouchures and smiling?
Oh dear oh dear - do we forsee table dancing and police cells in your future????
Enjoy having your firdays off again - its lovely not working full time isn't it? Or not at all in my case at the moment...
I love that you call them 'holidays' ☺ My favorite snap is of you and Little P. Definitely a memorable holiday.
Fantastic favourite! Congratulations on gaining your Fridays. I'm jealous you're going to Little Miss Sunshine's. Wish I was with y'all.
Holidays are fabulous. I haven't had one in a while - must plan something for when my contract expires.
Enjoy looking forward to time in the sun with Little Miss Sunshine.
Look out Queensland! Lucky you for getting to spend time with your bestie! x
When Kiddo was 5, she'd have wrestled you for a chance to have her photo taken with Wags (You'd probably have won, but she would have put up one heck of a fight).
Holidays are always such fun. I hate planning them, but I sure enjoy them once we're there. Sounds like you'll get lots of needed R&R on yours.
not a planner for holidays. I plan all the things that must be done before I do holiday.
I am a just get there and see type. doesn't sound too much like me I know, but that's what I do.
Love the specs by the way. So you!
Oh, Shay - I love this! Thanks for taking us on your holidays.
There for a second I thought Mr P was into that role-playing thing where people dress up as animals....
I love, love, love that pic of you holding Little P!
You are going to have such fun with Marg! From what I've seen of her neck of the woods, the next plane ticket you buy might be a one-way! (and include Mr. P of course).
enjoy your Fridays, my dear!!! you deserve them!
Love the "tat"! I had a henna tattoo once that lasted about 4 days. I felt everyone was looking at me like I was some sort of slut!
Have a great hols with Marg - I'd love to be a fly on the wall!
Fridays off?! Awesome!!!!!!
I want to go on vacation!!!
Fun pics! Someday I hope to go on a big holiday too. There's a huge problem with that called my husband--he can't detach from work and is afraid to fly. I guess I'll have to faff about Europe on my own. Once I win the lottery, that is.
Holidays are fun. We always try to make them big even when we say close to home. A little travel down memory lane can be a lot of fun too.
yay for holidays!
Hope you've had a great Friday off Shay - holidays are the best! ;0)
I loved all of your photos!! Especially the one with you and baby P, those blue glasses are cool! Boy oh boy, you and Marg are going to have so much fun!!
Rainbow cocktails, woo hoo! In my last job before I retired (yay!) I worked four days and had Monday off........that was good. Enjoy your next holiday!
As always, I'm late to the party. It wasn't even Friday anymore by the time I finished my post. I love technology. I fudged on the time so it looks like I posted on Friday.
Anyway, first, congrats on getting your Fridays back! That is about eight kinds of awesome.
Second, so glad you're getting a holiday! We haven't been on holiday since 2008. We decided on a Tuesday to go to Disney World in Florida (clear on the other side of the country, about as far away as you can get from where we are and still be in the states) and Wednesday we were on a plane. There was no planning whatsoever involved. That's they way Mr. Bug rolls, and I like it sometimes.
However, I completely agree that the planning and organizing and the anticipation of a trip to somewhere fun is all part of the fun. I like having something fun to look forward to.
Wish I could come on holiday with you.
xo -E
Did you say a trip....that sounds like a winner to me... have a great time. This is what I need..... to go and get away. I got a laugh out of megs comment Trish
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