Sunday, May 02, 2010

Laundry-Less in Adelaide and Other Catastrophes

Actually it's just the one catastrophe. I haven't got laundry pics to show you because we are waiting for the grout to dry (for 72 hours do you mind?  We can put men on the moon but nobody has invented a grout that doesn't take 72 hours to dry? Someone needs to get on this immediately because I'm doing a kitchen reno shortly  which includes more tiling ) before we can move everything back in there. Mr. P is insistent we I am waiting... grudgingly. I'll post pictures if the  grout  ever dries.  

 My contribution to the laundry project aside from concept/design/nagging and spray painting our laundry hamper  was this hooky thing to hang my laundry basket on. Hooky thing is it's technical name.

So today I decided to visit my sewing room. Thank goodness I left a trail of salt and vinegar chips when I came out of there last time or I might never have found my way back. I finished quilting and binding Little P's quilt (If I EVER mention again that I think doing another chenille quilt is a good idea can someone please slap me in the side of my head and remind me how many frustrated tears I shed doing this one) But I finished it, 9 months late - but less than the predicated time frame of Little P's high school graduation.

And I finished the back for another  quilt, which I'll show off when it's totally  finished. I'm considering hand binding that one....Does anyone else  hate binding as much as I do?   (Confession: I once used a quilt for 2 years before I got round to binding it ...I only did the binding in the end  because it needed to be washed and I was afraid it would unravel in the wash  if I didn't. )

Another  bright spot for today was finding out that Lindsay from Dinosaurs! And Other Unemployment Adventures (how cool is that blog  title ?) has graced me with this award.

Thanks Lindsay. You are THE shit. (You'll have to go to Lindsay's to see what that means -All the cool  kids are saying it )

Lastly, I wanted to introduce you to Clare's Craftroom. A few weeks ago , Clare visited QIMP  and left a comment so I moseyed on over to her blog  to have  a squizz. Remember how I couldn't get my Nanna's sewing machine to work? Clare had a picture of  a similar  machine on her blog so I emailed  to ask if she could tell me how to thread it. Clare generously offered to send me instructions,  ...and she also sent me some fabric, matching  ric rac and buttons, just because she is an awesomely nice person. Thank you Clare. It was so cool expecting paper and having other really sweet  stuff fall out of the envelope. Now maybe I can get that sewing machine to work. (If I have two working sewing machines does that make me a serious quilter?)

I am going to try and spend some time sewing this week,  instead of sitting on my derriere reading all of your wonderfully exciting blogs. Every single one of you is like that kid in class who distracted me when I was trying so hard to be good.  I see you blogging and can't help but wander on over for a sticky beak. Then I see how interesting you are and I'm distracted for hours.   So if you could all arrange to have a boring week so I don't miss too much that would be super. And if anything exciting does happen please email me....


Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs. P. What a beautiful quilt you made littlep. I'll bet she's going to love the texture. Congrats on the award and thanks for the blog referrals. I just noticed your reading list for the first time. That's a great idea. I love Evanovich, too.

Paulette said...

That's a very cute, soft and comfy looking chenille quilt! Binding isn't my favorite thing to do, but it's better than basting, which is at the bottom of the list. Congrats on the award!

Anonymous said...

I'm new to your blog but really enjoy it. I have become a follower.

Lucky Punk said...

Your quilt is beautiful - I especially love the bright blue flower in the middle.

Marg said...

Love the quilt, it was well worth all that angst.
I enjoy doing the binding, much better than basting and much much better than trying to find fabric for sashing that matches the idea in my head!!!!!!!!!!!!
Boring - I can do.

Shevvy said...

The quilt looks lovely and touchy feeling. Little p will enjoy it I'm sure.
I don't mind binding at all, its machine sewing all the way for me! But basting, yuck, there isn't any way around that horribleness!

Cynthia L. said...

Mrs. P, Congrats. on the award. You are becoming that popular kid we all wished we could be!!

I think the quilt for little P is wonderful. I agree with Shevvy, I am sure he will love touching it and being snuggled up in it.

I have one table runner basted and was supposed to finish the other today - instead I worked in the garden, read the newspaper, wandered around the house acting like I was doing something and drank a glass of wine! Oh well, Mother's Day isn't until Sunday!!

By the way - I completely understood Hooky Thing - those are the types of words I use to describe projects I work on.

Michelle said...

The quilt is beautiful! So perhaps that is some compensation for the frustration?

72 hours for grout to dry? Is this floor grout? Mine says 24 hours.

Brenda said...

Love the laundry hooky-thing and the quilt is gorgeous. I have never tried chenille and maybe it's a good thing.

Mistea said...

The quilt is gorgeous and the tears will soon be forgotten when LittleP is snuggled up all warm on these cool nights.
Hope you have fun in the sewing room - we'll still be here when you get back.

Elizabeth said...

Waiting is highly over-rated. But since you hate to live with Mr. P, I'd suggest you ignore me and let the grout dry. Sorry the laundry isn't finished! I always get a good laugh out of your posts and I promise to have very boring week.