I'm time poor at the moment so I'm rolling my review for Quarter 3 and goals for Quarter 4 into one post because I'm nothing if not practical.(and considerate - this means you only have to read one post and I've even chucked in a bit of a fairy tale at the end which addresses the mythical finishes I'm hoping to achieve by the end of the next quarter)
Frankly, I'm kind of horrified that it's October already. Before any of us know it we'll be butt deep in the C word that I can't bring myself to say just yet. (a hint just in case you think I was using thinly veiled profanity: present shopping , and the imminent arrival of fat guy in a red suit) Anyone who actually uses the C word out loud before November 1st should be publicly flogged in the town square as a deterrent to others who may be trying to get into the C*******s spirit way too early.
My performance on the "getting my goals completed" this quarter was somewhat dismal. It's not that I didn't sew - I did - a lot. Just not on very much that I had actually originally planned to finish. I was seriously affected by "Oh Shiny! " syndrome and kept allowing myself to be distracted by just about anything else that popped into my mind.
Finishes first ( don't blink or you'll miss it )
My Seville Quilt (featured on the Aurifil Facebook Page and pinned on Pinterest - too bloody right I'm being a big head about that) a vision of loveliness and my first ever meandering attempt. I've spent every night since I finished this snuggled up under it. Definitely in the running for my favourite quilt of 2014.
Re-do Cushion Cover- finished at practically the 11th hour but finished none the less!
Partial wins but no cigar
Moroccan Tile Quilt- all the blocks are kind of ,sort of together but I ran into a wee snag with sewing the rows together ...so I'm taking my time and not rushing it. Like fine wine, this quilt will get better with age. I really like it so I want to do it properly so I can look at it in later years and still marvel that " I did that"
Abject Fails
Holiday Happy quilt - enough said. Didn't even take it out of the box!
Other stuff I got distracted by that unfortunately wasn't on the list.
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Joseph's Quilt of Many Colours , Picnic Parade Donation Quilt, Irish Chain Donation Quilt, Postage Stamp Donation Quilt and Lee-anne's Baby quilt. |

Moroccan tile quilt- I will vanquish curves and sew them in the right places to the rectangle blocks ! (not a full inch below where they are supposed to line up)
Holiday Happy-I swear I'm going to finish it even if I get nothing else done. I hate working with black fabric and from memory that's where I last touched this poor neglected quilt two years ago....(or more - its been so long I can't recall)
And my new project for this quarter - The Charming Stars quilt. I've had this on my list to do for about three years and its time it was off the list and translated into reality. Fabrics picked and ready to go!
Thats it for me...Three at this time of year is well and truly enough! If you want to see all the other very clever people and their goals for the last quarter of 2014 you can have a squizz here.
Well deserved bragging on the Seville Quilt, it is absolutely fabulous. And you may not have had those other things on the finish horizon but you've certainly had a productive quarter, that's a whole lot of finishes going on there, well done.
The amount of "C" stuff already in the two major supermarkets and their variety/department store counterparts the last couple of weeks is way too much way too early.
And whoever stole August and September I want them back - now!
Go Shay, charming stars is a gorgous quilt, the rest will wait ; )
Love your Seville quilt and your cushion. You have done heaps this month. Love the bliss fabric too. It will look great in the Charming Stars quilt.Hugs....
Surely the Seville Quilt is worth about 10 finishes. I bet your Bunting Cushion gets pinned too! You're already on your way with Q4, you've already written your list, and Morrocan Tiles is half finished.. Charming Stars is going to look so pretty in Bliss!! I'm not even thinking about C... for another month.
Wow so many finishes, bummer you didn't put them on your list of finishes. I love your Seville quilt, the amount of time it took you to appliqué all the peels was worth every minute of it.
Bliss is a great choice for Charming Stars.
I don't want to hear or see anything to do with the C word either.
Your Seville quilt is gorgeous! Congrats on the other finishes and part finishes, too.
Please don't send me for flogging but I have bought C******** presents this week.
I have joined a Charmed Stars sew along, I am using civil war charms left over from other projects.
I don't even want to use the "C" word after November. Time is spinning so fast, but my top is running down still the same.....soon to just lay on it's side.
Seville quilt, how I love you!! Such a drool-worthy finish. You look very productive to me! Best of luck with your Q4 fairy tales ;)
The Seville Quilt is beautiful. I think you did just great with your finishes.
Me, well I haven't even started the quilt for my room yet. Must get started on that very soon.
God bless.
I love the Seville quilt and I'm not surprised it was pinned . You've had a tremendous quarter( even if they weren't on the list) and 3 quilts doesn't sound too much even with C******s coming up fast
Once again I am exhausted by your achievements.
Your Seville quilt is awesome, Shay! Great job on the quilting. You have made progress and some amazing things. Congrats!
Fabulous that others recognized your wonderful work on the Seville quilt too! Had to laugh at the 'oh shiny!' syndrome. It's really so much fun to flitter about project to project.:)
Congrats on all the recognition for your Seville Quilt. It's a gorgeous quilt.
Good luck on your goals for this quarter. Even if you don't get all the way there, progress still counts for something.
Your seville quilt is amazing, and snuggling under it everyday would be all sorts of amazing too! Enjoy it while the evenings are still cool enough.
Love all your 'oh shiny' projects they came together beautifully.
New shinies to play with along with a vintage, that combination is perfect.
You deserve a brag about your Seville quilt, that's awesome to be recognized Ms Shay !
Och, 2 finishes is better than nothing. No idea how many I've done, not checked my list yet!
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