Super E came for a sleepover on Friday so parts of my weekend have been focussed on 5 year old fun. Despite not having played the Wii at our house before he could reel off every game we have in our arsenal. He also told me that he can only play games with a "G" on the cover and promptly hounded me to play Mario Karts with him. When he got tired of kicking my sorry butt ( Video games are so not my forte and I spent the majority of my time trying to extricate myself from walls while being hit by lightning bolts and falling into burning lava) he chilled out with Grandpa who is a video game champion. I assert that little boys never really grow up to be men as evidenced by the concentration on my husbands face in this picture. I also had to mutter "tone it down " to Mr. P fairly frequently when he was going all out and trying to come first in every race - sometimes you have sacrifice your own personal Mario Kart victory to enhance a kids self esteem ...sheesh.
We answered the question of what happens when you hand a 5 year old the garden hose to water your agapanthus? A water fight ensued in the front garden to the utter astonishment of the neighbourhood (nobody in the Pyjamas clan is quiet when we're having fun) meaning that Super E and I both ended up having to change clothes and I blow dried my hair for the second time in a morning. What the hay - the water fight was the most fun I've had in a long time.
A quick trip to the fabric store to stock up on some fabrics for Miss Elizabeth occurred on Saturday with Super E tagging along and doing a pretty darn job of helping me pick out matching fabrics. He has quite the eye for colour matching as most of these were his choices.
I washed my postage stamp quilt this weekend in preparation for delivering all three of my donation quilts to the Mary Potter Foundation next week. Abject disaster struck when I bunged it in the dryer after washing totally forgetting that I had inserted 100% wool batting into this quilt. It came out 8 inches smaller on two sides and looking extremely antiquey...I'm renaming this Titanic because she struck disaster on her maiden washing. I furiously googled until my fingers were little nubs to see if there was a solution but apparently no cigar since I've chucked it in the dryer and I did wash it again ( as if somehow that would swell it back to the right size? ) and stretched the crud out of it like I was some kind of medieval torturer but this one is destined for the bin or as a very ugly dog blanket.
My nephew's wedding is fast approaching and this weekend was the traditional boys night prior to the wedding. My nephew elected to have it up river , and Mr. P went along. I received one text telling me they had arrived safely along with this accompanying picture. I don't want to know what else happened because I suspect it got fairly messy. I did facebook my other nephew this morning asking if my husband was alive and got the message back "Yes -unfortunately" so I suspect Mr. P may have been a ringleader of sorts in the hijinx department.
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This would be my nephew- in a dress and a girly hat - and this was well before any drinking started.... |
I had planned to sew and study today. This stack of papers needed to be looked at and bits and pieces committed in some form or other to memory for a presentation I'm giving this week.
Looking at that stack of papers gave me a headache and I decided to go clothes shopping because I have to have something pretty to wear to the wedding right? Clothes shopping revealed that I have been eating too many Krispy Kremes because not much I tried on made me look stunning but I settled on this little number with new dark blue nail polish to match.
Looks like you've been having fun - I too am no good at Mario Cart. I have since been dragged into Smurfs which I'm not too bad at. I even killed the fiery phoenix at the end of one level and was regarded as a minor hero for the rest of the day. 5 yr gullible. I have no helpful hints regarding the wool, sorry, I've never even used wool batting. But thanks for the heads up, if I ever do use it I will be sure not to put it in the drier. :(
What a fun weekend! I love the new outfit. My niece's engagement party is next weekend and I still have not decided what to wear. I desperately wish I had another week to sew because I would love to make a pieced skirt. (I feel the need to get my "funky" vibe on!)
Oh dear......Life's Little Lesson No. 398, do not put quilts with wool wadding in the dryer.......shame you had to learn the hard way! I've never been terribly good at computer games so can sympathise with Mr P, it's all about winning, isn't it? Have a nice time at the wedding!
So not a video game person either. The boys were kicking my butt at an early age as well.
Love the fabric colours.
God bless.
Bummer about the quilt. Maybe you could cut it up and make a cushion cover out of part of it. Or would that be too much of a reminder? Otherwise, let the dogs have it, I say. Looks like it might be comfy.
The new outfit looks fabulous. Are you sure Mr. P. didn't secretly abscond with one of your frocks for the party? Maybe they all had to show up in drag?
I suck at video games, the little I've tried to play them. The End.
I'd take the water fight over the video games any day! Bugger on not being able to rescue the quilt at all, I was hoping for some last minute miracle :o/
Shopping sounds marginally preferable to paperwork, and looks like you're going to have to keep your voice nice and LOUD when Mr P gets home ;o)
Ohmygod this is a mixed bag. I can't Mario Kart or do any other video games either. I have admiration for little P's color choices. The felted wool quilt should keep off the rain! Poor little postage stamps. Water fights are outlawed here. Heck, flushing the toilet is nearly a crime. Clothes shopping over presentation, check.
Hilarious nephew clothing. I can only imagine what other shenanigans occurred--fueled by alcohol no doubt!
I struggle to play games with my kids, cos I want to win also! Damn and tarnation about the quilt in the dryer, I have a couple of wool jumpers that suffered a similar fate after going through a hot machine wash :(
Nice outfit and fabric. How come my boys wont even get out of the car at the patchwork shop, yet your grandson not only attends, doesn't whinge but has a good eye for colour! Yep, he is a keeper!! What is it about Aussie men, drinking sessions and cross dressing??!
What fun grandparents Super E has! Love the "boy" photo playing together on the couch. Your wedding finery is gorgeous. Hope Mr P. is safe somewhere... you may have a paper headache but I suspect it won't be as brutal as Mr P. How horrible about your quilt:(
I am so sorry about your wool quilt! I just got in on massdrop for wool batting and now I'm regretting it... Must label quilts with wash and dry info! Love the water fight pic!
Love your blog! Don't get to read as often as I wish. I, too, have a young grandson (and granddaughter ages 4 and 3) that spent time at my house last week. They love climbing big piles of my quilts:)
Love the blue dress ( we are still waiting for pics of you in the pink one). Agree video games are a man/boy thing I was never any good either. Each to their own we will just hafta settle with being awesome quilters 😛
Nothing better than a water fight with a 5 year old.
Love the photo of the boys on the couch playing games! Lol at the water fight results, times like that are gold in the memory bank. Its so cool you got Super E to help pick fabric, he could get a job at the quilt shop with his fabric choosing skills. Bummer about your postage stamp quilt. It looks nice and scrunchy. I thought you might need a dog quilt since the last one had that creepy malting thing. Thats a hefty stack of paper, I hope you found a bit of time to go through it. Glamourous outfit!! I thought you bought a pink dress, or was that a different wedding?
Love the photo of you! You look as good wet as dry. Sounds like a great weekend, and you may never find out what happened at the stR do. Does Mr P even remember? Real shame about the quilt though. I've killed many a jumper by chucking it in the wash without thinking.
I'm exhausted reading about your weekend, when all I did was sit around various places, like my lounge!
Looks like fun was had by all. You'll need to invite Super E along next time you need fabric, those are cool choices.
Hope the information is where it needs to be when you need it.
well the dog (s) will look fabulous lounging on it .... I'm trying to think of something worse and well .... nothing comes to mind.
the only video game I can handle is wii bowling -- from the recliner!!!!
Looks like the water fight was really fun. Isn´t it just wonderful having a five year old around? And he sure has a good eye for fabric color. Way to go. Don´t worry about the postage stamp quilt. I think it still Looks cool in the Picture. My dog would love it and she doesn´t chew on things either :-P
Sounds like a fun weekend, other than the dryer disaster. I'm completely computer game illiterate, just ask DT. She can beat me at pretty much everything with her eyes closed.
Bummer about the quilt, I was crossing my fingers, that you would be able to rectify it. I'm sure the dogs will really appreciate another quilt.
A water fight would definitely be much more fun than Mario Kart. I'm glad driving in real life is not as hard as that, or I would be catching the bus instead.
Sounds like you had a blast!
Hey Shay!!!
Its been a while since I have left you a comment!!! I cannot believe it! Google Reader closed down and reading blogs became more "work" than fun!
Anyways, hope I'll be regular now!
You're looking smashing!!! And your grandson had grown up so much!!!
Love to everyone!
Cheers! And Happy Diwali!!!
Lots of love
Love the water fight picture!! Good fun. And sorry about the a Titanic disaster
Squid and I have totally different taste in colour at the moment so I don't think I'll be fabric shopping with her for a bit till she comes round to my way of thinking. The lure of the games is the same for both sexes in our house, though maestro is more obsessed than squid.
I do everything I can to get out of playing video games with my boys. Mostly I just say I don't know how to work the machine (kinda true). The outfit looks lovely. AP is looking much more feminine than I remember him!
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