Sunday, July 01, 2012

Call me "Domestic Goddess"

This weekend I finally saw the bottom of my dirty laundry hamper. I consider this to be one of my most successful achievements for the week. When you get to Friday and have to wear a dress to work because you don't have any clean/ironed jeans left it's definitely time to crank up the washing machine. Especially when you own 20 pairs of jeans. 

I also undertook any number of other boring, mundane but necessary chores this weekend,  like dusting cobwebs from my ceiling cornices because it was starting to look like I was getting in with some early Halloween decorating here. I washed cushion covers, and dusted skirting boards and cleaned blinds and moved furniture to vacuum. I feel so virtuous! 

In truth I cleaned properly for the first time in so long Im embarrassed to publicly put a time frame on it. But I'm full of ulterior motives.  

Little Miss Sunshine bought something recently that I thought was frankly the best invention ever and within days I had rushed off to buy one for myself. 

But since my house was such a filth pit, Sadie was having trouble picking up the three inches of dog hair masquerading as shag pile carpet  as she scooted round the house vacuuming her little heart out. Bless her. This is as close to a maid as I'm ever going to get. Now that the house is clean I'll be cracking the whip and expecting her to be earning her keep while I'm out working.

You may recall the coffee sack cushion I made in February. (by the way that chair is still waiting to be re-upholstered- just the thought of doing it scares me)  In my cushion cover washing frenzy this weekend I discovered what an awesome job my washing machine does.  Ummmm yeah - where did the writing go? Now it's just a plain Hessian cushion which isn't half as trendy as having a coffee sack cushion.

I decided to play round in the kitchen today to get rid of some stuff we had lurking in both the fridge and the freezer. I'm on a waste not want not kick at the moment.

Scrambled eggs (It was supposed to be an omelette but it kind of got stuck to the bottom of the pan )

Broccoli and Potato soup 

Lamb Rogan Josh 

Lemon and vanilla coconut cake. 

Not one skerrick of sewing has been done for a week. There I said it out loud. Kick me out of the crafty club. I may just get to it this week. If my machine decides to play nice. 


Three Birds Inspired said...

I bow to you! This morning, however, before anyone else was out of bed I shucked a dozen ears of corn, cleaned the kitchen, painted the trim around the back door, watered the plants and trimmed back the tomato plant. I will be sitting on my bum for the rest of the day...with or without a cold beverage remains to be seen!

Canadian Abroad said...

No way are you getting kicked out of the crafty club because then I wouldn't be able to come round for a slice of that cake. It looks incredible. Now get your needle and thread out and hand stitch that cushion - or send it to me and I will do it for you.

Jackie's Stitches said...

You're most definitely in the crafty club! Isn't the #1 crafty club rule to neglect all that virtuous housecleaning until all your clothes are dirty and you can actually see cobwebs?

Anonymous said...

I agree with Susan - that cake makes my mouth water!

AnnieO said...

Your poor cushion! How disappointing, but you know what it said so maybe you can paint it back on :) My cleaning mojo is almost always on simmer so revving it up only happens when things get bad. Luckily hubby mostly does the laundry and dishes and taking the garbage out. Your vacuum is cool. My dog would be terrified of it!

That soup looks delish...

Katy Cameron said...

Well bugger on the over-efficient washing machine, I always knew that cleaning lark was a bad idea...

Kate said...

Look at this way, now that you've done the deep clean, it shouldn't get in the way of any sewing you want to do for quite a while.

Rachaeldaisy said...

I'm encouraged to clean because of my robot vacuum too, I figure he's doing his bit I should do mine.. That cake looks delicious!! Bummer about the coffee cushion, as hessian sack cushions go yours is very nice!

Marg said...

See cleaning isn't always good, poor cushion, that's a real bummer.
The pics of all that mouth wateringly yummy goodness have me craving curry and cake now!

Jennifer said...

You don't iron jeans, do you? Never! Nice to see you being virtuous instead of slack for a change.

Karen said...

Most of your lurking creations are round :D now I am hungry

Kris said...

You are such a good cook! Your stuff looks delicious. Well, I haven't sewed for about three weeks (my membership has well and truly been revoked). Stressful times here at the moment.

thea said...

I've been so worried about the quilt police I didn't know about the crafty police. I'm in big trouble ... looks like you made some great food this weekend. I couldn't lift a finger to do anything this weekend ... I was being lazy as can be. Love Sadie .. nice to have some help.

Helsie said...

Gosh all that domestic stuff and it's not even Spring!
I'm working my way around my very dirty house room by room. I've even made a list and funnily enough I've done all the small rooms first !! Window tracks ( YUK YUK YUK ) moving furniture, skirting boards, shutters, venetian blinds (YUK YUK YUK )washing ornaments .. the lot!
The worst thing is it will all need redoing when I get to the end.

Mistea said...

Looks like you and Sadie achieved a lot this weekend. Even crafty people need to be presentable in public.
Must get back to the laundry!
Enjoy your clean house.

Sue SA said...

Cleaning when necessary is something I can relate too! However l cannot leave it or the washing as long as l use too now l have kids, because it happens twice as fast! I must be living in la la land, do you have a vac that runs itself?! I am going to have to google that. Now everything is clean and cooked you can sew every weekend without guilt for another three months!

ThreeOldKeys said...

Hey Goddess ...

I'm still burning over your "I hate you" comment, so here's my opportunity to hate you right back. First, some questions about Sadie:

Does she suck up bowling balls?

Will she function properly when wearing her maid's uniform? And will that uniform be quilted?

Can she clean ceilings? Windows? Shower walls?

impressed but jealous,

Unknown said...

OMG! I vacuumed and thought it was a superb job, till I started seeing the sugar spots on the floor. I tipped a few spots here and there while bringing in the hummingbird feeders. I must say, with the cooler weather you are having it is a good time to get things done, not in the heat of the summer!
All the food looks yummy, even the green soup!

Shocking Hocking said...

lol - i don't think you'll be kicked out of the crafty club any time soon - must have been the weather for it - i spent all week last week cleaning my gross house - including windows - and it hasn't stopped raining since!

Leanne said...

Domestic goddess you are and bummer about the cushion.

Cindy said...

OK....where is Shay? Who replaced her with a Stepford wife??? Don't worry, Shay! I will come find you!! :o)

Vesuviusmama said...

I enlisted my son to help me clean bathrooms yesterday because I was afraid to use any of them ( and we have 4!). Man, I wish I had a maid. Twice a month would do me. I don't mind the surface stuff - dishes, laundry, sweeping now and then - but I practically never really clean, and I'm starting to gross myself out. It used to be, I moved every two years, so once it got icky, I was gone. But I've been in this house over 8 years now, and something has to be done. Sad to see your coffee pillow without the lettering...

Elizabeth said...

So sorry about the coffee sack pillow!

And that broccoli potato soup looks fabulous!

It is hard to find a balance between the have-to's and the want-to's. You always amaze me, though, with how on top of things you are.

Your new little robot vacuum is adorable. Love the color!

xo -E

Brenda said...

Love your food pics! Your toast looks so trendy, all cut in triangles like that.