Little P came for a visit last Friday and "helped " me clean the linen cupboard. He became rather attached to a pillow he found in the cupboard while he was "helping" and spent the rest of the visit toting it around and pretending to go to sleep and encouraging Grandpa to do the same. And so the idea for Little P's Pirate Pillowcase was born.
My first finish for 2011.
Two more Dresden plates finished (almost)
I decided to make a table runner for our outdoor table. What I learned during this process is that Moda are a pack of lying bastards because 5 inches in charm squares sometimes means 5 and 1/8th inches, or even 5 and a 1/4 inches. I'm nothing if not flexible, and my trusty rotary cutter has come in very handy.
Oz by Sanae is one of my favourite fabric collections ever.
A while ago, I won a giveaway at 13 Woodhouse Road, which Shruti duly sent off all the way from India. It turned out the parcel was cursed because it burnt the post office down , and then the second time Shruti sent it (with completely different contents- because the original parcel was toast ) it got returned to her looking like it had been hit by a bus. Third time was a charm. I think this good luck wish on the front of the parcel probably helped.
This is what was inside ..a silk saree bedspread. I'm so glad Shruti persevered. It's gorgeous. Thank you Shruti.
I'll be guest blogging over at 13 Woodhouse Road later this month and again in February for the Sewing Spaces Focus feature that Shruti is hosting. Pop on over and visit.

I have a chair fetish. There ..I said it. Out loud. I bought some antique colonial chairs to go with the dining table months ago, and have since decided I don't love them. The hunt for more chairs has been going on for a few weeks. I was rewarded when I found these on the weekend. I like eclectic and they helped solidify the original plan that the dining table needs to be re-done in a creamy white, which I will do...eventually. Meanwhile my patio is starting to look like a used chair lot.
And now I'm on the hunt for the perfect fabric to re-upholster them.
Imagine creamy white as far as the eye can see...
Char over at Cloth Stitched is having a giveaway for 5 fat quarters of Pillow and Maxfield Pretty Bird Fabric. Pop on over and throw your hat in the ring for a chance to win. I have this fabric in the Fiesta colourway and would love the chance to round out my stash with some blues from this collection. Entry is open until January 15th.
I've been graced with two awards in the last week. One from Kirsten at Logos Quilts and More and the other from Seams Inspired. I wanted to publicly acknowledge the thought behind the gifting of these awards and to thank you both for thinking of me. I feel very honoured.
I've made a decision about awards and I hope nobody will be offended or hurt. I blog because I love doing it. I read and comment on your blogs because I enjoy visiting you and seeing what you're getting up to. Recognition for me is that people visit my patch of the blogisphere and hopefully leave feeling amused, or a little bit happier or having shared part of my day. For this reason I've decided to make my blog an award free blog from now. I really do appreciate the sentiment behind awards but I'm not comfortable with accepting them for doing something I really enjoy. I hope people will understand (This one paragraph has taken me two hours to phrase!)
Day 2 of holiday-fest 2011 tomorrow. Going back to work seems ages away. Life is pretty fabulous.
Wow! You're making good use of your vacation time. :o) Love Little P's Pirate Pillow. Rolls off the tongue nicely, too. ;o)
Oh my goodness! That saree bedspread is fabulous. If you decide you don't want it, you can try your luck with the post in the USA.
I had to stop mid-post so I could go look at the giveaway fabric...and promptly left a comment hoping to win it. Gorgeous!
PS...I have a 'thing' for chairs too. DH rolls his eyes when I've spent the day thrifting and bring home another chair, but I always find a corner for them. :o)
Happy Monday night and Happy Sewing!
They are great chairs!!
yep, one of my charm packs was odd shaped and I didn't realize it until mid-sewing. bad.
love the bed spread ...
chairs ... I'm currently searching for a "fainting" couch ... the office could use one....naptime for me and "fainting couch" when clients get the bad news...@!!!!
do you ever sit down? you're one busy chickie!!! quilts, redecorating, pillow covers, planning, grandson, cleaning....
okay, i'm tired just typing it all! LOL.
luv ya!
I'm going to be branching out into special pillowcases myself. I have some lovely skull fabric for a young cousin whose turning 11 soon.
All of your projects are great, Shay, but I'm especially partial to those Dresdens. Yummy!
So glad Shruti's package finally made it through.
And thanks for the heads up on the Moda charms. I think I have a pack of their charms somewhere.
The sari is beautiful!
They are lovely chairs- but I see why they are not right- too much of a clash with the table and dresser!
Keep on quilting!
(I haven't had time for aaaages :-( )
That is exactly why I don´t like your hubs quilt..that will be sooooo pretty.
Love the chairs! It's really scary how similar our tastes are.
I'm glad you finally got the package. It was worth the wait.
Thanks for the "shout out" for my giveaway.
All that was just Day One!?! You are going to have an AWESOME holiday! Um, wasn't it your resolution to not swear anymore? I can handle it, but I'm just wondering...
I've yet to jump on the pillowcase making bandwagon, but I'm running along behind it, trying to time my jump...yours is lovely! As is lounging around and your Dresden Plates. Lots of lovliness coming out of your place these days!
My mother-in-law used to make the kids pillowcases all the time, they still love them. They cuddle up to "grammy" almost every night.
You are a very busy bee. Didn't you know that holidays are supposed to be relaxing?
I saw this post on my reader and was wondering when it would actually be posted. Glad you had a good time with little p and that he was helpful.
So productive already. I love the "lounging around quilt". I may even be inspired to do some sewing tonight.
I don't have names for my quilts .. I like that you do.
Have a product yet relaxing day...
oops that was productive yet relaxing day ...
Glad your holidays feel like they are going forever - you certainly pack a lot in.
Pretty projects you are working on there and gorgeous spread from Shruti.
Whooohoooo! (clap clap clap) A finish for 2011 just 10 days in. That is wonderful (adorable grandchild story equals bonus points, too)
Looks like a good mix of relaxation and craftiness happening at Chez Pyjamas. Hope you're managing to stay off the web as you intended :)
Such a lot happening at QIP you are going to be exhausted at the end of your hols.
So, you saved your unsaid words in front of Little P for the blog did you? Yeah, the post knew that the parcel was there...burn baby burn...
Shruti has a great blog and because of FTF I found her. another reason to follow Fridays.
My grandkids, "borrow" from Nana which is why if I get out of my funk and sew, I'll be able to show some quilting projects.
Darn, I forgot to mention that I had those chairs or similar at one time, they were white with cushions we could remove for bringing them inside. But sadly when we sold the big house (not the jail) the buyers, wanted the chairs and the table that went with the kitchen.
I miss them as they had a long seat which the new ones we have don't and I always feel there should be two more inches of long in the seat...
I love the fish fabric on the pillowcase! Andy loves to pretend to go to sleep on pillows too, then he comes up laughing like "yeah right!". My aunt made a fun pillowcase for Breanna when she was little, and it's the one they all fight over. They really aren't that hard to make, guess I'll need to dig into my stash!
I must confess, when I saw the first picture of the chair, I first noticed the floor it was on. I love slate--any slate--even fake slate--and my eye was drawn to it. It reminded me of my dinging room table and living room tables. Then I went: wait, she's talking about chairs. Oh, there is a chair there. Wow! What a great chair! How come I never find cool chairs like that?
Now I have chair envy.
You're the busy bee. I'm more of a busy mosquito. Same kind of sound, but big difference:-) Love the pirate pillow case.
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