Thursday, August 26, 2010

Slack Tea Thursday

Being an Aussie girl , I eat meat pies. Well only this kind of meat pie. The other kinds are made out of sheep's lungs and other disgusting stuff. This is 100% lean Aussie beef. 100% yum. Add cheese and bacon and you're in heaven.

I know you're thinking it just has to come off a cow somewhere to be termed 100% beef, and that I'm probably eating cows lips or bumhole or something but Mrs. Mac wouldn't lie.   This is pure goodness and since it's lean beef it's very healthy for you too. How could pastry and gravy and cheese and bacon and beef possibly be bad ? Plus it only takes 2 minutes to heat it up in the microwave. That's faster than 2 minute noodles because you have to boil the water for them first.

I ate it out of a  paper bag. Pies don't taste the same on a plate. And despite the fact I now have Dudley the Dishwasher I don't like loading him any better than I used to like doing dishes. Eventually I'm going to get so slack that we'll be eating out every night and I'll never have to do any grocery shopping which will free up 15 more hours a week for me to quilt.

And for dessert- a 9 x 4 inch chocolate cake with fudge frosting and chocolate chips. 36 square inches of gloriousness.  By bedtime it's going to be gone. And the only way it's getting cut into smaller bits is when I take bites straight from the cake.

And if I get sick of the cake, I'm just going to lick all the icing off the top. That's the way I roll....

P.S. Mr. P is at Boys Night playing Dungeons and Dragons or another game that starts with a D.  Do you want to bet if I licked all the icing off and  put the cake into my cake display plate on the counter,  he'd come home and eat the cake? 


Marg said...

Yummmmmm, I love meat pies, I haven't tried that one yet so off to the supermarket tomorrow, and yes I bet he would.

Anonymous said...

Never had a meat pie.
I don't think that they sell them in the US unless at a specialty store.

Now the cake is where I could do the most damage!


Vesuviusmama said...

I bet I would love meat pies. I think the closest I've come is a Jamaican Meat Patty - yummy! So, if we don't hear from you in a couple days, we know it is because you fell into a chocolate coma, right?

Shevvy said...

That pie bad - cake good. I'm quite partial to a pie normally (except steak and kidney as kidney - yuck) but you went and ruined it with cheese.
Cheese is evil!

Paulette said...

That meat pie looks disgustingly good. The closest thing we have around here is a pasty (PAH-stee), except without the bacon and cheese, but with potatoes and rutabagas. Okay, maybe not that similar at all. But there's a crust!

Larri said...

Never seen a meat pie, but it looks tasty! :o) Happy Thursday almost Friday! Larri at Seams Inspired

Lane said...

Two minutes is pretty slack. We used to get meat pies back home, pastry filled with yummy stuff and then fried to perfection. Haven't had one of those in a long time, but might be up for that this weekend. Lane

Barb H said...

Mmmmmmmm, meat pies. We have pastys here like P said above, which are terrific. Also the Canadians make a French meat pie that's awesome! Now, I have an idea of what to have for supper tonight. Thanks.

Unknown said...

Yay! Slack Tea Thursday is back! I thought you would be doing serious cooking in your new kitchen every night!

We have something like meat pies, we call them Pot Pies. No there is no Pot in them, so I am not sure why they call them that. Of course if you lived in CA where pot is medicinally legal, you might have a pot pie with pot in it. Oh well, I ramble!

Brenda said...

At first glance, I thought your meat pie was good until 2021 - I was a little nervous - all those preservatives - I guess 2012 is a little better. I do like pretty much anything in a pastry, or deep fried, etc. That's funny that you still don't like doing the dishes!! (Who does?)

Alisa said...

You killed me at bumhole.
I will never be able to think of beef again without that word popping into my head.
Did Mr. P eat the cake?

Elizabeth said...

Mmm. That meat pie looks good, and if we can trust Mrs. Mac, I totally would try one.

Did Mr. P take the bait and eat the cake with licked off frosting? I HAVE to know.

xo -E

Elizabeth said...

P.S. I'm 'taking a break' from paying bills. Thanks for the lovely distraction :D.


GaAm said...

Normally I totally enjoy your slack tea Thursday posts, but I have to admit the meat pie thing jusdt doesn't do it for me. Actually, I don't eat a whole lot of meat, and if I do, it isn't beef. Popcorn. That's my idea of a slack tea Thursday.

Deb said...

Mrs Macs are the best meat pie according to my son. He reckons he's a meat pie officianado. We travelled down south for a holiday once and had to stop at Sounds so funny reading the comments from the States who have never experienced the joy of a meat pie. Its a definite time and place thing though, sometimes a meat pie is just the thing to fill and urge.

Michelle said...

For some reason, your meat pie reminds me of a burrito, except it's shaped different.

I'm glad to see you're recovering from your 21 days of slack meals. I was a bit worried about Slack Tea Thursday.

Shay said...

(whispering here )Mr. P hasnt noticed the cake yet...give it time. I'll report back over the weekend.

Marg said...

I supposed he hasn't thought to look for a cake in the sewing room under the box of fabric yet, has he? You could have made it easier for him to find.

Marg said...

Aaaah I need to proof read, suppose not supposed.

Shay said...

Here's the goss. Mr. P just got home from work and said to me "Did you just take bits straight out of that cake" like thats BAD or something. And then he said he didnt eat any because he thought I baked it !

Silence will reign in the Pyjamas house this evening....l

Kris said...

Oh my goodness Mrs P. People who read your blog have never seen a pie before? Unbelievable! Anyway, your pie doesn't look that yummy because it is not a Vili's pie! They are my favourite. Hmm.... why do I feel a trip to Cafe de Vili's coming on? Lucky they are open 24/7!

Anonymous said...

QIMP, that pie does not photograph well but it sure sounds good. By the way, I have to call the dentist a toffee apple and refer to teeth as unicorns but you can talk about eating sheep lungs and bumholes on your blog? That doesn't seem quite fair, now, does it? Thanks for a great slack Thursday post. You never disappoint. PS. We both know that cake didn't last until Mr. P got home, frosting or no.

Jenn said...

HEY!!! Don't knock my noodles, girl! :) The pie looks interesting - I don't think we have those things in my neck of the woods....

Unknown said...

I wish they'd export those goodies to Canada...I love meat pies even would use a plate as they are so delish looking!

Jenny said...

Ahhhh....glorious comfort food! I have a recipe for a cheeseburger pie that is everyone's favorite around here! I need to make that if it ever drops below 100 degrees again!

Your cake looks yummy!

Brenda said...

Ms. P - Babygirl is living with us for a month, since she missed the age cut-off for Kindergarten in the state of Missouri, where my daughter and her family moved to. The school district said that if she's started Kindergarten somewhere else, they will transfer her in, even if she did miss the cutoff. So, she's staying here and attending for a week, then my hubby will drive her to Missouri (he's a good guy - 20 hour drive each way).

Kirsten's Cooking said...

please tell me you're kidding about the sheep's lungs. gag.