Looking at 2013 from the flip side I'm pretty sure the universe was forcing me to make some really hard decisions that were long overdue. And while the changes resulted in some emotional times on and off, 2013 was a year of huge personal growth for me. I've mastered the art of being able to let some things go and move on. So ultimately the hard lessons were worth it.
Looking back at 2013 I didn't do a whole lot creatively speaking. It was definitely slower going on the sewing and quilting front than previous years while I dealt with the other stuff that was going on in my life. In fact, sometimes the going was so slow I had to re-read my sewing machine manual to recall how to use it. But things still got made, and I'm not unhappy with the final tally for the year.
Looking back at 2013 I didn't do a whole lot creatively speaking. It was definitely slower going on the sewing and quilting front than previous years while I dealt with the other stuff that was going on in my life. In fact, sometimes the going was so slow I had to re-read my sewing machine manual to recall how to use it. But things still got made, and I'm not unhappy with the final tally for the year.
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Clamshell mini, needle books, mini totes, sewing diary, and chenille bathrobe. |
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I made two superheroes quilts, lots of baby blankets(I've started handing out contraception at work), Irish Chain Quilt, Gelati Quilt, Briar Rose Quilt, Beep Beep Quilt |
I nailed the "starting things and not finishing them" deal though. I rock at that. I should probably finish a few of these before I start any of the new projects that have caught my fancy for 2014.
I bought fabric for my lounge chair re-do and ignored it . That's two years its been waiting for me to get my act together....
I ran away from home several times. I visited Little Miss Sunshine twice and then went all the way to Vietnam. More running away from home is planned for this year.
No major renovations disturbed the peace at Maison Pyjamas in 2013. Stay tuned though for what I'm sure will be the great bathroom disaster of 2014. My bathroom is the perfect time capsule of 1979. The house is currently getting some long overdue projects done so it looks a bit fresher. My linen cupboard is finished. Good organisation thrills my heart just a little bit more than is normal I think.
Our fur babies continued to require emergency vet visits that cost us the equivalent of the national debt. I've just accepted that our animals are accident prone and that I'll continue to fund a new Mercedes for my vet every year.
And I grew flowers from bulbs for the first time.
I'm currently growing tomatoes and strawberries too. I haven't had a strawberry yet because Lola keeps sneakily eating them off the plant before they get ripe enough to get picked. Who knew dogs liked strawberries?
Lots of other plans and projects in the wind for 2014 but my main claim to fame so far for 2014 is that I haven't brushed my hair. My hairdresser is going to have fun with that later today. Happy New Year to you all.
I think quilting/crafting goes in cycles. Really enjoy following along with you on your quilting adventures even if they don't pan out quite like you'd like them too! I got a kick out of your sentence 'Good organisation thrills my heart just a little bit more than is normal I think.' My husband has been working on very a very organized closet/shelving system for our bedroom since oh about Thanksgiving weekend. (I've only had the plans drawn up for it since 2008.) Very, very hard to quell my enthusiasm as I know this will make me ridiculously happy when it's all completed!
I commend you on "huge personal growth." That's not something that can be captured in a snapshot to be oohed and aahed about, but it's important to recognize.
As far as the actual oohing and aahing, you've done as far as quilty and sewy things. Plus running away...I was just listening to part of a TED talk yesterday wherein they were talking about how travel reshapes your brain (neurochemistry, blah, blah). See, you reshaped your brain.
May many more good things come your way in 2014.
*you've done WELL as far as quilty and sewy things...*
Sorry, I missed a rather important word.
Happy New Year Shay ! I'm looking forward to your adventures this year.Let's hope for a happy, PRODUCTIVE year for all of us .
Happy New Year to all the mob at Maison Pyjamas!!! Youve had a busy year by the looks and I hope 2014 is a pearler!! xx
Letting go is the hardest thing. Good for you for making peace with things. That is something I'm always working on too.
Loved to see all the beautiful things you made in 2013. It seems like slow going sometimes, but seeing what you accomplished in a year all in one place is pretty awesome. My favorites are the Irish Chain and the Briar Rose quilts and that chenille bathrobe!
This was a fun post and I thought it was a clever idea to include your trips too. Oh, and organization makes me happy too!
I hope your 2014 is as amazing and fabulous as you are!
xo -E
Letting things go. Huh, I struggle with that! Maybe this year...
I struggle with getting all the renovation work I want too as well right enough.
Oh, and I literally never brush my hair. Go pick your chin up off the floor now please ;o)
You accomplish more in a year than I do in ten. HNY you.
I love that you're so crafty and I can't wait to see more of your creativity in the year to come and I have to say, I'm a little - only a little - jealous that you're growing things right now when our ground is frozen solid with not as much snow as I would love to have.
Here's to a New Year of completed projects, new projects and growth, both outside and in.
Happy New Year!
It seems to me that you have had a fantastic quilting year, that is compared to mine this year. I just wish someone would come into my place clean and organise everything, maybe I just need a good kick in the bum. Hate to tell you dogs love tomatoes as well as strawberries and cucumbers and everything else in a vegetable garden. I learnt the hard way, I now have a fence around my vegetables. Have a great year, from someone who also runs away from home, we should do it more often, Best wishes Wendy
Looks like you accomplished heaps. Your linen cupboard looks VERY organised. How do they get sooo messy? I seem to be tidying continuously. Sharyn:)
Beautiful creations! I think that you got quite a bit accomplished in 2013 with everything that you probably had going on. *I completely understand about accident prone animals...my dogs are constantly in and out of the vet with something or another.*
Happy New Year! You had a pretty busy 2013 and looks like you did get some quilting done ( more than me)
Congrats on getting the TV hung. Mine is still on the dresser but it's on my dresser so DH doesn't mind!
Does "huge personal grown" mean you have put on an ounce or two?
Gosh, so much achieved!! You must be happy. You can only go onward and upward from here! Looking forward to sharing 2014 with you.
It sounds like a successful year overall, I say, dip some goodies in that chocolate and march on to your own happy drumbeat! Best wishes to you dear girl ~
Happy new year mrs pyjama. I love reading your blog, so please carry on making me laugh in 2014!
You seemed to have achieved lots last year way more than this little black duck. Have a great 2014
Shay you very obviously achieved a hell of a lot this year. Okay so maybe it wasn't all things you wanted to do but heck you were busy.
And OMG looking at that linen cupboard just makes me want to cry. Obviously the OCD kicked in there dear friend. I am so jealous, I want a linen cupboard like that one!!
Good for you for recognising that you have moved forward in better shape. Some one once told me that we were human " beings " not human "doings" and I think sometimes less is more! Because you dont want your stitching to be one more thing you think you 'have' to do.You have done an extraordinary job on your projects. Happy 2014 Shay xxx
UFOs are starts... we all have 'em. (They are waiting for the finishing ideas to come to us. - That's my excuse.)
Love, love, love your Irish Chain. It's an inspiration to me, which means I might just steal your idea.
You should see my hair! I call it the Hollywood Hair, sticking out all over the place. Going to try mayonnaise on it this time! Wish me luck.
Even with your "lack" of quilty/sewing you still achieved a lot. Well done. Look at what you accomplished, even though it was a slow year for you.
Letting go is a very hard thing to achieve so I think that is bloody brilliant that you were able to come to that point.
Next time you are here you can organise my linen cupboard, kitchen, garage, etc thank you.
Hair, snare, mare...they all rhyme and invoke images of what you look like without a hairbrush! Go for dreadlocks I say!
Hmm given that you work outside the home and inside I would say that you are to be congratulated on the volume you pumped out of the sewing room in 2013, cos I think you outdid me by a long shot!
When you come visit can you re arrange my linen cupboard so that my towels look that neat!
Personal growth - good for you! I achieved about five kilos over Christmas, so doesnt seem I have "let go" of a damn thing! Happy stitching my friend, may your bobbin always be full and your stash plentiful!
We need a selfie of the hair now for sure ;)
Wishing you a super duper 2014!! May you have lots of finishes and at least one or two strawberries. Your neat linen cupboard is an inspiration!
As a slowcrafter, I take issue with your statement .. you did not complete much in 2013???
If you need some tasks for 2014, come help me organize my closets, re-do my bathroom, and hey, we'll build a couple of Gingerbread Maisons de Pyjamas.
It is my considered opinion that 2013 sucked big time so I'm all for onward and upward in 2014. Hopefully the in-law family's health is better this year (although I don't like my chances) and my two kids get full time jobs - fingers crossed!
Even with your slower pace last year, you got a lot done. I'm not sure we ever get it all done anyway. Hope 2014 is a super year for you.
Even during your off years, you still accomplish more sewing than I do. Bravo!
I've been staying at the beach for 8 days so just catching up on blogs now. My hair hardly saw a brush in that time and is now nearly dreads. Your bulbs looks lovely and you did get as much sewing done as any normal working person does I reckon.
LOVE flatscreen tvs that hang on the wall and don't take up space (and grandchildren cannot reach them either)
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