Thursday, January 23, 2014

Cocktail Wednesday -It's Back.....

After a brief hiatus (during which I still managed to drink alcohol - I just didn't blog about it) Cocktail Wednesday is back. I'm looking forward to trying new cocktails, sharing disasters (Thea - bacon in a cocktail is off the menu this year because its just plain wrong) and probable cirrhosis of the liver by the years end. 

Little Miss Sunshine picked the cocktail this week, and decided to go all fancy on my arse with something exoticly unpronounceable. Caipirinha (which apparently is pronounced kie-purr-REEN-yah) is made from Cachaca which is also reasonably unpronounceable when you're in Dan Murphy's trying to find it. The Plebeians at Dan Murphy dont know what you're talking about when you ask whether they have any cachachahachahaha either,(nor do the think you are hilarious when you say it )  so best to write it down like I did and show them.  

For the uninitiated, Cachaca is a sweet white Brazilian rum that apparently is so much better than Bacardi and about 30% more expensive. My advice is to spring for the good stuff if you decide to give this one a go because its little more than a load of rum and a squish of lime juice. 

So here's the lineup....rum, ice, caster sugar, and a lime. 

Take your exceedingly expensive lime ($15.99 a kilo here at the moment) and cut it into quarters, and then put it in your cocktail shaker or another handy receptacle and add about two teaspoons of sugar. Don't skimp on the sugar because its the only thing in this cocktail that will stop your face from puckering up like a cats bum every time you take a sip- trust me on this. Smash the crap out of the lime and sugar releasing the juice and a good amount of oil from the lime skin. I didn't take pictures of this part because I didn't want photographic evidence of assault. 

Add 60 mls (thats two ounces for my Northern Hemisphere friends) of the Cachaca and further assault the entire concoction by shaking it together to mix. Put a load of crushed ice into your glass and pour the lot in on top including the squished limes. 

Sip- almost die...take another sip. By the third sip your taste buds will have gone on strike and you'll be starting to enjoy this. In fact , you'll enjoy it so much you'll make yourself a second one which will render you incapable of the power of recognisable speech because thats 120 mls of rum you just imbibed in under 30 minutes....

I'm going to have to up my game with photo styling my cocktails...Marg has a great picture of her cocktail next to a pineapple and the best I could manage was putting mine near my manky pen and pencil jug...

Seriously though - this was pretty good...and would make a lovely aperitif. Just remember to keep stirring that sugar through as you drink it. 

I'm giving this one a 5/5 , mainly because I was happy for quite some time after I drank two of them ! 


Sooli said...

Can tell you're on holiday, new blog design! Very swish!
Can't see me trying that cocktail as I hate rum with a passion (former boyfriend's drink of choice many, many moons ago). Perhaps your problem with styling is that you wait until you've drunk the cocktail before you look for a photo op!

Rachaeldaisy said...

Good to see Cocktails wednesdays are back. I like the way in your styled photo the cocktail is half finished! LOL. I've drunk these many moons ago but seeing you and Marg posts about them has inspired me to make them again. I've already confirmed online that our local DMs has the C drink in stock.

Katy Cameron said...

Heh, when I was at uni we used to make this quite literally by the bucketload because limes are cheap here, and one of my friends was a doctor, so said the vitamin C was good for us, and another friend was half-Brazilian and introduced us to it. We used to use vodka though. I seem to recall the recipe being something like 2 bottles vodka + 2 bags limes + half bag sugar + whatever ice would fit in the tiny freezer available ;o)

Jennifer said...

Don't forget the vitamin C from the limes.....that must mean this is incredibly good for you, you won't get scurvy if you drink it! All together now, la cucaracha, la cucaracha......

Unknown said...

I'd try it but I dislike lime and hard alcohol. It's not right.

seabreezequilts said...

Tempted to try this one. I still have baccardi from our engagement party, that's how much we drink in this place... been married 19 years this year...wonder if it goes off or if the Cachaca will last as long.

Mistea said...

Sounds like the perfect warm weather drink.
Oh and I have a convenient source of limes!
Enjoy your holiday drinks.

Cardygirl said...

How funny!

Anonymous said...

Woohoo cocktail Wednesdays on a Thursday!! :) I should have read your instructions a bit closer, but I was REALLY ready for some alcohol by the time I got back from Uncle Dan's and the supermarket for the limes! I missed the sugar, and used a much-too-big glass (which of course I had to fill right to the brim!). OMG you *definitely* want the sugar! So instead of actually coming back and reading your post (which would be entirely too logical!) I got an even bigger glass, poured my drink into it and added lemonade - and we have a winner!!

Karen said...

I have missed your Wednesday posts - this one looks to be a doozy. I love limes so much I must make this one :)

thea said...

This one worked out well (even without bacon). My husband enjoyed it and even my son got in on it. The first sip was rather overpowering, but after that everything went down smoothly. I didn't know we were supposed to take an artsy picture. I'll have to do that next time.

thea said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Paulette said...

The cocktail sounds so good. Sipping slowly on a hot day, sitting on the deck, letting the ice melt, mmm... Sadly we're a long way from ice melting weather, it being in the sub-zeroes F for the next week or so. A gal can dream though!

Paulette said...

PS-Your blog redesign totally rocks! LOVE the color and pattern.

Leanne said...

Just call it an anti depressant instead of a cocktail.

Anonymous said...

The information you have given in the blog really marvelous and more interesting.

Marg said...

Cat's bum puckering, lol, but sooooo true.
Why are limes so expensive here????????
Glad you liked it, and it was worth forking out for the Cachaça. I have bottles of booze that are years old, but I seem to have almost finished the Cachaça I bought not that long ago!

Kate said...

Sounds like you had way too much fun. I would have been unconscious after the first one. I'm not sure I could drink something I couldn't pronounce, that just sounds like a situation guaranteed to get one into trouble.

Kirsten's Cooking said...

Looks great! Refreshing for the warm weather you're probably having! We're expecting another polar vortex.