Little Miss Sunshine came to stay late last week and I spent most of her visit trying to convince her that Adelaide isn't the cultural and social backwater of Australia. The other states often poke fun at us down South because we're smaller than they are and a little more sedate and in turn we poke fun at Tasmania for the same reason. I guess bullying is prevalent everywhere. Anyway I wanted to show her that there are a ton of fun things to do in Adelaide besides looking at our architecturally brilliant churches and doing pub crawls.
The first must do stop was on the way home from the airport where we laid in some essential supplies for the week.
Cosmopolitan cocktails under the back veranda eased us into Thursday night.
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image credit from here - I was too busy guzzling cocktails to take any pictures |
By 9.00pm we were both ready for bed mainly due to the fact I was mixing doubles. Don't judge me. I was just following the directions on the bottle. At the point that I couldn't read those directions anymore Mr. P took over as bartender. And cooked dinner because I wasn't in a fit state to do that either.
Naturally Friday morning was a slow start while our livers processed the efforts of the night before. I'm proud to say I didn't have a post drinking chuck and we were out of the house and heading for the Barossa by 11.30am.
We visited Maggie Beer's Farm Shop, had lunch at a local pub, hit a couple of quilt shops, and generally meandered round taking in all the sights of the Barossa.
When you venture out to the country its essential to bring home a country kind of keepsake. Meet Clarence my heavy metal chicken. Which makes him a rooster now that I come to think of it.
Friday night included gin and tonics but we were wary of a repeat of the great alcohol incident of Thursday so we kept it to a sensible level of consumption.
Saturday saw us hit
Best quilt store ever.
See what I mean? You want to go there now and spend all your money don't you? It's like evil aliens take over my brain every time I walk in that shop. I came away a lot lighter in the pocket but also completely inspired to make a bajillion new things.
We also made stops at Eastern Silk and Bowerbird Bazaar and my favourite lunch spot in town, The Brown Dog.
In fact, the week was pretty much all about eating. Sunday night we went to a Vietnamese restaurant to sample some Dinky Di (that means authentic )cuisine. Kirsten I'm posting all these food pictures for you.
We also hit Glenelg beach another day and meandered up and down Jetty Road. I may have bought some new clothes and another handbag. Yes I'm as weak as crap.
And since Patchwork by Sea was very close we also went there to spend more money on projects that may never get finished.
On Marg's last day we classed it up by having High Tea at Newman's Nursery.
(And going to Haigh's again)
So the summary? Alcohol was drunk, nobody got arrested, we both weigh 10 kilos heavier from all the food we consumed and my sewing room is now officially full because I went on a mad buying spree this week.
I'll leave you with a picture of the most perfect gift ever, supplied by my ever thoughtful friend who knows all my weaknesses ...
How freaking cute is that?
Almost makes me regret getting her hooked on Hay Day.....
I am so envious. Sounds like an absolutely heavenly time. I love all your purchases and the food looks divine. and I am totally coveting that oreo box. You must have been sad to see her go.
Great buddy shopping finds (they don't really count when you have a buddy visiting). Glad you and Marg had a fun time. I love the Oreo truck, too cute!
Exactly the kind of visit you want to have every time.:) Your Oreo truck is super cute!
Looks like you had a great time! I love Haighs and Maggie Beers farm too! Love the Oreo truck! Nothing wrong with Hay Day, I spend WAY too many hours tending my farm, my gamecentre name is sooozem (with 3 o's) if you want to be Hay Day friends :)
And a great time was had by all, including the shop owners....who are probably rubbing their hands with glee right now!
Looks and sounds like you had an amazing week with Marg. Love your truck. Oh my lots of loveliness to adorn your sewing space until your ready to play with it. Enjoy the weekend.
sounds like you tried hard to convince her! hope it worked .. if only your liver and purse agree! lol x
Well I have to say I love South Oz and certainly intend a return visit. Sounds like you two had a blast... Good for you. Filing away all those things for my return visit.
You are right on that quilt shop, I want to go! Cannot wait to see what projects you will work up from the new stuff :)
You are an amazing hostess! It looks like you had a marvelous time. All that food looks so good. And Hettie's Patch looks like so much fun!
xo -E
Oh how I envy you. You guys must have had a wondrful time. And I wish I could have been to patchwork by the sea...
Ha, yes, I was starting to suspect there might have been a stone or two in weight gained over all that lot ;o) Does look rather yummy though...
All week I've been sick with jealousy (and laughed at the drunken emails) and now I have to endure the food photos too. You just wait until Marg is with me in two months. ;-)
I think after five years in this state I would be able to list some of its great claims to fame, but no it turns out mine just resemble half o yours - a stitching tour, although I have eaten at Doggie venue on Goodwood Rd! I just missed you at Hetties I was there on Monday! Glad you had fun...but did you really buy three rotary cutters? Mind you I was tempted to buy another myself yesterday, settled for a new cutting mat instead. Love your heavy metal rooster...I think he should be able to crow a Aussie anthem like Land Down Under or perhaps something heavier like Am I ever going to see your face again?
You do have the loveliest adventures.
Sounds like a perfect week Shay! I knew I like you for a reason. Great to see you today - looking forward to the next gathering.
Oh, how I lived this post! Great recap of what sounds like a perfect week. I'm so glad you had good times, great food, tasty drinks, fun shopping, and what looks like perfect weather!
I hate to be demanding, but could we get some pics of the two of you next time? Either before or even during happy hour!!
So happy for you both that you had a fun time:)
Vacationing at home can't be topped when you have the right kind of visitor. Seems you two peas in a pod got along just that way. Glad the overeating, overdrinking, and overspending was all worth it :)
You two have the best fun! That quilt shop looks amazing. The food you consumed appears absolutely mouth-watering. Seems the indulgences of the week were all a good thing. ;)
Happy Sunday night. Do you celebrate Mother's Day in Australia? If so, Happy Mother's Day to one of the best Mums & Bella I know! :)
Looks awesome! Ahh... Newmans. Love it there! Love the retail therapy too. Oh and Hay Day? I managed to get hooked on that all on my own last week. It probably would have happened to her anyway.
What a blast! Glad no one was arrested though. :p
Sounds like you two really have fun when you get together. Great to hear about it though by the sound of things it' s lucky you live so far apart !
It sounds like a great time! How did you manage to not get arrested?!
You and Marg totally rock!!!
Wow! Now I want to come visit! Love the Oreo truck. It is the cutest and I could LIVE in that quilt shop. Yay you guys for having such a fabulous time! :D
you went to all the places I love about Adelaide - and toss up for first place is Maggie Beer's shop and Haigh's - sigh.....
Phew, now I'm finally out of rehab I get to comment. What an awesome time we had, and the weather wasn't too cold either. Yay. Thank you so much for everything except getting me hooked on Hay Day, I might need to go back to rehab to wean myself off that.
I'm still enjoying my Hagih's loot. Surprisingly I haven't eaten all of the 50 kgs I bought, yet.
I love love love Hettie's, I think it has to be my all time favourite fabric shop.
How's Clarence, is he still standing out in the cold or has he wiggled his way inside?
Oh. My. Goodness. Perfection from start to finish!
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