Welcome to Friday people!
I'm not sure exactly where the last week has gone because it feels like about two days ago that I was sitting down to write my last Favourite Things Friday post. I've spent much of the week when I haven't been at work going through my wardrobe trying to find clothes that have some sort of wool or warm fibre content because all of a sudden ..baby it's cold outside. I think we may have cut out the middle man and skipped autumn and gone straight to winter.
I'm off to do some clothes shopping tomorrow because I've fallen out of love with some of the winter clothes I've dragged out of various hiding places . I've been ruthless in the chucking out process and while there is no imminent danger than I'm going to be wandering round naked, ( I'm hearing sighs of relief from the peanut gallery) if I'm going to be forced to endure wearing multiple layers of clothes for the next 6 months I fully intend to do it with some semblance of style. I'm thinking something like this might be in order. Tres chic !
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Enough about fashion and on to my favourite thing for this Friday.
When I started FTF in September 2010 I had no idea that I'd still be doing it all this time later. My thought was that it might make a great linky party for a year but it just seemed to take on a life of it's own and so it's continued. The whole point of the series has been to encourage people to take a moment out of their busy lives and think about something that has been a personal bright spot. For me that's entailed really thinking each week about something that has made me laugh or smile or given me joy, which has been such a great way to finish off each week.
I really enjoy seeing other people's favourite things each week. Some of the posts are about creative pursuits , some are about favourite people, places, or things, some people write about experiences they've had and some people share new acquisitions. Looking back, the sheer variety of posts has been staggering and so much fun to see.
Blogging is all about keeping it fresh and knowing when to fold. And like a three day old home baked cookie I think FTF has gone a bit stale. I've thought about this a lot over the last few months and made the decision this week that its best to formally announce that today's Favourite Things will be the last linky party for the series. Every dog has it's day and it's time for FTF to slide gracefully into retirement.
So my favourite thing for this week has been FTF itself, and the way people have embraced the idea, linked up week after week , commented on the posts and thrown themselves whole heartedly into the concept. Thank you for linking up and taking the time to share your favourite things. I have really enjoyed hosting and seeing the things that other people love. I've ruthlessly stolen your ideas, gasped at your creativity and coveted some of your favourite things. It's truly been a blast.
Its been a great ride. And Hey it is going to be 25 today so you can put those winter woolleys away for a day or so at least. I have the day off today, and am waiting for my new stove / hotplates to arrive. Think after they do Squid and I will go down to the Cafe for lunch by the beach.
I will miss Favorite Thing Friday, even though my participation was spotty. I can't believe it's been happening since 2010. Time flies! If I can get my stuff together, I will do a post to link. I took pics of last night's impromptu pie baking, and judging by the half-empty pie plate (all by me), it's a favorite thing.
I need to do a closet purge too. Problem is, I keep weeding out and not replacing. I really need to sew myself some clothes one of these days.
I've adored FTF. Though I don't always get to read all of them each time, it's been a lot of fun and it's been a challenge to come up with a favorite each week. Thank you for giving us an opportunity to share a bright spot each week.
Thank You Shay for all your time and dedication to the party, You have given bloggers exposure to our projects all over the world. Personally I'm thrilled to have in my list of people and know..someone like you all the way from Australia!!! wow..it might be no big deal for some, but to me is like having a chance to travel through you and experience a whole new world! Again Thank You and Im sure more good things are still yet to come Big Hug, Lizy
I am sad to see FTF go, but I believe you are probably right in your timing. I haven't linked up as much as I would have liked. However, I do feel like the challenge to find favorites is still there -- who knows, I might post a favorite every now and then any way.
I doubt it will make you feel better but we've been having some terribly hot weather here to balance the cold out there. Enjoy your clothes shopping.
I am a recent contributor to FTF and sorry to see it go, but I understand when things have run their course. It has made me think about things that make me happy, even on a busy day, or a rotten day. Thanks for doing it.
Well said! Days here have been mid-20s, but nights and mornings are a different story......this morning it was 0 degrees. 0 degrees!!!!
Fair enough, I know I don't link up but I look forward to reading your Friday posts so ill be sad to see them go but then I know you'll keep making us laugh and tempting us with cupcake photos in other posts. Happy last Favourite Friday !
FTF will be missed
I found your blog about year and a half ago and every Friday , first thing I check is your FTF. am going to miss them, you have a great sense of humor, just don't ever give up blogging , you are one of the best.
will miss FTF for sure
Aww, tis the end of an era... So is it bright orange your fashion statement du jour?
Fair enough, RIP FTF. Hope you are buying out the plaza of winter woollies (and keep the wool industry alive) and get some bargins, but not too many that the retail industry collapses and Jay has to prop them up with a gazillion $ only to find out they have sacked everyone anyway. Although because they released their winter clothes in FEb when it is still 40C I am not sure how they expect to sell anything? I am relying on you to prop up the clothes dept stores, as I have been propping up the fabric shops, to make sure the staff all meet their sales quotas this month. I think 3 mm of shirtings will slim me down, right? No OK well at least it is calorie free!
It's been so long since I joined in but I always enjoy reading what people say. It was a great idea luv, I'm sure there will be more to come x
No doubt you will have other brilliant ideas! I loved ftf, because it kept things positive. I think it's easy to devolve into pity parties or complaining, and you helped us to look at our blessings. Thank you, Shay!
Well, for me, Fridays sometimes crept into Saturdays before I came to visit. But the best thing of the FTF was the new people we all met, and the travel has been great. I posted sometimes not always a fav but just to post and let people know I was here and still am.
It has been fun, although I always wondered how you came up with the wild and witty things each Friday. You made us laugh and think that our lives are really fun so thanks for it all.
I'm sure you will come up with another cunning plan soon enough. FTF was a brilliant idea, and even though I haven't been joining in lately, it was always good to see nice positive things each week.
Since when is 20decC cold??????
Very well said. It's been fun reading through the FTF posts, but things do change. Good luck on your clothing re-do. I wish I had the guts to start chucking clothes I am TIRED of.:)
Shay, I have been absent from blogging for longer than I care to think about, but during the time I participated in FTF, it was a real bright spot, and loads of fun. You gave it a good run! Thank you!
I have been ruthlessly donating clothes, housewares and even quilt blocks I know won't turn into anything. It feels good...hope I don't miss anything. FTF drew me to your blog...not saying I will stop visiting...but what is next!? Where is the entertaining gimmick? Actually, I don't need one really to visit- even without FTF you are fun to visit ;)
Thanks for being a wonderful hostess. I still have a list of FTF's that never got posted because life got too crowded to blog regularly. Between you and me, there is a good possibility that I may not have to work for much longer, but don't tell my boss, OK? One of the things I'm looking forward to is getting back into blogging and doing more gardening.
The post I wanted to link last Friday is still in my head, so if the linky is still open this Friday, I'm going to link. Better late than never, right?
I also want to say the FTF was a really good idea. Finding something to be positive about is really good for me, and I'm still going to continue to look for favorites, even though it isn't a formal linky anymore.
Thank you!
xo -E
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