That post title was to suck you all in. I haven't really been doing all that much ...
I'm starting to worry . The Spotlight catalogue arrived last week and I couldnt find a single thing in it I had to rush down and buy. Then Sara sent me a 10 dollar voucher and I went to Spotlight and still couldn't find anything to blow my free money on. Ladies and Gentlemen, I've become impervious to fabric. It's as if I've been taken over by aliens whose sole purpose is to deny me the pleasure of the usual rush I get when I see bolts of material all stacked and looking pretty.
I'm noticing Blogland is pretty quiet lately. For us Southern Hemisphere people Im guessing we're all practising storing our nuts and hibernating for the impending winter. For you Northern folk , I'm pretty sure you've forsaken the rest of us to enjoy sun and we wont hear from you again until about Thanksgiving. I seem to recall a conversation I had with all of you about two years ago where I carefully explained that I need to be entertained during the colder Aussie months and that Summer was cancelled for anyone lucky enough to be having sun when I wasn't.
I have decreed April is going to be my big finish month. Really. With the Easter break and another public holiday this month surely I should be able to pull a couple of rabbits out of a hat and knock off some lurking projects.And because I'm starting April as I mean to finish this is what I knocked off that list on Monday.
The back - a vintage unused sheet that I've been dying to use forever.
Ta da ! My first finished hexie project.
Simple quilting but it looks so pretty!
That means I can link up to Elizabeth's monthly finishes linky party. Finally! I've been saying I was going to since January!

Two more hexie flowers have magically appeared since the last time I showed some of those off. Then I ran out of already glued ones and spent some time gluing up some more. And then I spent some time un-gluing myself from the lounge , the box I keep them in and finally myself.
In other news Mr. P and I flipped our mattress yesterday. Last time we did that was... never. We've had the mattress for about 8 years so obviously we don't like to rush big decisions.
I continue to be oven-less in Adelaide. Apparently an element is a big ask. I didnt realise how much I use my oven until I didnt have one. I'm consoling myself with the thought that I'm saving lives by not baking and forcing others to eat the results.
And to show Im not a complete slackarse , my Easter gifts for the girls at work are done and have already been handed out.
Pyjamas out !
LOL! Thanks for the laugh. And the reminder to flip our mattress!
Loving the hexie pillow, and the backing fabric is very summer-esque and cheery! I hope to finish....well, something in April as well. But I keep getting distracted and starting new things. I need a personal crafting assistant.
I've also noticed things have gone quiet in Blogland. We are all lacking inspiration a bit I guess.
I'm sure we'll all swing into gear soon.
Well done with the hexies. I've never done anything with the little ones and paper but I have a large store of big ones waiting to be finished if I could just get motivated.
Great finish. No finishes this end of town but I did manage to take on a couple of commissions which don't really count as UFO's because I have to finish these and there is a imminent due date. I have to make a flock of birds by the 18th. No 1 involved a lot of swearing but I am hoping I have the hang of it now. Going to take the cutting out to do at "sparkles" tonight, hopefully will have show and tell after easter.
You crack me up, Shay! I love to read your posts. ...what's this thing you call flipping a mattress? lol We should probably try that sometime. Haven't ever flipped our current mattress either. :)
I love love love your hexie pillow. So cute and colorful.
That pillow is awesome! I love the fabrics, the quilting, and the lively backing is fantastic. It always surprises me that our seasons are opposite. Good luck with your winter, we had a very mild one.
You sucked me in, Shay. ☺
I am in total LOVE with that pillow! I have a flipless mattress. Actually, that's what the salesman said. I think it's baloney.
Hope your heating element has your oven up and running soon.
Love the quilting on the cushion, simple and stunning.
We cant flip our mattress. Its a pillow top and his side is soft and mine is firm We can turn top to bottom but that means changing sides and that isn't going to happen.
I feel guilty when I see how much sewing you get done, but do have a valid excuse. We are currently bathroomless and I am the one that has to do the running around 'fetching' making coffee and lunches so only have time to get a bit of hand sewing done
I have to admit the last Spotlight cattledog didn't inspire me much either mind you I was ready to divorce my husband when he drove us past a Spotlight the other day and didn't stop !
I love that backing - so bright and cheerful for SUMMER! ;) I can't believe you had free money and didn't buy ANYTHING. That shouldn't be allowed. At all.
Love the cushion. Great way to work with those hexies. I actually hadn't noticed that blogland was quiet .. I must be too self absorbed. It's still cold here (actually just turned "cold" a few weeks ago.
What are those gifts for the office? You might even guilt me into getting some things for the people at my office.
I LOVE your hexie cushion! It is so bright and cheerful! You did a great job! Yay! And thanks for linking up!
Also, I love the hexie flowers. I'm seriously contemplating that fabric line to make some of my own.
And way to be on the ball with the Easter gifts!
xo -E
P.S. Sorry about your oven :(.
The hexie cushion looks cool. I made a couple hexies the other day they are kind of fun. Not sure if I am going to keep with it but was nice to try something new.
free spotty money is good for threads and needles of other useful bits.
Love the sunny pillow - sure will brighten the dark winter days.
Wow that cushion has pizazz!! Loving it
Well Done your Hexie Cushion is Lovely...
Happy Easter I hope the Easter Bunny is Kind to YOU.
I never flip my matress - its not easy on your own. I tried once and nearly destroyed the bedroom!
Love the hexies!
Hello Stranger! Its a bit sad when Spotlight cant even tempt you! Your hexies are awesome and the vintage sheet just finishes it off beautifully. I have to to flip our mattress every second week otherwise you get sucked into it! Happy Easter! xxxx (try not to accost the Easter Bunny)
Hello Stranger! Its a bit sad when Spotlight cant even tempt you! Your hexies are awesome and the vintage sheet just finishes it off beautifully. I have to to flip our mattress every second week otherwise you get sucked into it! Happy Easter! xxxx (try not to accost the Easter Bunny)
The Spotties dogalog did nothing for me, either. I think it is a lurgy which is spreading itself across the border....I've heard it doesn't last long, though. I'm SO glad I'm not the only one who glues themselves inappropriately! Your hexie cushion looks wonderful and I love the back. No wonder you were itching to use it!
Well I was sucked in because I was sure I was going to see a yellow pages ad. I could hear the song even! I like the April finish month idea. I am already planning to use those public holidays to my advantage. (Shh!!! Stop saying I don't go out to work so every day is a public holiday! Those public holidays are more magical. They have to be!!!) love that hexie cushion! And it's back. So gorgeous. You are an artist.
Beautiful hexies pillow! High five for a grand finale on that one. Glad the glue removal was successful otherwise.
I'll try to remember you need to be entertained. There do seem to be ebbs and flows in blogland though I certainly can find enough to spend hours looking around!
My mother in law was so religious about her mattress flipping that she would mark it on her calendar QUARTERLY. Sheesh.
I'm gunna try make April my "finishing month" too, though that could run out of steam in the next day or two.
Weather down here hasn't been too bad, but no doubt it will turn to crap as soon as I get a chance to go out and enjoy it :( damn easter week madness!
Hahaha. The weather is finally getting nicer around here, thank goodness. I am so impressed that you make little gifties for the gals at work! I work with only 5 other gals and do you think it has ever even crossed my mind to make the them an adorable giftie??? (The answer is NO)
Love your hexies and your cushion...careful I have discovered they are addictive...who knew! Thanks for the chuckle.
I'm totally uninspired.
We've never flipped our mattress, but I know you're supposed to. Bummer about your oven.....don't forget you're a master galette maker!!!!!
Have a nice Easter weekend!:)
I love both the vintage sheet and your completed hexie project! So bright and pretty. Love your hexie flowers too. Maybe not waves of productivity, but definitely progress.
that hexagon pillow is a beauty. so bright and cheerful. that should provide some sunshine during the winter months.
i already knew you'd flipped your mattress. all the U.S. news stations carried it, and it was everywhere on Yahoo.
Love it!!!!
Maybe everyone in blogland is having the same trouble as me with blogger...I can't even get into it to post if I wanted too? Love those little hexies but I sure wouldn't have the patience for them. Your cushion is lovely. Easter presents for work you are organised! Have a great Easter break Shay and I hope you get some sewing done :-)
Maybe I should make April complete at least one stitch month...I've definitely got the lost stitchy and bloggy mojo lurgy...can't even bring myself to read posts and make comments...I was in Spotty on Sunday for all of five minutes, grabbed what I went in for and left, couldn't even bring myself to meander around and have a squiz, sad really...I am suitably impressed with your finish and in the first four days of the month no less...really like the simple straight line quilting through the hexies, perfect...
Looks like you sucked a few people in - may I borrow the title as I'm a bit light on visitors at the moment. We've had visitors and been away, so I've been absent from blogland myself - normal service will be resumed shortly!
Sorry, can't comment properly because still laughing too hard at the mattress flipping!
Sucked me in too. Ha ha! I'm sure your fabric imperviosity will disappear once you see something bright, and new and fun. I've also slacked on my blog, but between the puppy and getting things ready for the upcoming quilt show, no time for blogging. Hope to be back at it soon enough. Happy Easter!
LOVE the hexie pillow!!! Look at how talented you are! Seriously...I LOVE it.
I've been oven-less for nearly a year, but I'm calling the repair guy this week, since I finally have a day off that doesn't start with an S. Thank God for toaster ovens, but even then, some stuff just doesn't work. Not that I've been cooking much lately. My poor kids. Tonight it was soup from a can. I just don't have the energy to do much except read these days. Not that I've ever enjoyed cooking. I love the hexie pillow - I may try one of those. It "should" be a quick project, right?
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