Unaccustomed as I am to public writing I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone who entered my give away over the past week. In just a few minutes we'll know who the lucky winner is.
But first ....One of the cool things about being part of the blogging community is that when all of Australia is snoring it's head off and I'm pretty much one of sixteen people in the country who is awake at 3.20am, I have my Northern Hemisphere friends to keep me company. Thank you people on the other side of the world for getting me through another night of cruddy sleep. I took the opportunity to get busy in my sewing room as well. Naturally I'll be asleep tonight at 9pm but I'm starting to enjoy living like a 90 year old woman who has to get up 43 times a night because she has a bladder capacity the size of a pea.
Ok I was just sort of building the tension there ...I like being dramatic. Let's hop on over to Mr. Random Number generator and choose a winner.
You’ll just have to trust me on this because I can't get that little number doodad result thing to paste in my blog....The winner is:Number 53

I'm glad to have you blogging, Shy, and even more, to visit with you in your blog window, and you in mine. Keep it comin' girlfriend, you are a bright spot on my computer ~
Pokey will be mortified that the very first time she doesn't proof read her comment and and calls me Shy (I can hear most of you rolling round on the floor with laughter at this point ) random number generator picks her comment to be regurgitated for all the world to see. I'm pretty sure that the universe wanted you to have this fabric as consolation Pokey! Congratulations. Please send me your address and I'll get this off to you this week.
Thank you everyone for playing!
There couldn't have been a better winner in my book... conrgats to pokey. Trish
Congratulations Pokey. I'm sure that is going to happen to me one day, especially if I use my iPad to comment, auto correct is not very nice sometimes.
Thanks for sharing your bladder size Shay!
Congratulations Pokey...that is too funny!!
Congratulations to Pokey! Those slips on the keyboard do come back to huant you at the most unfortunate time.
Well done Pokey
I'm still beating myself about the head because although I have been reading your blog for ages I had fogotten to sign up as a follower!! I have now.
Speaking of bladders there is a cartoon over at Earthmamma
Which was probably created with you in mind!!
That is hilarious! Congratulations Pokey!
Congratulations to Pokey!! She is one lucky chic! :o) And I totally get the whole randome number generator thingy. I don't know how on earth to get it to post correctly either. Thanks for the chance at such a great giveaway, Shy!! Um...eh...I mean, Shay. :o) Sorry, Pokey! Sometimes I just can't stop myself!
Congratulations to Pokey! Shay certainly is a bright spot on my computer too!
Congratulations to Pokey! Somehow I don't see you as shy.
Color me pink~whether it's because I'm tickled to win, or embarrassed, I'm still pink, lol
Thank you, dear Shay!
Congrats to Pokey! Freudian slip maybe????
Man, sue was hoping to win— but congratulations go out to Pokey on her great win.
take care-
Just been catching up on your last few posts ...I love the way you write makes me laugh every time !! don't change :)...Kitchen organising just about done waiting for the mess to begin now !!...then a bloggy tea party I think !!...had a pretty rough week but got onto my sewing room today & did some (very mild) online purchasing...hope your weekend is great
Congratulations Pokey, I kept well out of this giveaway.....it was meant to go to someone who would actually use the fabric :-)
SHY!!! I love it! Congrats, Pokey!
Congratulations Pokey.
Now off you go on your little holiday Shay. I'm sure Queensland will never be the same after a week of the two of you whooping it up! I hope your getting plenty of sleep in preparation Miss Sunshine.
Oh God!fancy an ex-school teacher writing the wrong you're !!!
"I hope you're getting plenty of sleep in preparation Miss Sunshine!"
I must proof read, I must proof read, I must proof read, I must proof read, I must proof read !!!!!!!!
Cheers ( again )
Yay, Pokey! I'm happy for you!
Shy...that reminds me of the opposite nickname a friend dubbed me years ago, "Short Stuff." LOL.
Congrats to Pokey! She's a lucky lady.
Lucky Pokey, I am sure she thinks it was worth the typo to win! And I enjoy talking to you in the wee hours of your morning. Suits me fine. Sorry I missed FTF this week. Mind going places without me. Promise to put more effort in next week!
Congratulations Pokey....MMMmmm shy is not the word I would have described you either LOL :) Barb.
Congratulations Pokey!
Yep - I picked myself up off the floor after reading that - there are lots of adjectives which describe you but shy could never be one of them!
Lucky Pokey
"...has to get up 43 times a night because she has a bladder capacity the size of a pea" ... I'm 27, and I've been doing that for about ten years now...lol.
It's a small world after all when someone I "know" wins. Pokey you lucky girl! I am even smiling as I write this, sore loser that I can be!
I am so laughing at the moment.. Poor Pokey! I am in sympathy with you about sleep too, I will sure crash tonight...
Congratulations to Pokey!
I can't believe I missed out on entering. Last week was full of weird for me and I skimmed the post and meant to come back and fully read it and then comment. I'm not sure what happened.
Great giveaway!
xo -E
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