My morning routine every day for at least the last 25 years has been pretty much the same. I wake up and my brain instantly kicks into gear. After my poor brain works out what day it is (that's always my first thought ) I'm thinking about whether I have to go to work and what I have to accomplish for the day. I'm usually out of bed within about 60 seconds of waking up. It sucks to be instantly awake.
Every morning is the same. I stagger off to the bathroom and turn on the kettle and computer on the way. Once the bathroom and I have finished the most important ritual of my day occurs.
I make coffee.
I don't understand anyone who can leave the house in the morning without slurping down at least one cup of coffee. I need at least two or I'm a cranky pants or at the very least fairly fuzzy round the edges by the time I get to work.
When I was nursing and had to be at work at 7am, there was usually no time for that second cup. I had to get Miss P to childcare and I'd often leave home at 6.15 am. It became well known among the night nurses that the only way to have a handover conversation with me was to have a hot steaming cup of coffee sitting on my desk when I walked in the door. It's like coffee lights up my brain and allows me think intelligent thoughts.
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At my worst point of addiction I was drinking about 8 cups a day. That stuff is more addictive than crack. You seriously do go through withdrawal when you're coming off it.
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I don't discriminate when it comes to coffee. Plunger, coffee machine, instant-I'll drink them all. Cappuccino, Mocha, Vienna, Flat White - just brew it up and hand it over. Coffee makes me smart.
As far as I'm concerned a bad cup of coffee is better than no cup of coffee and it's one of my favourite things this week. Link away if you'd like to share one of your favourite things this week.
Oh yeah! I'll take a bad cup of coffee over no coffee any day! I love my coffee but in the summer drink 1 cup a morning and winter, 2 cups. What can I say, I'm seasonal. Summer = wine, Winter = Beer, too. lol
Come visit, I'll have coffee and a bath you can live in! :D
I'm reading this in bed and my already written linky post is downstairs without the link put in it yet. Don't think I can manage that on the iPad. It will have to wait until morning.
I am a coffee free zone. Just never liked it - at least not without alcohol in it! And before you think I have gone all british and drink buckets of tea - not bothered with that much either.
I hate that instant sleep to brain buzzing awake. Happens all the time and sometimes I just wish I could roll over and fall back asleep. Unfortunately that is rare. With you hitting the floor running. Hope you have a good Friday and a nice weekend planned.
I am not a fan of coffee either....with the exception of coffee ice cream, especially if it is topped with both chocolate and caramel syrup and some shaved almonds ;) Tea is for me! But, like you, I am in 3rd gear as soon as I wake up. No snooze button here, brain instantly alert and away I go....until I drop!
Still Thursday here, a work dinner tonight and work tomorrow yet to shlep through......
there was a cup waiting for me this morning when I was rolled out of the operating room and waking up.....two days without coffee and had a bad case of the nasties! never again will I go without! they told me later I could have had my coffee just not this morning.
I am a real fuss pot when it comes to my coffee. I like Moccona Indulgence instant coffee - I find it makes a perfect strong cup of coffee, good enough to rival a proper espresso. I like it strong (2 teaspoons), 1 level sugar and the skinniest milk you can find. I need to make it myself so the right amount of milk goes in (last, of course)! Anal, much?
Well I was going to write what I thought would be a very unique comment, but then I see that Susan has said it all for me... Seriously, we have to stop being little twinnies on the other side of the world from each other. So instead I will paraphrase:
A) I have my post all ready to go, but am reading this on my phone so it will have to be linked later when I can all the necessary fancies
B) I can't relate I'm afraid because I'm not in the coffee club. Or the tea club. Diet coke, now there is a vice I could talk all about to you.
C) I am a grumpy bum in the morning, but i tend to be part of the could lay around lazily in bed for hours group :)
I kind of wish it didn't tale me so long to get going, but since I feel like hurling at the first whiff I get of coffee, I somehow don't think that's my answer LOL!
Oh I am so with you Shay! Just looking at your pics sent me to my favourite cup and the kettle...aah!
I have been told if I give it up I will live longer...NAH! It will just SEEM a lot longer without coffee. Now just add a chocolate and oh heaven!!!
Great FTF!
P.S. Are you like all my other Nursey friends who can cat nap at the drop of a hat and spring instantly awake afterwards...unlike me who is an unintelligible being for hours?
Coffee is the true elixer of life, at least at in our house any way. My brain does not turn on without coffee. Great FTF Shay!
I don't feel right until I get that first cup. sometimes I don't have it until I get to work; but that's when I roll out of bed, shower, and get to work within a half hour of waking.
What's the definition of a bad cup of coffee?? I'm no coffee connoisseur and will drink just about any brand .. but if the coffee is too strong or too old, I will pass.
My favorite coffee drink is the Starbucks frappacino (or from Pete's it's called something else and is actually better than the Starbucks version).
I don't drink coffee - it smells delicious when I get to work and everyone is brewing up their fave blends...but I just don't like the taste...drink the occasional cup of tea but usually can't be bothered because it means putting the kettle on and by the time I think about doing that I don't feel like a cuppa anymore....but when I make the effort I do enjoy it. My favourite thing for every Friday is just that it's Friday! Sorry I had to take a rain check on the catch-up tomorrow :(
Coffee sure is an important part of my day, though I don't do it first up - usually the first drink after breakfast.
Fantastic Favourite.
Obviously you are as addicted to coffee as I am to it and can´t live without it. I do like the smell of coffee but just cannot get myself to drink hot drinks...therefore no coffee for me :-
(wordverification: geteilt which means shared in German How funny is that?)
I used to be a 10 cuppa per day girl, but had to cut down as my withdrawal headaches on saturdays were brutal. Laying in bed all morning and missing the first 5 or 6 cups that I would have had in work wasn't good.
I also realised they contributed to my frequent normal headaches (as opposed to migraines) so now I try and limit to one cup a day. It sometimes creeps up, but I notice after a few days the effect on my head.
I still love it though, even though it doesn't love me. But never with alcohol in, or in ice-cream.
I'm afraid I'm a tea girl myself. ne cup of coffee a day is a pleasure and usually my limit. But when I go out I ALWAYS have coffee not tea - I think it a "cooler" drink !!!
I was VeRY fussy about my coffee!! But Ive given it up because it makes me too nervy so I'm now a tea drinker, I never thought I would be but I love my hundred cups a day!
I do like coffee but it doesn't like me, I'm ok if I have one every two or three days. Tea is ok but I would prefer to have a coffee if I could. Now I usually drink water!
I'm a wide awake the instant I wake up girl too, none of this dozing and going back to sleep for me.
I used to drink coffee and loved a cup of black for breakfast but after kids I can't hack the smell as much. It doesn't help that Hubby likes 3 tsps of instant in his cup!! I am a tea girl now...Earl Grey please and lots of it. I was only saying last night that I must be getting old because all I want when I get home is a 'nice cuppa' lol
I like to hit the snooze button about 10 times and if I could sleep till noon I would! I'm more of a night owl :-) PS my word verification was hyper, how appropriate!
Gotta agree with you on the coffee...My partner and I went out for dessert and (for me) a schooner sized coffee @ a Dome cafe a few hours ago....That was followed by dinner....After all life is short so why leave dessert until last?
LOL - same here, but for me it's chocolate cuz I'm allergic to caffeine. I know - people will tell me that chocolate has caffeine, however it is the reverse isomer of the caffeine molecule and my body doesn't recognize it as caffeine. Aren't I lucky!
I'm sorry. I'm totally that person. I really don't like coffee. It's probably a good thing because can you imagine how annoying I'd be all hopped up on coffee? My Hubby though, well, we're seriously considering an iv hook up for him.
I'm not as fussy about my coffee as I am about my chocolate! :-)
I've come around to enjoying a cuppa coffee on an almost daily basis now. Can't do the caffeine tho, heart jitters, and I get addicted easily besides. That latte is so pretty.
Awww! Coffee! I developed a taste for it late in life, but I do enjoy a good cup of coffee. I'm a little on the picky side about it, and don't have it every day, but it's hard to beat a good cup of coffee!
Sawasdee ka *-*
I come to visit you blog naka
Love the stuff, but it has to have some sort of creamer in it for me. Been enjoying the iced coffee since it's been so warm here, but nothing like a steaming cup when it's cold!
I am late to the coffee drinkers party, but I am a lover myself. However, I am not an addict. I purposefully go a couple days at a stretch without it, partially to make it's reintroduction into my life that much sweeter (absence makes the heart grow fonder) and partially to avoid getting to the point where not having a cup gives me shaky, headachy withdrawals.
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