I haven't linked up to Kate's 15 minute challenge the last couple of weeks because there hasn't been much going on here in the creativity department. There wasn't a whole lot happening this week either but I did manage to get the bases for my Christmas gift boxes sewed together.
I got one block to completion and I'm liking the way it looks. 15 more blocks to go. Lots of seam pressing in these blocks which we all know I love(insert sarcasm here)
In pondering my lack of significant achievement again this week, I have realised that having an actual paying job that I'm expected to attend daily really interferes with my crafting. As does hosting birthday parties, having house guests, and falling asleep on the couch at 9 pm every night. How do other people manage to find the time to be so crafty? I don't have kids to worry about and still can't get my shit together.
I would also like to point out that Ms. Seams Inspired is kicking my butt in our Quiltalong with these blocks. Little Miss Sunshine and I are lagging way behind so if you want to join in you're still not too far behind to catch up!
Pop on over to Kate's to see more creative peeps and their achievements this week. I believe there is a Christmas giveaway going on there.

P.S. If my awesome boss is reading this I LOVE my job. I just wish you'd come to the party on the idea of me hand stitching during meetings.
P.S. If my awesome boss is reading this I LOVE my job. I just wish you'd come to the party on the idea of me hand stitching during meetings.
I had an all day teacher's meeting once, and showed up with class papers to grade and bulletin board signs to color. I guess that's not the same as stitching, is it? Funny, my boss felt like I wasn't paying attention....
Loving that Christmas quilt!! Yeah, it's annoying how work uses up so much crafting time!
They are looking fantastic it is going to be a great quilt and remember if you don't finish it this year there is always the Xmas after that. Not a lot on the achievement front here I am afraid.
9pm hmmmm are you sure about that?????
Your Christmas box blocks are looking magnificent, I love all the different fabrics you've used, really really pretty.
I've been putting off cutting the background. Cutting 233942 strips 2 1/2 inches wide just isn't on my list of fun things to do.
Those are some cute blocks, Shay! I am still hoping to make a Christmas table runner in July, but I'm having too much fun with the kaleidoscope blocks at the moment. And I hear you on not enough crafty time due to real life interference.
I love the combination you chose for your blocks. Beautiful! Actually, I think one of ours is the same. ☺
Why wouldn't your boss let you bring stitching? As talented as you are, I'm sure you could multi-task listening and sewing.
Sounds like you have a busy week. Good luck getting those bows stitched on the boxes! Happy Wednesday! ☺
Your blocks are looking bright and cheery in my grey and rainy place.
Lovely little packages for a pretty Christmas quilt.
I had a housemate once who knitted a pair of socks while at a work conference. Surely a little stitching wouldn't hurt in a meeting.
Beautiful fabrics for the Christmas quilts. I guess I better hurry and finish cutting out all of mine. I haven't sewed a stitch yet!
Looks like progress has been made in spite of the day job. Being crafty at least 15 minutes a day has been my only solution to the delima of being a working stiff.
Thanks for linking up this week.
What cool blocks! Hey, it doesn't matter how fast you go. Quilting is supposed to be therapy from your job, your house guests etc., not one more obligation.
You are way to hard on yourself, you are amazingly creative :-) Christmas....I can't think about that at all yet!
I love these present shaped blocks but am overwhelmed with projects just now...really need some finishes soon!
I once took some cross-stitch work to a casual dinner party, thinking that while we talked after dinner I could stitch. A male guest took me to task and I put it away and never did that again. Guess I am too Victorian in my thinking it was fine to talk and do handwork while visiting friends!
Hey! I'm planning to make one of those Christmas Presents quilts, too. No joke - it is literally the next project on my list! Your first block is lovely!
I love the Christmas boxes now that I see them all together. That is going to be a festive quilt. Don't feel bad, I don't have a job at all (though I wish I did) and I still don't get anything done.
The Christmas blocks are going to be beautiful. I love the first one and can't wait to see all the others. Work does get in the way, but it also enables us to craft on the weekends. It also makes us appreciate the crafty times even more. I just wish I wouldn't waste so much time.
Lookin' good and don't worry about not achieving an incredible amount of crafting while working and doing other stuff - it makes us 'normal' people feel better about ourselves - all my weeks are like that!
Loving your christmas boxes and quilt Shay. That fabric is stunning. Just not good enough is it that we are unable to stitch at work, these bosses, who do they think they are????
I know that I am supposed to be making my Christmas stuff now - but I fail dismally year after year. At least I am consistant. Your blocks look terrific. It will be a great quilt.
Your Christmas block looks really sweet and I agree with what Michelle says. I'm one of those that has to be 'in the season to have a reason' so Christmas isn't even on my radar yet - and I don't think I'll ever get my shit together...
I feel so guilt at not linking up myself for so long - but then it's only the past few days that I've managed to do any sewing. I'm in awe of how much you accomplish and how lovely your work is!
And yes - those Magic Erasers are awesome!
I never promise anything! What if I couldn't keep it? I never join up before hand either....geez. too little time too much to do.
and I do love the christmas thingy that is being done in July! I get the urge around Dec 10th...that's when Christmas comes around to us.
Wow, i think you are being productive and think you are also being too hard on yourself! As for the blocks, thanks for letting us know you are "behind" (which I think you aren't since there are two of you in the same place and only one is the run ahead let's beat them across the finish line person - hehe, yes, Larri, talking about you!)
I forgot about this but will go pull fabrics tonight now that I've seen this post and been reminded. Thanks!
I think stitching during meetings is a perfectly reasonable request! Loving the Christmas blocks , they are so cute!
as long as you're enjoying your craftiness - that's the point! I love the Christmas boxes so far. I never have energy when it's cold outside - and if it's dark in your area at 5pm like it is here in the winter - no one blames you for falling asleep at 9pm.
That is going to be such a cute quilt! I love your fabrics and you get tons done!
ox -E
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