If I go AWOL this week, it's not because something nefarious happened, (like Mr. P went crazy and threw me down a mine shaft) it's just that I may be incredibly busy for no other reason than I'm incredibly busy. Do you guys ever have weeks like that? Where LIFE seems to be throwing all sorts of busy at you? Yep? I can feel this week is going to be like that. Like last week.

Karen over at Sew Many Ways is hosting a quilt-along for participants to share the process of making a snowball quilt. The idea is to pick a night and make snowball blocks. Monday's are my check in day so I can share my progress with the group, so here is my wrap up of Week 2. If you want to hop on over the Karen's blog just click the picture above.
This week I was confident I would power along but last week's "busy" totally thwarted my plan. I sewed once from last Monday to Saturday. And then I didn't use the time to do snowball blocks. I made a quilt top for Little P.
So my grand total for this week is 9 blocks which I still havent squared up! Methinks I better make a bigger effort for next week.
I'm having fun blog hopping and having a squizzy at what other people are doing. It's really hard imagining what all these quilts are going to look like when they're all finished. They're all so different. Marg wrote a hilarious post about her progress and you can check it out here. I think she's having the most fun out of all of us.
P.S. It's 16 days until my sister arrives.
Fun, are you insane? Enough time has passed that I think I can face trying a few more this week, fingers crossed.
I love the colours you have chosen, very pretty.
I think the snowballs are great looking. I love the material.
I have had many "busy" weeks, but also have had some "unexpected" weeks. I think the "unexpected" throw me for a loop more than the "busy."
I am so excited that your sister is coming!
Looking very good! I agree, that's nine more than you had at the start! I am still uncommitted about joining this as I already am in for the mystery quilt of Judy's.
I did read Marg's hysterical posts about the snowballs==I see she may yet brave them again :)
Good luck on your busy week!
My sister is coming in about 6 weeks but only for a visit, not to stay :(
You're doing better than I am. I haven't even started my blocks -- but I did finally pull fabrics from my stash last night. I'm pretty excited and wish I could just chuck the project I'm working on right now that was supposed to be finished on Friday but isn't because I ran into all kinds of technical difficulties. Better get that finished so I can do a few snowballs. I love your fabric choices! I know I already said that, but I think it bears repeating ;).
Lovely, lovely blocks! For a busy gal, imo, you've done quite well. Actually, considering you made Little P a quilt, I'd say you've done fabulously well.
Nice work! I think every week is a busy week, I swear sometimes it feels like the madness will never end ;-)
Love your post - hope you are 'fun busy' and good things come from being that busy. I sometimes like to be busy, but sometimes too much busy is just too much! Love your little Australian phrases - 'squizzy' - he he he he.
Thanks for checking out my blog. I love the fabrics you chose for your snowballs. I agree, I can't wait to see what they all will look like.
You're doing great. I haven't done any sewing in over a week because it has been one of those busy, busy weeks for me, too. This week, when I walk into the room that holds my sewing machine and it looks over at me all forlorn and neglected, and I feel guilty, pat it's little top, and walk on. :(
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