This week has been full of highs and lows...

This is my car being towed away for repairs because the transmission is broken. I sent the car in for repairs 7 weeks ago because I knew there was something wrong with the transmission , and it came back marginally better after a full major service but still wasn't quite right. It's been back in since then for other repairs, and I have been asking Mr. P for 3 weeks to take it back in to have the transmission looked at. There was some rather blue language round here on Saturday when the car just refused to go into gear. Mr. P arranged for the car to be towed away to be looked at after the RAA dude confirmed it was transmission related issue . Mr. P's motivator was fear - I was not a happy camper. The irony of all of this is that Mr. P works for a major international car company that has all the fixit guys you could ever need about 30 seconds walk from here he sits all day Monday to Friday - I ask you how hard it could have been to organise for the car to be looked at on one of the other 475 occasions I've mentioned it....
These are the jeans that I went to put on Saturday morning and the zip on my jeans broke ....its not like I don't have others - but these were one of my favourites :(
I also stuffed a brand new pair of unworn unides but since this post is already sounding a bit like a pity party lets all move on shall we?
We had a house full of visitors all weekend. Aside from my parents, we had a very special visitor come to stay on Friday night for the first time in a while. We had a camp out in our bedroom and everyone knows when you have a camp out you have to have a fire. I was a bit dubious about setting a camp fire on top of my carpet so we improvised.
Unfortunately Kevin the sock monkey got too close to the fire at one point and we had to render first aid.
On Saturday Little P chose hanging out at home over going to the movies. We baked some chocolate chip cookies (no pictures -since they all got eaten rather rapidly), blew some bubbles, made playdough, did some drawing, and then did some gardening. I know you already know this - but this kid is the light of my life. I love seeing the world through his eyes. His enthusiasm for life is positively infectious.
The week before last I won a giveaway over at Rachael's blog (Blue Mountain Daisy). I kept waiting and waiting with increasing excitement for it to arrive, checking the post box every day. I mentioned to Mr. P last Monday that I was waiting for parcel and he sheepishly went out to his car and brought in a package that he told me had arrived Friday but that he forgot to give me.
Talk about hitting the motherlode-A huge parcel of awesomeness! Thankyou Rachael. I dont know what to use first but trust me - I'm going to have fun playing with all of this loveliness.
And last of all, I managed some sewing in amongst the madness that was my weekend. I've been moving forward on my Seville quilt (which in theory is meant to be finished by the end of June -dont laugh - it's still possible)
And I started cutting fabrics for my first new quilt of 2014...which doesn't look like much at the moment but is going to be absolutely gorgeous if I can make all my seams behave. You'll have to wait until I have an actual block done to see where I'm heading with this. And who knows when that's going to happen. Crazy week coming up....