Sunday, September 21, 2014

Celebrating Being Me

This weekend was my birthday weekend and it started perfectly as if it was an omen for how the rest of the weekend would pan out. Friday morning my work colleagues and I received a thank you gift from a family we work with. KK's for morning tea! Bliss. Some people who hadn't had KK's before thought Krispy Kremes were overrated. I'm not talking to those people anymore because they clearly have no taste buds. Nobody thought they were so bad that they handed me their half eaten donuts however, so frankly I think they were just taking the piss. 

 Friday night involved sewing

Unusually for me I decided not to cook(no laughing from the peanut gallery!)so we ordered gourmet pizza for dinner ...

Saturday breakfast...don't judge me.

Saturday lunch at 3pm was a hunk of cheese which I shared with Indy and Lola. Mainly because Indy was resting his head on my leg and threatening to drown me in drool. It seemed easier to give him some than to have to find a life preserver to ensure my survival....

I spent all day Saturday putting some of my Moroccan Tile blocks together (and managed to crack two whole rows) while intermittently sobbing and repeatedly unpicking. 

Saturday night was spent in the glorious company of my fabulous husband, staying at a hotel on the beach for the night.

We went to Esca for dinner and it was fabulous. (Pictorial evidence of fabulousness below) I didn't think to take a picture of my pancetta wrapped prawns , in red pepper coulis with zucchini and rocket salad, but that was also delicious. I'm a big fan of good food, especially if someone else is cooking it. 

Sunday we had Maccas for breakfast

I opened presents

and I spent three hours meditating in this space , checking out the inside of my eyelids to make absolutely certain they were still there.

Later in the day I spent some more time putting together a couple more rows on my Moroccan tile love for that is passing rather rapidly. I'm a pattern dumbarse and I've done something wrong and I'm having to re-measure each individual block before I add it to the's driving me spare. The possibility of a finish before the end of September is ever diminishing. 

Later I noticed that  the first border is not right and I'll have to unpick it again. At about that point I called it a day. (more sobbing and swearing also occurred at this point)

Birthday Snack time was more salt and vinegar chips and some Haighs chocolate oranges. I'm all about healthy eating most of the time ( excuse me while I roll around on the floor laughing) but on a birthday weekend I just let it all hang out.

Mr. P gave me the coolest gift ever for my birthday. Its a scale that you pair with an app on your Ipad that walks you through how to make hundreds of cocktails. You choose the one you want from the app, put the glass on the scale and hook it up to your Ipad and it guides you through making the drink by weighing the liquor for you and telling you when to stop pouring, and what to add next  ....pure genius. I had to try it out - twice - to make sure it worked. 

Dinner was spent with my family at a little hotel in the hills not far from my house. It involved more present opening, a couple more cocktails and a lot of laughter with the people I love most. I don't think you can ask for any more than that for a wonderful birthday.  

And there endeth my weekend was perfect. 


  1. Happy Birthday, Shay! It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend with your wonderful family. I can't see any mistakes in your Moroccan quilt--it looks really great!

  2. That is going to be a beautiful quilt. Nana naps are the best!

  3. Happy Birthday dear friend, I'm so glad your birthday weekend was wonderful, maybe next year we could extend the festivities to a whole week? I'll definitely help you celebrate!

  4. Happy Birthday Shay. Loving your Moroccan Tile quilt. Love the colours. Persevere with it.

  5. Happy Birthday, it sounds like the perfect weekend.

    Well except for the troubles with the Moroccan Tile quilt. I do love the colours and know that you can do it!!!

    God Bless.

  6. Happy Birthday! Sounds like a perfect weekend.

    I share your pain with pattern dumbass-ery. I absolutely cannot read them.

  7. Happy birthday!! Do not give up on the moraccan tile, it will be worth it!

  8. Happy birthday! You look beautiful and happy! The Moroccan tile quilt is looking great! Sorry it's given you unpicking practice, but it will all pay off in the end.

  9. Happy Belated Birthday! It sounds like a wonderful celebration! How cool is that scale? I would have never thought about that. How many times has it said that you have the right amount of liquor and you've just kept pouring?

    Keep going with the quilt - it's gorgeous and will be worth it in the end!

  10. A little too much unpicking and crying, but the progress looks beautiful! I think I should make hotel reservations for my birthday too! Glad it was a wonderful weekend containing so many favorite things. Happy Birthday

  11. Happy Birthday! Sounds like a great weekend. I do hope you'll persevere with the Moroccan Tile quilt as it looks fab so far

  12. What happened there? Some international incident? I started to venture a guess at how young you must be, and the computer gods knocked me off!
    Anyway, this way I get to say Happy Birthday again. You must be all of 30 by now.
    Love the quilt you are making... don't worry about the unsewing. It happens to the best of us. It won't show when you are finished. Keep on keeping on.
    Great gift from Mr.P, and I love the picture of the three at the end. You are quite photogenic.

  13. A Super Duper Happy Birthday to You !!! You sure know how to celebrate, everything about the weekend sounds perfect!! Those KKs look particularly good, how could anyone say they are overated. I know you are saying that your Morocan tiles aren't behaving but they look awesome and you've made heaps since the last time you showed them so I think you might just meet your deadline. It's going to be such a beautiful quilt!!

  14. Happy birthday, sounds like your birthday weekend was fantabulous! And getting to eat food cooked by someone else is a bonus, I always find. Moroccan Tiles is looking rather gorgeous, just remember stiff upper lip, big girl panties and all that crap, and all will be well.

  15. Happy Birthday Shay! Sounds like you had an amazing weekend and celebrated in style, yay. The cocktail measurer is a super clever idea. Mr Shay is a clever guy!

  16. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Thanks for sharing the laughter and fun on your blog. The only thing that concerns me is that you can't be sure about your drink scale until it's been checked 5 out of 10 tunes for accuracy. What a fun day you had.

  17. Happy Birthday sounds like a wonderful weekend. I'm not sure how you eat salt and vinegar chips and choc orange together they seem like very strange bed fellows.

  18. Sounds terrific! Happy Birthday Shay!

  19. Ha, ha, ha, what a great pressie, cocktail app! I love it and I dont even drink cocktails - but perfect for you! Happy belated birthday, glad you had an awesome weekend, excepting for the pesky tile blocks but hopefully they can be saved for another day.

  20. Happy Birthday Shay. It was a great weekend for celebrating wasn't it although I have doe it a couple of times more than you, you do it in a much more spectacular fashion.

  21. Happy Birthday! Sounds wonderful! Does the cocktail app mean you're going to start cocktail wednesday up again? I'm ready.

    I think those who have issues with KK are just in denial ... they probably eat them on the sly.

  22. Best of luck getting your quilt figured out. Hate, hate, hate when I have those kinds of quilty issues. Sounds like your birthday was the best of times, all the right stuff to make it happy happy.:)

  23. Belated Happy Birhtday Greetings.

    That weekend sounds pretty darn perfect to me!

  24. Happy Birthday! Looks like you had a pretty fabulous bithday week.

  25. Glad you had fun, it sounded like your dream celebration!

  26. That sounds just about perfect for a birthday weekend. Glad you enjoyed all of it, well except for the unsewing bit I think!
    Lovely colours you're playing with there, however they go together you've got to be smiling.

  27. Happy Birthday. My birthday weekend was the one prior but the celebrations didn't last as long. And I think I recognise that little hotel in the hills....strangely enough MY family birthday dinner will also be held there next month, when my sister returns from OS.

    I also think you are very brave tackling curves, so any cursing is forgiven.

  28. Happy Birthday ...21 and a bit and looking good. I tried KK's for the first time on the weekend, the pitfalls of living in the country and i hafta say im a convert. Hats off to you for the curved piecing, im sure it will all be worth it.

  29. Happy Birthday Shay. Glad you had a great weekend. Great post as usual. hugs......

  30. That sounds like an awefully cool weekend. Glad you got to enjoy yourself so much!

  31. You deserve the best and I am glad you got it. A wonderful weekend! Your Moroccan tile is gorgeous.. a stunner!

  32. You have perfected 'Celebrating You!'
    Your fabulous weekend is one for the memory books. Happy, Happy Birthday, Shay! Can't think of a more deserving person to celebrate in such fun and style. :)

    PS...I like the tiled quilt. Looks difficult though. Can't wrap my head around those curves.

  33. Looks like your weekend was perfect...just like you! Glad you had an awesome time - you certainly packed a lot into the weekend.....I have that Moroccan tile pattern - must get it out and have a crack at it....because you make it sound like a lot of fun :) See you Sat'dy x

  34. Belated hiccy burpday!

    Some thoughts though:

    You know some freaky people that don't like KKs

    Hope you didn't eat the plastic pizza hats

    Pink salt and vinegar crisps is, well, weird. Pink here is prawn cocktail, salt and vinegar is blue (except if you're Walkers, and then they're green, but they have issues...)

    See, told you you could do curves!

    Love that beach, and the food

    Cocktail scales and app? Genius!

  35. I have been missing in blogland for a week or two and I missed your birthday! You clearly did your very best to stuff in as much as you could (literally as well as figuratively), well done! Still have not tried a Krispy Kreme but I have it on good authority they are opening one in the city in November so I'm sure I'll manage to wander past that one at some stage and give them a try! Happy belated birthday!

  36. Very late Happy Birthday...does it count that at least I made it in the same month! Looks like it was a goody...enjoy playing with those scales I can see many pretty drinks with umbrellas in your future...

  37. Belated Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had a wonderful one.

    The only person I know who doesn't like KK donuts is My Guy, but that's because he doesn't like sweets period.

  38. OMG how did I miss this post, spank me now!
    It looks like a totally awesome weekend, although I have already had a blow by blow description of it, but now I get to see some more photos too.

  39. Happy belated birthday!! Your weekend sounds absolutely perfect :)


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