Sunday, September 14, 2014


My days off this past week have been filled with pleasant stuff, faffing about and doing pretty much exactly what I felt like. That included a lot of sewing, minor amounts of housework, limited cooking and a fair bit of sleeping. I had one day in my pyjamas and forced myself to get dressed in actual clothes the rest of the time. I swear if I didn't ever have to go to work, pyjamas would be my uniform. 

During my week off, my grand sewing plans mostly came to fruition, and I even managed to squish in a shopping trip for fabric, dragging Patty Pie (Mother of Pyjamas) along for the ride.  It took 3 shops to get everything I needed, but I'm all set for another three quilts to be started (and finished-fingers crossed). I've left out the boring white fabric I bought and well as a ton of batting, which is currently residing on the sewing room floor being used by Lola as an impromptu dog bed. Miss Lola is such an opportunist.

My rather eclectic and out of character purchases 
I started and finished a simple baby blanket/play mat /change mat on Monday. I think I've nailed this FM meandering gig and need to move on to something else. One side is for a girl and one side is for a boy because I don't know what kind of baby its going to be, as the parents have chosen to be surprised. I'm assuming they have had an ultrasound and already know they aren't having twins because that'd be one heck of a surprise and I've only made one quilt.

My second Irish Chain quilt is done and ready to be donated to the Mary Potter Foundation. Quilted in a simple diagonal serpentine stitch in wonderful 50 weight Aurifil thread. I've started using Aurifil for piecing as well not just quilting because yes - it just rocks that much.  As an aside , having now made two Irish Chain quilts in a row , I am so over them that I'm ready to move onto something completely different. I see curves in my future. And swearing and tantrums due to the curves. 

I've made progress on a third donation quilt as well. The postage stamp sized bits were driving me slightly batty but I finally have enough cut and sewed to the point where I can sew them into 16 patches. Once this quilt is finished I'm going to give donation quilting a rest for a bit and concentrate on some of the projects on my FAL list for the last quarter (my efforts on that list for this quarter have been seriously abysmal)

Lucy Boston has been stuffed in a bag and I'm now working on Miss Elizabeth instead from a pattern by Cherry Pie Designs that I saw at the Quilt Show in Melbourne in April and immediately fell in love with. Progress has been made cutting a bajillion hexies and honeycombs. Mental note to self: When glue basting these suckers don't forget all the rude things everyone said last time they had to help you unpick the paper bits from the hexies.You probably don't need to glue everything to within an inch of its life. I'm feeling more optimistic about this project, although I'm sure it wont be finished until sometime in 2016. That's OK -hand sewing is all about slow going in my book. Its the journey - not the destination. 

And this morning I sucked it up and cut out all the bits for the Moroccan tile quilt that is meant to be finished by the end of September and I'm delusional optimistic enough to still think I can pull that off. 

This is where I left things before calling it a day. 

I'll leave you with some gratuitous food shots...I made up for my lack of cooking this week by pulling my finger out and hand making pot stickers from scratch for dinner tonight with a honey ginger sauce. My confidence took a battering the first time I made these which was some time last year I think. The hot sauce was so f****** hot even Mr. P had tears streaming down his face. His power of speech was affected for about two hours after dinner, or perhaps that's because he couldn't think of anything nice to say about them?  I gave up and ate a sandwich and have been too chicken to make them again up until now. New recipe- much better result! 

And for dessert we had chocolate cupcakes with mint cream cheese frosting dipped in chocolate. You can never have enough chocolate.....

And while I'm on a sugar theme- this should send you into overload. I received a care parcel this week from Little Miss Sunshine which contained all the Halloween Candy I never had as a child in one box. For my Northern Hemisphere friends- don't bother looking for any Halloween Candy in your neck of the woods- I have the worlds supply at my house. I'm kind of hoping we get some Trick or Treaters this year because I will have the best supply of candy in Australia to give them. I'm pretty sure it will make me a neighbourhood legend. 

I'm back at work tomorrow but I'm determined to finish that Moroccan tile quilt under my self imposed deadline so it looks like its going to be a busy week. Enjoys yours. May it bring sunshine and good things. 


  1. Wow! I feel like such a slacker!! My big project this weekend was making a sample for a class I am teaching either next month or in November. I have discovered that I can either clean or sew. Of late, sewing wins!

  2. You are putting me to shame.......mind you, that's not difficult. Your chocolate cupcakes look very nice, and I will be knocking on your door come Halloween. Just letting you know in advance.

  3. Those chocolate cupcakes look sooo good.

    I love the fabric colours you have chosen for your fall projects. So warm and welcoming.

    God bless.

  4. I should comment on the sewing but am too enamoured with the food. Love pot stickers. Please come over and make some. While you are at it you can make those lush looking cupcakes and we can eat the candy while they are in the oven to keep us entertained.

  5. Well don´t know if I like the quilts better or the Food. How many hours does your day have? I never get anything done

  6. Well don´t know if I like the quilts better or the Food. How many hours does your day have? I never get anything done

  7. Your pot stickers do look yummy, that is what is great about photography.
    Love your hexie pursuit. Please keep us in the loop. I'd like to see more of those.
    Now lets get down to cupcakes... and then you dipped them, too? Delish. Crazy, too, like you.

  8. That sounds like an excellent holiday. You're really making progress with your sewing, fabric shopping counts. Mint cream cheese frosting sounds crazy but it sure looks good!! I've never even heard of pot stickers. You've made me hungry. If we don't hear from you over the next couple of weeks we'll know you're busy sewing your morrocan tile quilt, good luck!

  9. Oh, finishes, yay! So glad meandering has now become routine. Don't put it off the list as you'll do plenty more in the future no doubt. Those cupcakes look yum! Hope the beautiful tile quilt project goes smooth as icing. Halloween candy is everywhere here. I don't buy any until it's nearly too late to get the good stuff. Enjoy!

  10. Gosh look at all the healthy stuff you have to eat - a chemical s**t storm if ever i saw one! Those cup cakes look very inviting though...who would have thought - choc dipped cup cakes! I can't believe you only ate two though....are you unwell? Love your finishes - and your week off work sounds like the perfect week....doing what you please - when you please! Can't get much better than that! Looking forward to catching up again in a couple of weeks.....I will try and remember your nut allergy when baking for the day. btw you have some great projects on the go.

  11. Ok, recipe for the chocolate coated mint cream cheese frosting cupcakes please. Mint and chocolate is my favourite combination. Mm mm mm.

  12. Wow! you've been busy! I really like the Moroccan quilt--it should look fabulous when it's put together. And, yes! of course, you can get it done in 2 weeks! Eat one or two of those beautiful cupcakes when you get a little tired and keep on sewing!

  13. Sounds like your week off went very well! The new Moroccan quilt looks exciting. Interesting that you use Aurfil for piecing now too. I really wanted to think their thread was just a marketing gimmick, but more and more I'm falling in love with it myself. Why is it that everytime we turn around we're spending more money on high priced items? hehe

  14. I really love the Moroccan tile quilt block, it looks great in the Bonnie and Camille fabric.
    You were on fire last week and really powered through all those projects. Great job.
    I'm betting you didn't stop at two of those divine looking and sounding cupcakes, yummo. I need to get the pot sticker recipe off you too.

  15. You got a lot done on your week off! That Moroccan tile quilt is intriguing. Curves?!

    I was pondering why nobody sent you Mary Janes a/k/a peanut butter kisses (and that I might rectify that deficit in your Halloween candy stash), but then I remembered the nut allergy. Geez, I would be a dangerous friend to be around. I consume so many nuts that having a face-to-face conversation with me would probably send you into anaphylaxis just breathing the same airspace.

  16. I don't know what pot-stickers are but I'm still reeling from the second hand sugar rush induced by your photos.
    The Moroccan tile quilt looks fabulous, can't wait to see some more

  17. Well go you little miss efficient sewer! Really though, wearing jammies all the time at home is wrong? I'm screwed... I even went to the post office in them yesterday after swapping jeans for the bottoms, and adding a pair of shoes, but since there's a bunch of my neighbours who don't even bother going that far, I didn't feel out of place ;o)

  18. You got a lot done your week off. The Moroccan quilt is going to be gorgeous!


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