Friday, September 26, 2014

The Pink Dress

Im going to put this out there for anyone who hasn't picked this up through my 663 blog posts and almost 5 years of blogging ...I am not a girly girl.  I am all about having beautiful hair and I wear undies every.single. day. but clothes wise my tastes and lifestyle tend to run more to "smart casual",pyjamas or jeans than dresses or skirts. I don't own a single skirt. I do own two dresses (both of which I actually wear with leggings because that's semi trendy and because I don't have to worry about wearing pantyhose because pantyhose are the invention of the devil) and a ball gown that I've worn once on New Years Eve 2008. I think that might be the last time I wore a dress without leggings underneath....

Part of my dress aversion arises because I don't have the hips for dresses. When they were handing out hips I thought I was standing in the cocktail line and so I accidentally got served twice. I also got in the boob line at least three times but thats neither here or there, unless you were the poor sucker behind me who missed out completely, sorry about that. However today I went dress shopping because I frigging well had to. Grudgingly, and without any pleasure about it at all. 

My nephew is getting married in about 5 weeks. His fiancee is a girly girl, as are her sisters who are organising some of the stuff around the wedding.What do you get when you put all this girly girl stuff in a blender along with pre-wedding festivities like kitchen teas and Hen's night celebrations? You get an invitation that stipulates you have to wear a pink bloody dress to one of those events. And that sucks when you don't own a variety of dresses- let alone a pink one. A pink dress that you will never ever wear again as long as you live. A pink dress that will make you stick out like dog's balls in a room of lithe young things who will be able to rock their pink dresses while you look like a big fat middle aged good year blimp. 

I'm all about making the best of a situation. My plan was to find something demure and non noticeable and cheap (since I was never wearing this darn thing again) and to sit in a corner for the afternoon sipping tea and sucking my guts in.  I imposed a time limit on my shopping (2 hours) and a set amount of shops in which to look (3 maximum) and if I hadn't found something I was coming home and going to this shindig in pink jeans dammit! (Yes I do have a pair of pink jeans)

Sometimes life has a way of surprising you. Just when you think you're on an impossible mission life throws you a bone.  At the very first shop I spied a dress I actually liked and it was the only one left. With trembling hands I sussed out the size tag and almost cried because it was my size. I tried it on still not convinced that I wasn't dreaming and I didn't feel like breaking down and crying when I saw my own reflection in the mirror.  I'll have to shave my legs before I wear it because they look like a Mediterranean mans armpits but I can handle that. They haven't been done since about May so it's probably time anyway.

Behold the perfect dress...(which I already have a matching clutch bag for in my cupboard !!!!!) 

I've decided I WILL wear this again since it's cocktail length and I have a gala dinner coming up in a couple of months and this dress will be very forgiving when its rolled up and chucked in a suitcase for our overseas trip. Serendipity I tell you! 

The best part? It cost me less than a Maccas meal...which means I have plenty of money to go buy me some spanx. 


  1. Gorgeous hon, will u model it or us tomorrow?

  2. I seriously thought you were going to end the post with a "And I Sewed A Pink Dress Because I Couldn't Find One" ツ
    Your pink dress is absolutely lovely! Can't wait for photos of you in it. Since I live with a hairy Mediterranean man, I was shuddering at your description. By all means, get those legs shaved! ;)
    Have the best of the best time & show those girly girls how quilty women live it up and celebrate ツ

  3. I love it!! You know we'll all want to see photos of you wearing it. Now what shoes are you going to wear with it? Gorgeous photo of you in your ball gown!

  4. Cute dress! If you feel less than confident about your underpinnings, Spanx truly are the best thing in the world...and not nearly as uncomfortable as one would think!

  5. I think I may have been in the queue behind you! But never mind. You look gorgeous in the first dress, and the second one is just perfect for parties and Christmas, from one non girly girl to another.

  6. At least I now know who was in front of me in the boob line lol. Def need pics of you in said's gorgeous.I'm sure you will have a great time,show them younguns how to party :)

  7. You and me both!!! I have to say you look beautiful in your black/white dress. I love your pretty pink number you will be stunning.

  8. Don't you scrub up nicely! Yes, you're's definitely a pink dress.

  9. it's you and you're going to be fabulous in it!

  10. Sooo cute! You have to post a pix of you actually IN the dress!

  11. All I can say is " wow!" Lovely and obviously made for you. It's got personality!

  12. That beautiful pink dress is the pinnacle of girly-girl! Love it. And I can relate to every sentiment you expressed in the beginning of the post. So not girly-girl am I. I gave the last of my dresses and skirts to Goodwill last year for lack of use and being out of style anyway. And I loathe pantihose, although my legs need camouflage, so I'm with you on the legging idea. Anyway, I can't wait to see you (I hope) in the pink dress. You will rock it!

  13. Get the legs done and give us a twirl. It's so far into the girlie camp it's astonishing.

  14. OMG, you know exactly how I feel about dressing up. It took me forever to find something to wear to my own daughters wedding and back in the plastic bag it went and where it will stay until they bury me in it I guess. Because that's the only other time it will be worn I'm sure. You're a hoot! Love your style! Laura

  15. Your ball gown is the dress I wanted for my granddaughter's wedding! I looked all over, and then she said I could attend wearing capris and the lacy top I had. There just wasn't anything out there for my size. (I'm working at changing that - the size I mean. It'd be easier to start up my own line of elegant old lady clothes in appropriate sizes than lose the weight.)
    The pink dress is amazing. I love it, but would never wear it. Just not that confident. Yes, please show a picture!

  16. Oh I would have wadded the invitation up and threw it at the wall! I hate being told what to wear and what color besides. Wonderful that you found something you like and will feel good wearing too. That is almost a miracle when we're not the dewy young thing (not that I ever really was)! Hope you have a blast in your party dress!

  17. You gave me a good chuckle for the day. I hate all clothes shopping too. I love your pink dress, very pretty. have a fun time!

  18. we are truly evil twins - I cannot recall the last time I wore a dress...I always think that I should and then, when I put on a skirt or something close I immediately go back to jeans. This is a lovely dress! I'm sure you will have fun wearing it :)

  19. You will totally rock this dress! I don't own a skirt and I think there are a couple of depresses in my closet, but nothing like this pink number! Will you be wearing it to stitching today??

  20. When I read that you had to wear a pink dress my heart sank. Who wants to wear an entire pink dress if you're not 5? Besides the bride since this is her idea? But wow! You found a beauty!

    You do know that you HAVE to post a picture of you in it, right? We need to see shoes too! All of us can relate to not having seriously girly moments so you must indulge us!

  21. Oh my that is some pink frock you have there.
    Amazing when the stars align like that.
    Hope you and pink frock (with Spanx) enjoy the outings.

  22. The photo of you at the top is lovely! Yeah, my sister did that twice for servings thing too, but she was born after me so I can't blame her for getting all the boobs! Congrats on the pink dress. Lol at Tazzies comment. My sister also lets her leg hair grow, the she says it's time to MOW!

  23. I'm so, so sorry to hear that you will have to shave your legs....giggle. You could have probably made it to next May. Have the dress.

  24. But the dress on!! I want to see you in it.

  25. Score! I love it when the shopping gods align and you get a bargain and its exactly what you want, it happens so rarely. Definitely need a 'hollywood' style photo of this one at the do! Great dress (although I would probably have found pink trousers and worn them!)

  26. Amazing perfect PINK dress now all we need is a snap of you wearing it.

  27. Just a gorgeous dress. If you had to go girly, girly this absolutely fits the bill. Love it.

    God bless.

  28. Oh I have a hate/hate relationship with skirts and dresses too for the most part. I think I found that 50's style ones worked for my big boobs, but off the shelf ones are usually miss and miss, because I have big boobs, short torso, and long, but chunky legs. Currently I have a fat tummy too. Nice. I don't, however, have an arse. It's unfortunate. What happens is if things fit my waist, they're rather baggy at the arse.

    Still, looking forward to seeing you in the pink wonder!

  29. Very pretty dress. Can't tell you how many helpings I went back to in the boob department, they had to be surgically enhanced and I'm with Katy I have a round tummy and no arse, but I like to wear skirts and dresses.

  30. Too funny! Mostly because you have described me to a T, maybe not the hips bit, but all the rest fits me perfectly. I do occasionally wear pink, but mostly t-shirts and mostly hot pink. Think the last time I wore a dress was to work 12 years ago. LOL. It is still in the cupboard. Why??
    Do enjoy your girly days and the wedding preparations. I'm sure you will look fabulous in that dress.

  31. I can't get the image out of my head, of you in your gorgeous girly cocktail dress with hairy legs!. We all definitely need a photo.

  32. Love the pink dress. I have the same problem with dresses, more hip than dress most of the time. Glad you found something fun to wear, you'll look fabulous!

  33. Love both dresses. I dont do dresses either but every year, for the last 4 years, we get an invite to a Ball at Crown Casino. We have attended 3 out of 4 years and I have worn the same ebay dress ($16)every time. We sit with different people every year so no one notices what I wear. Big bonus is its long so I can wear flats and I dont even have to shave my legs.
    I did buy a dress from the reduced rack at Target and paid something like $8 for it but that was well used on our 3 month camping trip in northern WA over winter because it does get hot up there at times

  34. I was absolutely definitely not behind you in the boob queue!
    Ooh I'm excited to see you shave your legs, and to see a photo of you in the dress. It's definitely a winner. How often does it happen that when you are looking for a specific item of clothing, that you find it? NEVER, that's pretty freaking awesome that a) it's the right colour, b) you like it, c) it was the right size, and d) it was a great price. YOU NAILED IT! I'd be buying a lotto ticket this week.

  35. That dress is STUNNING and the whole story gave me a good chuckle! I too got seconds and thirds in the boobs and hips lines and hear your pain when it comes to shopping. You struck gold!!

  36. Love your dress!!!!:)
    Pics please! (With you in it).


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