Sunday, July 11, 2010

My Internet sucks....

I'm  posting to let you know we had bad storms here Friday night and our internet has been playing up ever since . In fact if I get this posted it'll be a miracle since I've managed to connect to the internet for roughly 60 minutes in three minute allotments in the last 48 hours. My email is being unreliable as well, so until it's all fixed I decided to save myself the frustration and go on a blogless/internet-less/computerless holiday. Maybe it's the modem , maybe it's our connection. I'm sure Mr. P will fix it if I nag long and loud enough.

I'll see you when I return from exile.

This is killing me because I have a million things to tell you. I've been so busy and creative and renovate-y!

Yay! I got an extra three minutes to fix my typos and punctuation errors! This is utterly ridiculous.


  1. I'll miss you Mrs P. typed while sobbing uncontrollably onto my keyboard. Please come back soon.
    Please Mr P fix Mrs P's internet quickly.

  2. Hope the technical gremlins take a holiday real soon!
    Enjoy your technological vacation.

  3. It was pretty wild and woolly! No/unreliable internet is soul destroying. My son is just 8 days away from reliable internet - he is sooooo happy! Right now he has to sit in the backyard to get a signal. Not fun in the cold! Hope you get internetted again soon!

  4. Marg, Over 40, and I are having a sobbing party. We've already gone through two boxes of tissues. Please, come back soon...

  5. I hate it when my connection to cyberspace is messed up. So many of friends reside in cyberspace. It's the whole complete withdrawal thing. Hang in there, Mrs. P.!

  6. Poor you! Mine is over its limit at the moment, so that is excruciatingly slow but at least I am still connected :-)

    I hate it when my link to the outside world crashes :-(

    Hugs to you ((())))

  7. AAAh don't ya hate it. Our phone line goes semi regularly in fact it is crackly at the moment, but I usually don't do anything about it until the internet packs it in (I'm not a great phone chatter). It is usually water getting into the wires in the street, hence I stay with Telstra so I can get it fixed instead of shopping for a better deal. You have no hope of getting things fixed quickly if you are with another carrier which most of my neighbours haven't figured out yet, so I just wait until it inconveniences me and then they fix the street. Last time it was a main junction on the main street (about 100 lines).

  8. I am having trouble with my internet as stinks...totally stinks....hope you get yours going good.

  9. What a pain ! Hope it's all fixed soon .

  10. Ooohhhh!! it's just awful I know - ours is on a go slow speed now since our darling 16 year old son used up our WHOLE allowance in one day!!!!! I will now call him cyclone Matt after reading your story!! I do hope you get back "on air" soon, it's really irritating when we can't "talk" to our blogger friends!!

    Perhaps this means more sewing time?

  11. Mrs. P. Come back.

  12. Mrs P, do you realise how many tissues Alisa, Over40 and I have gone through. You have to come back soon, we can't afford to keep buying boxes and boxes of tissues.


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