Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A random collection of randomness, randomly speaking

Wow! You're all still here! It's so wonderful to be back in the land of the computer people.

Have I mentioned lately how much I adore my computer ? And how disconnected I've felt from the world the last few days.  Playing endless games of solitaire (and whooping the computer's arse might I add ) does not thrill me as much as blogging. Can you say "New Modem" because that's what Temperamental Tessie needed.  Who knew modems were like car batteries and didn't last forever ?  We just replaced the car battery as well because Casa de Pyjamas appears to be possessed by the "breakdown" gremlins at the moment.  

My life just keeps on giving me the giggles. Mr. P never quite recovered from his germ ridden lurgy last week and has spent the last two days either at work being a hero or in bed sleeping off the lurgy so he can go to work the next day and be a hero again. The irony in  all of this is that Mr. P was told a month ago he is being let go in about 10 weeks due to a company restructure so I'm not quite sure why he's pushing himself so hard. Or where our next meal is coming from. I'll worry about that when I have to. In the meantime I'm stocking up on packet pasta, toothpaste and soap. (It's important to be clean and have fresh minty breath for job interviews)

I ended up with Mr. P's lurgy and spent most of last weekend sick which kinda put a crimp in the kitchen reno plan. Me and my boogies are just like that (insert image of crossed fingers to denote closeness and affection ) I sound  like one of those barking seals at Seaworld, which would be wildly attractive if I was trying to hook up with a walrus, except they're just not my type.

Mr. P and I managed to pull up all the kitchen floor tiles last weekend despite illness.  I must admit to feeling great satisfaction at smashing the old floor tiles apart after 8 years of being sick of looking at them and hating them more every time I had to mop the floor.  I'm really hoping whatever that green stuff is that is making our kitchen floor boards  look exactly the colour and texture of an 8 ball table top isn't mould. More on the kitchen reno over the weekend.

It's sooooooooooo good to be back!


  1. Glad you're back! Happy Wednesday um, almost Thursday! *giggle* :o)

  2. Dammit Larri. I thought it was almost Friday and now you inform me it's only Wednesday...

    I'm gonna need some vodka to deal with Thursday.

  3. Hello again! Glad you're back but wayyyy far away from me so I can't get any of your lurgy. I hope nothing else breaks down at Casa de P.

  4. Welcome back - sounds like one of those really crappy weeks. Fingers crossed it started getting better x

  5. You mop the floor? It is one of my most hated jobs and I do it as little as necessary. My Mom purchased a Steam Mop for us and Big loves it, so I have relegated the job to her!

    So sorry to hear you are ill (seems like you guys have been ill a lot recently).

    Sorry to hear about Mr. P getting laid off. Perhaps smashing tiles was a good thing to do - helps release stress!

    Take care and we are glad you are back!

  6. well, welcome back! glad to see you again. :D

  7. Nice to have you back among us! Hope you are feeling better. Smashing tiles sounds like excellent therapy (so long as they're not made of asbestos!). Sorry to hear Mr. P is getting laid off.

  8. Glad you're back, sorry you're sick.

  9. Hope you feel better soon! Glad your back!

    Cheers! -E

  10. So it was you who sent the lurgies across the ditch. Don't forget toilet paper on your stock up list!!

  11. Welcome back Mrs. P! I'm sorry you've been sick too. Unfortunately with humans it's not as simple as switching out a modem.

    So is Australia's behind being kicked by recession too?

    Yay on getting the floor tiles up!

  12. Woo hoo I can stop crying now. So glad to see you are back, hope this week is much better in Casa de Pyjamas. Welcome back.

  13. nice to have you back...I have been reading but not posting lately.....have had the lurgy as well but no barking seal cough...just a head cold with sinus throbbing...I think someone filled my head with wool batting..but I did take a half day off work! Haven't been doing much - anything - blogworthy lately so will just keep reading at this stage...!

  14. Good to have you back Mrs. P. Maybe you could take some of that green stuff and spread it on some toast. If things get tough, I mean. Mr. P will find something good. Heroes always land on their feet:-)

  15. Glad you are back online...DH and I have had the lurgy for the third time now....glad when it is positive...things have a way of turning out...take care...Regards Lyn

  16. I think I have that lurgy this week....and I won't be doing any tiling that is for sure!! :-)


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