Thursday, July 08, 2010

Slack Tea Thursday

I have an excellent tale for you this evening. It has all the ingredients essential for Slack Tea Thursday. There is drama. There is a twist and there is slackness. I have decided to give you a two-fer and tell it from two different perspectives and you can decide which is the more amusing re-telling of this evening's tea events.  

Mrs. P's Slack Tea Thursday story
Mr. P awoke this morning swearing he was suffering from bubonic plague. Being an ex nurse I am always decidedly unsympathetic when people make such declarations, because I have nursed people through worse things than bubonic plague. As far as I am concerned if you have enough breath to speak and your head is still attached, you're alright Jack.    I told Mr. P  it was much more likely to be a 24 hour virus because his tongue and face were not yet black, swollen  and gross and I lithely skipped off to work after throwing a box of tissues in his general direction and issuing stern instructions  not to chuck in my side of the bed.  I must confess  I  did have  a shower this morning in  Dettol hand wash and  hoped Mr. P would be considerate enough to die in bed if he was of a mind to pop off this mortal coil since there is no way I could move him if he keeled over on the floor in my absence. But such thoughts and actions I did keep to myself not being completely lacking in social niceties.

At some point Mr. P  dragged himself from his sick bed and called me at work to croak "It's your slack tea thingy tonight isn't it- is it breaking the rules  if I make you something for dinner?". "Go for it " I said figuring that if I'm not cooking it - that's still pretty slack while worrying also a little about his germy bits touching my food. But, who am I to turn down a free meal with the added bonus of potential scarlet fever or Ebola chucked in ? I figured I could always feed whatever he made  surreptitiously to the dogs under the table  or use a nice disinfectant gravy to kill any germified bits of the meal.

So home I trot after a long day at the salt mines. (If you're new here I don't actually work in a salt mine that was a figure of speech, but I do trot because I'm one of those annoying high energy people)   Mr. P had this going in the crock pot (which incidentally would have yielded the  added bonus of a long cooking time to kill any germs that fell in during preparation)

Mr. P doesn't do a lot of cooking unless it involves blackening dead carcasses on the barbecue ( he calls it creole - I call it murder) - so he didn't realise that this would need about 6 hours to cook. It is called a slow cooker for a reason.  So when I skipped home tonight after an awesomely fabulous day of counting salt grains  expecting Lobster Thermidore and a Croquembouche and saw this casserole I said sweetly to Mr. P "Darling. Love. light of my life what time did you put this on today?" and he said 2.30pm, I said "That won't be ready until about 9.00pm tonight, sweetie, angel, pudding pie". And he scoffed at me !

Now you can do a lot of things to a Pyjama Girl but scoffing at my wisdom and knowledge isn't advisable if you want to live to breathe another day.  But being wise and knowing it is sometimes better to keep one's own counsel ,  and because I also did not wish to look like an ungrateful cow, I said nothing and just kept reading my emails, planning a vegemite and toast raid later.

30 minutes later I received my just reward when Mr. P came to me and sheepishly said "I'll just go down to the shop and buy you something for dinner" after surreptitiously poking the potatoes and finding they had the consistency of marbles.  

So, ultimately I had a 1/4 chicken and chip pack with gravy  for tea, which did not fuss me in the slightest.

And  I figure that's still slack because I didn't have to move my ever diminishing arse from the computer chair (have I mentioned I have lost 15 pounds since January? )

And Mr. P being the kind , thoughtful and generous husband that he is , purchased dessert for me as well... Mint Lindt. It's no less than I deserve. And if I start to get fat again, I don't have to accept personal responsibility,  I can just blame Mr. P.

Mr. P's Slack Tea Thursday Tale
Woke up feeling crap.  Cooked Mrs. P  dinner.  Screwed it up. Bought takeaway as penance and chocolate to suck up. The end.


  1. Go Mr P! Thats dinner all cooked then for tomorrow night, what a whizz and he didn't break your routine at all.
    hugs Deb

  2. Yeah, I guess you could call that slack tea. I personally preferred your version of events. So informative. Enjoy your evening.

  3. Thanks for the entertaining tale. That chicken and chips looks very good (and I don't even eat chicken). Looks like you could be all ready for Friday too. Bonus??

  4. We had slack tea thursday here too tonight after getting phone calls from kids where we couldnt hear their talking amidst the grumbling of tummies. Actually we forgot that we re-inherited kids 2 wks ago and went off and did our 'own' thing (i.e car shopping)and clean forgot about them. Off to KFC where they messed up our meal order (as usual) but didnt find that out til we got home. BILOP (brother in law of pajamas) went back with SOP (sister of pajamas) and we managed to get a shitload more food after BILOP 'talked' to them about their mistake. End result: KOP (kin of pajamas) all very happy and have food in their tummies and I STILL have no car!

  5. I'm impressed by Mr. P, even though it wasn't cooked by the time you got home. Had that happened here, I would be the one to die of something, most likely a heart attack from the sheer, unexpected surprise. Or delight. It's a horse apiece.

  6. I have cooked in the slow cooker for 4 hours on high, it was vegie dead animal involved. From dim memory I may once have cooked meat for four hours on high rather than 6-8 hours on low, and it worked OK.
    In my book the chocolate cancels out the uncooked meal.

  7. Hmm, I think his version would be more like, "woke up feeling like crap. No symnpathy from Mrs. P. Took care of dinner to show her things around here can still get done when one's -translate her- is feeling ill. Don't know if she made the connection yet."

    As for the slack tea, if you didn't have to do anything, it always counts as slacking. :)

  8. You got me back. Can I borrow your knife? I now have bagel and egg stuck between my keys, why G and H of course, but where they belong so people can actually type on the keyboard without it looking somewhat like this qweropan.
    Also, I think Mr. P is a prince. You lucky gal.

  9. Hahahahaha - you are SUCH a crack-up and congrats on losing the 15 pounds (and thanks for not putting it in 'stones' or whatever they call it in England) - I've lost 12 since Jan. it feels great!(Although my 'arse' is now flatter than a pancake -sigh)

  10. It's definately still slack if someone else cooks it/picks it up. Mr. P didn't know how long it would take cause men don't read instructions. Now you have something ready for tonight that all you need to do is reheat so you really ended up with a bonus slack meal. That chocolate looks so good. Congrats on the 15 pounds. I need to lose at least that ASAP.

  11. I figure you got a 2for good is that.
    All your sayings are keeping my mind sharp...we don't have "tea" here in Canader, we call it dinner in the city areas, and supper if one is a farmer.
    I eat anything I don't have to's a woman thing.
    Lovely that he didn't die of some dreaded tropical diseas and will live to do this another day.... you lucky girl! He keeps you around because you are so very caring I'm sure!

  12. I am beginning to wonder if Mr. P was really that sick - I mean who is ill and then gets up and cooks a meal that looks that good? Oh yeah, us women folk do it every day! (Really though - he cooks and gives you a new kitchen - I say he is a keeper) I heard that Lindt chocolate is calorie free and has antibodies in it that kill all germs that surround you. I say Eat More Chocolate!!

  13. Oh, that crockpot casserole of Mr. P's looks fabulous! Definitely very slack, especially since you ended up having take-out.
    Cheers, -E

  14. Mr. P sounds fab to take such interest in not "messing up" your Slack Tea Thursday, which is so hilarious!! My DH (who refuses to be known as Mr. Orts) cooks for me all the time. I agree, you did get a 2fer in more ways than one. Now dinner tomorrow night is just as slack! Congrats on the weight loss. Think I can lose that much in two weeks? No? Oh well.

  15. LOL! Now you've got Mr. P. helping you with the slackness of Slack Tea Thursday? And while he's sick no less. Now that is rich. LOL!

    I trust you did have the crockpot meal the next night? So Friday becomes slack as well?

    Congrats on your weight loss! Hope Mr. P. is on the mend.

  16. Slack tea thursday is going global - I ended up with KFC today as well!

  17. Gawd have mercy, I love reading your blog. I'll give you an oldie...ROFLMAO. Lane

  18. Another brilliant slack tea, and two for one bonus included. You are on fire!!!
    I hope Mr P is feeling much better and won't be disheartened by his slight misjudgment in the dinner preparation department. He is definitely a keeper if he brings you chocolate.
    Woo hoo on your weight loss.

  19. Hi Mrs. P. Have missed you. I am incredibly impressed with Mr. P and I hope you tell him. My husband could not even get that far although he does many other things quite well and also serves a killer takeout.

  20. Mr. P sure doesn't waste words, does he? I much prefer your version with the drama, suspense, humor and happy ending!

  21. you just crack me up!!! hey, anything that ends in chocolate is a good day to me. :)

  22. What a sweetie. Hope he's feeling much better now and that you didn't catch it.


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