I've been working my way through my WIP list this year. I think I've whinged about not starting anything new for so long that there isn't a person left in the whole of blogland that doesn't know that. I started the year with 9 unfinished quilt projects and I've managed to whittle it down to just two. I'm feeling very virtuous and organised but oh so bored with the same old, same old. But the finish line of wipdom is in sight so my list this quarter is going to be short and sweet.
1.Seville Quilt
This vision of gorgeousness didn't quite get finished last quarter so I'm putting it on the list for a Q3 finish. Easy enough to do since I'm half way through finishing the binding. It almost feels like cheating putting it down as a goal, but meh ...I'm doing it anyway.
2.Holiday Happy Quilt
Does anyone even remember this quilt? I started it at least two years ago and it's been sitting waiting in a box to be finished ever since my initial excitement. I bought it as a kit because I wanted something I could use during the Christmas holidays and every traditional Christmas quilt I've ever attempted has turned into a hot mess. To be honest - I think I hate this too. Maybe I'm just a Grinch when it comes to Christmas? But finished it will be - and if I still hate it - I can donate it or give it away to someone.
3.Moroccan Tile Quilt
I've got as far as cutting the first block. That makes this an official project under Katy's rules. I'm really looking forward to working on this quilt - I fell in love when I saw the pattern for the first time and didn't think twice about buying it. Let's hope I keep loving it as I work through the pattern! Yes- I'm using an actual pattern which in itself is fraught with danger since they always seem to be written in Chinese.
4. Cushion Cover
I rescued this from my parents garage sale a month ago. Originally it looked like this...
and now it looks like this (actually it looks cleaner than that - I washed it after I took the photo)
I have no idea what I'm going to do with it (applique peels,flowers,bunting ..hell I don't know!) but it's going to be a finish by the end of the quarter.
That's it - that's all I'm committing to until the end of September. But I have lots of ideas for other quilts germinating away in my brain and who knows - maybe I'll even manage to make a start on one or two others, that can appear on my FAL Q4 list.
I started my Lucy Boston quilt last weekend but honestly I think that's going to be a long long long term project . Going by the length of time it took to finish my previous hand sewn projects -I'm predicting Lucy Boston will appear on my list of 2016 finishes.
If you want to play along pop on over to the official FAL post at Katy's by hitting this link.

There are no deadlines for wips, or phds (projects half done, which is what I call mine) you know........one of mine is eight years in and still not finished. Admittedly it's hand pieced. It just might - might! - even get quilted by hand, if I live that long.
That all looks very do-able. The Seville quilt looks fab, can't wait for the full frontal!
Geez you have been busy! Two WIPs? I'm picturing all the open space you have where previous WIPs were anxiously awaiting attention. Does it echo? :)
Go you! Ummm why are you rescuing the cushion cover and then removing all the 80's cottage decorating look accessories? Just curious!
You go girl! I haven't finished 9 things in my life....:(
Adore the Seville quilt! You are amazingly organized. Looking forward to seeing your progress...yes Lucy is a very "high maintenance" girl. I think I will be doing mine for a very long time too.
I hand pieced my Patchwork of the Crosses and it took me over a year and just four months to hand quilt it. It was a long term project - of which I always have too many, but I get bored with just one.
I'm still admiring the Seville quilt. You did a super job quilting it!
Onward and upward...fly!
Woah, your Seville Quilt is amazing. Who cares if it's just a bit of binding to be done? A finish is a finish.
I feel your pain - I started the year with 20 WIPS and am down to 7 ! Am now allowing myself to start 1 new project for every two old ones I finish! Think it will keep me going. Good luck with yours!
I think that's a very doable list with a good variety of different projects to keep you interested. The gingham cushion photos are a bit freaky. One minute theres a pretty cushion with cool yoyo flowers and then in the next photo it looks as though you've ripped them off and thrown them away!! Poor little yoyos.
Ooh, so. Close to finishing. Yay!
Enjoy all the projects starting and finishing.
Good list, and starting the quarter with a sure finish is a boost!
That is so amazing Shay! I don't know what I'd do if I had such a small list! I kind of feel sorry for that pillow after you went after it like that. It really does need some attention now.:)
Good luck with that there list!
I think you are doing very well with your works in progress completions. Goodness knows I have enough that I am afraid to even start a list of them.
God bless.
Absolutely you can include the Seville quilt. Is it finished at the moment? No? therefore it is a WIP so its in! You are kicking butt this year, such focus - I'm impressed!
Love the Seville quilt, waiting patiently for the ta day photos, when you finish the binding.
I think you have quite a reasonable list there this quarter, and I'm very impressed at the amount of WIP's you have finished so far this year.
I don't remember the Christmas project, then again, I don't remember much!
You've made great progress on your UFOs. Your 3rd quarter list looks pretty tame compared to your earlier lists. Looking forward to seeing all three of the quilt projects finished and checking out what you do with the applique piece.
Nice work -- you've finished so much this year.. love the seville quilt. What's the tie pattern, do you have a picture?
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