Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Finish Along-Quarter 2 List

Dear Blog Buddies, 

I apologise in advance for assaulting your eyeballs with the same unfinished quilts that you've already seen approximately a million times before and further inane chatter about how I really WILL finish them this quarter. 

If I had been more organised in the first quarter of this little linky party you may have had the pleasure of seeing at least one or two projects that hadn't been the subject of umpteen million previous blog posts. I started the year with the best of intentions to finish a goodly chunk of the projects on my WIP list before I started anything new, and while I've resisted the urge to start any aforementioned new projects it appears my will to finish the remaining WIPS has fled along with just a teeny bit more of my sanity. 

When I wrote my list for the first Quarter of 2014 , I was clearly delirious because I put 7 projects on it. I'm going to get a bit more sensible for Quarter 2 and make a list that is rooted in some form of reality. Football season has recommenced Down Under so I am officially a sport widow until Grand Final Day (late September in case you were wanting to book tickets- my team won't be there based on what I've seen so far this season)and since I find no pleasure in watching 8 matches of football over the weekend(and listening to Mr. P's armchair umpiring antics) this is the start of prime quilting season for yours truly. 

So here is my list for the second quarter....

Project 1 - Dresden Quilt.  If this isn't finished by the end of the quarter I'll strip naked and walk down Rundle Mall wearing only a feather boa. 

Project 2 -Hexie Flower Garden. I'm not making any promises about getting naked if this isn't finished because its being quilted by a friend who would hold up the process just to make me follow through ... 

Project 3- Stupid Triangles. Our wonderful hostess Katy has suggested I give this away to some other poor unsuspecting sucker.  My return suggestion was that I use it as a firestarter for a bonfire in the back yard. Mmmmmmmmmm...better not. I'm going to finish this one if it kills me because I don't intend to ever make a triangle quilt again. 

Project 4 - Seville Quilt. 31 peels left to go ...then I have to sew it together, baste it, quilt it and put the binding on. What could possibly go wrong?  

Stick around for tears, tantrums and lots of whining ! 


  1. What colour feather boa? I'd like to see that......!

  2. I think someone needs to quiltnap your Dresdens. I'm tempted to take up the challenge.

  3. Look at it this way, at least you got 4 quilts finished.

    I have just madly finished a 2nd baby quilt ( wants happy with the way the first quilt washed up) only to find that the black backing has run onto the front via quilting lines.
    Colour catches caught some dye second time around but hasn't helped the run through. Now I am trying 'Runaway'.
    You will hear me scream if that doesn't work

  4. Hoping notification will be given for the nudey run.

  5. Those are bold words! I work in the city so I'd be happy to hold your clothes while you do your boa run down the Mall. Happy to take some video for Youtube at the same time, just so you know!
    (Personally after a statement like that I'd be making sure that Dresden was the first project on my completed list!) Watching with interest!

  6. Somehow I'm thinking the Dresden will be the first one checked off the list. Although I'd love to see the naked with a boa run down the Mall, LOL. Some friend, eh? Really though, good luck this quarter. I know you'll pull out all the stops and probably have a few more finishes besides.

  7. Should the triangles need to be re-homed, I will happily take them in...as long as the strays aren't furry & purring, the hubs won;t mind :-)

  8. Should I pencil in a visit to the mall in a few months lol. I'd almost pay to,see that :)

  9. Could be a bit cool at the end of this quarter, I think you should take the quilt to wrap in, skip the boa!

    Nice selection there. Not much can go wrong now they play footie most days of the week, you'll probably get a couple of free evenings too.

    Enjoy those pretties.

  10. Be sure to give ample notice before setting out on the feathered streak. I'd fly across the world to see that.

  11. So funny!!!! Wish I could hear your daily conversations with those WIPs!!! Go git 'em!

  12. Love that déjà poo quote...
    I'm not tired of seeing your projects but didn't need the naked with a boa mental image. I'm picturing you eating chocolate cake as you saunter down the mall. Best of luck on your slightly revised goals!

  13. What a promise! I'd never make such a promise unless it was a huge feather boa.
    I wish you luck on all your projects but get moving on those dresdens!

  14. I'm backing Marg to nick project #1 ;o) And look, a willing sucker for the triangles above, I was right!

  15. Love seeing your UFOs again...
    (In my case, running without a bra hurts... you might want to finish that Dresden first.)

  16. It's worth seeing your UFOs again just so I could see the Deja Poo saying - you're such a crack up! And feather boa , ROTHFLMAO. Have fun sewing!

  17. Deja Poo?!?! ROTFL!!!! If it's any reassurance, when I put my Dresden quilt on the FAL last year it got finished -- mind you that was after entering it in two previous finish challenges!

    Let's face it, if we don't haul those UFOs out continually to assault our guilty consciences, they will willingly hide in the backs and bottoms of cabinets, drawers, bins and closets, never to see the light of day. They have a better chance of getting finished when they're around to make you uncomfortable enough to want to just get 'em done!

    Good Luck this quarter!

  18. You have such a way with words--too funny! Just the fact that you keep coming back to the idea of finishing tells me that it's important enough to get it done eventually, with or without the naked run.:)

  19. Well, that's one way of insuring you get the Dresden top done! I'd fly to Aus to see you in the altogether with a feather boa. I'm sure you'll have more success this quarter

  20. Well now that you have well and truly thrown down the gauntlet we had all better pick up our socks and start some serious UFO quilting too!
    Rest assured I wont be tempted to join in the mall, but happy to help with an old fashion quilting bee if it helps you avoid purchasing a boa. Then again never got to see Mardi Gras when we lived in Sydney!!

  21. I'm guessing you're going to get the dresden quilt done this month... lol

    I love the triangles. If you decide to get rid of them, I'll take them off your hands, they're beautiful.

    Good luck this quarter. you can do it.

  22. If you are guilty of asault via WIPs, then I'm as guilty as you are. Maybe that doesn't make you feel any better, but it does rather alarm me.

    You've certainly given yourself incentive to finish project number 1. Though if you don't, charging admission would net enough for some awesome additions to your stash.

  23. Your boa walk threat must mean you are serious ;)

  24. Now how do you expect us to enjoy the quilts when we can't stop laughing at the Deja Poo???

  25. Naked in Rundle Mall in only a feather boa at start of July...could be a mite nippy...go on you can do it - the Dresdans that is, not the naked Mall walk...

  26. Is it OK that I laughed at this post? The part about out in public wearing only a feather boa was especially entertaining.

    I love all of your projects and don't mind seeing them again and can totally relate to not getting everything done that I want to. Your Dresden is gorgeous as are your hexies! And that triangle quilt is going to be awesome. Your fabrics are so pretty! And I'm sure that the Seville quilt will finish itself. Knowing you, you'll get it all done with time to spare!

    xo -E


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