Friday, April 04, 2014

Finish Along Quarter 1 Results are In ...(and its not all beer and skittles)

So back in January I posted a list of projects I was going to get done before April 1st, as part of the 2014 Finish Along challenge that's being hosted by Katy at The Littlest Thistle.  I'm positive that someone stole the whole month of March and hid it somewhere because I only managed  a 58% strike rate for my finishes this quarter. So here's a story which has highs and lows and also serves as a cautionary tale for people like me that overestimate their ability to finish projects.   

Dresden Quilt -Not completed 
Progress with quilting but not quite finished yet ....

Hexagon Flower Garden Quilt- Not Quite Done 
Another one in progress ...and this will be making an appearance on my next Quarter list as a hopeful finish. 

Triangle Quilt-Nowhere near done. This quilt is clearly possessed by evil demons.  
I did touch this once during the last quarter and then hastily stuffed it back in it's box... I have a feeling this is going to be my bete noir of 2014. 

T-shirt Quilt-Done 
Not my most stellar quilting effort I must confess - but honestly I was just glad to see the back of this !

Postage Stamp Quilt-Done 
And I love it ! Scrappy makes me happy. This was my favourite finish from this quarter. 

Pom Pom De Paris Dog Blanket-Done 
And Indy and Lola were suitably appreciative. 

Chenille Baby Blanket-Done
And living with the sweetest baby girl who arrived four weeks ago. It barely made a dent in my chenille stash so I think I may have to hatch a plan to use some more chenille before the end of the year. 

Stay tuned for the 2nd quarter list - which will be much more realistic! 

Finish Along 2014


  1. Oh, but you played with pretty fabric and managed a couple of finishes.
    Enjoy the next round.

  2. You did better than me! I only finished 1 of the things I was meant to finish. At least you worked on most of your projects and so they're all a bit further along.

  3. You did fondle some fabric, so the time wasn't completely wasted!

  4. Wow! Look at all you accomplished. Whether or not you met your goal, you still made excellent progress & have some beautiful finishes. I'm still coveting that scrappy quilt. Nothing but love for that one! :)

  5. I don't know . I think you've done very well and that Dresden quilt is absolutely delightful.

  6. You've finished a lot more than me (though to be honest that wouldn't be difficult). I really like the Dresden quilt

  7. Oh I'm so proud to have been able to inspire a bete noir, I've never done that before :oD

  8. I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed all the gorgeous eye candy both completed and not.

  9. Don't beat yourself up, we all have slow months or years.
    Good luck!

  10. I have noticed that often there is a very wide gap between my ambitions and my abilities.
    Somewhere in the midst of that March must have fallen into that gap so that your ambitions could not be completed.
    Love the hexie and dresden plate quilts - look forward to seeing them finished.
    Big congratulations on the ones completed, you should be very pleased.

  11. Now see that's why I do the UFO quiltalong I'm in, its only one project per month and it looks to me that you have done 4 projects and some bits of others in 3 months. On our UFO along you'd be exceeding requirements so pat on the back from me!

  12. You did finish lots! Atta girl!

  13. Yeah? Realistic? I'd like to see that.
    Great finishes anyway, at least you managed greater than 50%.

  14. I think you did really well! Love that postage stamp quilt. You made progress, and that's great!

  15. Well, if it makes you feel better, you beat me by 100 percent :)
    I think you should feel proud - I still think you're crazy productive, quilting, crafting, and cooking!!!

  16. Well, if it makes you feel better, you beat me by 100 percent :)
    I think you should feel proud - I still think you're crazy productive, quilting, crafting, and cooking!!!

  17. As usual, the projects look amazing. Me? I just have been thinking about quilting for months, so seeing how busy you have been has tired me out. Good on you!

  18. Everything looks wonderful. You have been

  19. You can at least claim progress on some gorgeous projects. So in your case I'd say 58% is an A.

  20. Here's what I think. I think that time is moving much more quickly than it used to. If it moved at a reasonable pace, we could get as much done as we think we can, because I tend to overestimate my abilities too.

    Your finishes are excellent, though. The postage stamp quilt is my favorite, too! And having goals helps you make progress, which you did with everything, so that is good! Sometimes baby steps are what it takes. Just keep on keepin' on!

    xo -E


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