Monday, March 17, 2014

Not Quite Sure Where That Week Went....

It looks like I've turned into a once a week poster.  Lately I haven't been doing much that's particularly blog worthy or exciting and I'm sure you don't want shots of me making the bed, doing laundry or playing on my iPad.

Work continues on the guest room makeover. Mr. P is a crazy anal good painter and has insisted on doing 5 coats on the dressing table to get it to his satisfaction so I'm still waiting for that to go in the room. I have house guests next week so he's been told he is on an actual time frame and cant fluff about taking his sweet time like he usually does. 

Progress was made on the Seville Quilt this week. These orange peels are haunting me in my sleep. I counted them up and I still have 33 to do.....this quilt is starting to feel like I've been making it forever and 33 isn't all that close to a finish. But I will soldier on and I will prevail! (Yes it really is starting to feel like this is war) 

I've just come from Katy's blog where she talks about a photography course she's been doing , which just reinforces how crappy my own photos are!

My Not The Farmer's Wife sewing group met this weekend. There was a lot of laughter and some hot topics of conversation (missing planes, changing careers to become a phone sex worker, and ladies hoo ha's- don't ask!) No shots of the lovely ladies but I did get shots of some fabulous finishes.

Claire's orange peel quilt. She is now jiggying me along to finish mine, seemingly without the realisation that my peels are 10 times the size of hers... 

Val's Star Wars quilt. I think the force was with her on this one. It is fabulous. 

And Lorraine's scrappy stars quilts (she has recently discovered the joy of rotary cutting and is churning quilts out like nobodies business) 

I dragged out my poor neglected triangle quilt this weekend and added a few rows to the total. This picture was an "in progress" shot...Somehow I don't think this is going to make the finished list as I had originally planned for this quarter.

Some Saturday Stash enhancement for the yet to be started Lucy Boston quilt...not my usual colours and it was quite challenging stepping out of my comfort zone and purchasing these.

And lastly from the quilty front I'm currently working on a restoration project for a friend. This well loved quilt is about 15 years old and has been adored by three kids and really needed some TLC. It had no binding left so I've started with replacing that and I'll see what else I can do as I go along. 

I also worked on hemming curtains this weekend..but since that still isn't finished the results will have to wait for the next post and I have a feeling I'm going to be doing some weeping and wailing about them being different sizes. That'll be a fun post! 


  1. Nice gratuitous quilt shots today! I must admit to liking the star quilts......the first quilt book I ever bought was called "Star Quilts" and it is still on my bookshelf. Looking forward to seeing shots of the painting as we have a similar project waiting in the wings.

  2. Nothing like some girl time with like minded friends. Love their quilts. You've been busy Shay. Sharyn:)

  3. I hope yu told your group that I was the script writer for your phone sex work!

  4. No wonder you only had time to post once last week. I bet the guest room is looking fab! I'm impressed Mr P is doing 5 coats! He must like the paint fumes! Your sewing group sounds fun, and lots of great show&tell! Your orange peels are getting there, you have more than you did a while ago :) I like the beginning of your Lucy Boston quilt. Good on you for saving that quilt! Fancy the binding being worn off, that sure is a sign of a well loved and used quilt.

  5. The triangle quilt looks great. Just shows how you don't need to be complicated to look great and I love that orange peel one so can't wait to see yours. Does it have somewhere special to go when it's finished?

  6. Not fluff about? I'm sure that's exactly what you said...

    But didn't my rainbow battle make you feel better about your peel battle? ;o)

  7. If the local quilt group was as much fun as yours, I think I would still be going....giggle.

  8. Sounds like a fun group! Some quilt projects do start feeling a bit like war and I never was good at war games.:) You're gonna love your orange peels when it's done though--I can tell it's that kind of quilt!

  9. Even when you aren't doing much you still exhaust me.

  10. Orange Peel blocks, Triangle quilts and quilt restoration - and working. Phew! You think you haven't been busy!

    Ooooops I forgot curtain making!!!
    (my most hated sewing job)

    Loved seeing your friend's quilts. A talented bunch.

  11. Great show and tell. I have just been trawling the web looking for a picture of a star quilt with sashing, so great timing, thanks! I don't do/cannot make curtains, so hope it goes better than expected. I love the triangles, hope it does get some extra rows soon.

  12. I always chuckle at tour haven't been busy or doing anything blogworthy comments and then you proceed to list a squillion things that are happening in your world.
    I love Claire's orange peels, yours are going to be gorgeous too, if you ever get them finished. I hear you on that, I've finished 15 blocks and still have 22 to go. I have four peels on each block, why do I do it to myself?
    I wish there was such a lovely group of quilters here, you are so lucky.

  13. Well I'd say you got a fair bit done. I flit from one thing to another, so it never looks like I've done anything at all. And keep going on the orange peel quilt , it will be worth it

  14. Lots of lovely quilts there Shay. Your wip's are looking good. Hugs....

  15. I have been thinking photography course as well, my photos are miss and hit, mostly miss. I went along to the Castelmaine quilt show yesterday and have come away envious of the beautiful applique that was on show. I have yet to get my ass into gear to do something amazing though. I suppose there is always tomorrow ha ha. Best wishes Wendy

  16. Weekends are definitely too short.

    Your orange peel blocks are beautiful! I don't know how many you've already finished, but if it is a greater number than the 33 you have left, it is all downhill from there!

    I loved looking at the Not The Farmer's Wife sewing group's quilt. Sounds like a fun bunch of ladies.

    The Triangle quilt is going to be fabulous! And I love what you bought for the Lucy Boston quilt. You picked a lovely combination.

    Good luck on the quilt restoration & on Mr. P. getting the painting done on the dressing table. (At least you know it's done right ;).

    xo -E

  17. This is one of my favorite blogs! Love your point of view... and your triangles.

  18. I'm very jealous that you have a group to attend, though I have just had a fab meet up with the Bumbling Honeys in London, so I shouldn't complain. You seem to have done an awful lot, despite your claims to the contrary! The orange peel is going to be gorgeous, so I hope you persevere.

  19. It looks like you are making progress on a few fronts. I love the Star Wars quilt, that's a fun one. The triangle quilt is coming along and it looks like it's lying flat.

  20. Oh how I wish I could be at your Farmer's group get-togethers. Totally jealous about that. ;)
    Beautiful finishes those ladies made & you're moving along nicely in your finishes. At least you're in there stitching! Looking forward to seeing the completed projects. Happy Wednesday morning! :)

  21. Some lovely finishes ... it's crazy how time flies isn't it. what a great group you have!

  22. Finally someone else who is busy and often doesn´t know what to blog about. You are still doing a lot better than last post was over two months ago :-( shame on me. Love the quilts, especially the orange HAVE TO get yours finished.

  23. Loving your triangle quilt. How is the orange peel situation now? I am really looking forward to seeing it. Your Not the Farmer's Wife sewing group sounds like a blast. Creative ladies too.

    Sorry I'm delinquent in commenting. Must've read this on my tablet earlier in the week, which doesn't let me comment via blogger and I'm apparently too dense to figure out why.

  24. Have you combined Not the Farmer's Wife with Wednesday Cocktails? That could lead to some crazy quilts haha. Seriously though, you are a talented bunch. I loved Claire's in particular. It's cheery.


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