Friday, March 28, 2014

Flat Out

Just thought I'd pop in quickly and show you what I've been up to since my last post. 

This has been my stellar progress on the Triangle quilt 

And this is the brilliant effort I've made with my orange peels in the last two weeks 

My mojo seems to have completely disappeared. If you find it can you please send it back this way? 


  1. I think your mojo must have run off with my mojo, I just bet they are sitting somewhere on the beach on a tropical island sipping cocktails served by gorgeous waiters wearing tight little shorts... *sigh*

  2. I'm sending mojo to you... I found some extra today and started a new project it has kept me busy.

    Although SoozeM makes tempts me to go looking for your mojo.. those barely clad waiters sound delicious.


  3. Hmmm, they must have all gotten discount fairs to that lovely island with the fun waiters, my mojo hasn't been around much either.

  4. I'm looking for mine in the bottom of a box of fabric that just came in the mail. If I find yours, I'll let you know!

  5. Great photos!
    Love the second one, can't wait to see it finished, lmao.

  6. It will return. Enjoy the break. Have a cocktail...or three!

  7. my mojo made a small appearance last night and then caught a plane to meet up with yours ... they are bound to get tired of all the sun and come back to us, right?

  8. ROTFLMAO!! You may have lost your mojo but your humour is as funny as ever. You're a classic!!

  9. It'll come back home soon enough. What kind of cocktails have you been stirring up lately? Any baking escapades? I'm waiting for an audio book to come in at the library. Meanwhile, I'm actually having to sit still and read the book (cuz it's a good story), which seriously cuts into the time I could be sewing whilst listening.

  10. Mine's gone too. Can't think of anything to post about. Need to get myself out of the rut I'm in !!

  11. Shit, you just made me laugh loud enough to wake the beasties!

  12. Sorry, I know I should be laughing quite so much, but still... Hope it comes home soon!

  13. I saw it somewhere..........I'll keep looking and let you know if I find it.....giggle.

  14. I found your mojo, it came to visit me.
    I have so many ideas and am trying to get so much done but have my sister in law visiting and cant do a thing while she is around as I have to entertain her !

  15. Go dig around looking for your ugliest fabrics. That should spark something.:) hehe

  16. Brilliant and spectacular. I think your mojo switched off when you overloaded your plate with rehab of the house and garden on top of furniture and visitors. It is hiding in the chimney, if I'm correct.

  17. Just like the rest of us it needs down time to recharge its batteries. Watch out for the whirlwind when it returns.

  18. SO sorry, borrowed it for my weekend away, so I could achieve superwoman sewing powers. Thanks, finished with it now and will send it back!

  19. Well, maybe no sewing, but you do make us laugh!

  20. hope it comes back soon.....perhaps the cocktails and constant take away food scared it off? Nah...I am sure not...your awesome personality is enough to keep it around...perhaps you have been working too hard - take a break, some holidays or even a trip to Melbourne might help! x

  21. Your mojo must be hanging out with mine. Hope yours returns soon!

  22. I'm so behind again. My long weeks at work throw a crimp into my mojo and then it takes two weeks to get myself put back together.

    I've had no-mojo weeks two. Hope you've found yours again!

    xo -E


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