Monday, November 18, 2013

Did You Hear The One About How I Was Going To Finish Something?

I keep telling myself I'm going to make a run at finishing the 827465 WIP's I have laying round.  In September I decided I could finish 5 more quilts before December 31st. I didn't publicly proclaim it because I didn't want to be responsible for people dying of hysterical laughter.  Given I've finished one quilt since then, it looks like I'm starting 2014 with a s*** load of WIP's. I've made peace with that.

This weekend I meant to sew until something emanated from the pile of fabric that resembled actual progress. Naturally,  I was only interested in working on the quilt that is currently the least finished. So I dragged out all the 2.5 inch strips I'd previously cut for the postage stamp quilt and mindlessly sat at the sewing machine chain piecing fabric , and stood at the ironing board pressing, pressing, pressing, and then moved to my cutting table to cut cut cut ....

I did get distracted once. OK - twice. The first time I popped out to engage in a spot of retail therapy. 

Yes I'm aware I bought a new handbag last week - but I really did need this one because I had to chuck my big black all purpose handbag out because the cat took a leak in it. She has done that to the last three black handbags I've bought. You cannot get the cat piss smell out of a handbag no matter how hard you try. I know through bitter experience. 

The second time I digressed, I sacked out for a nanna nap. Sometimes I really do wonder how I manage to get through a full day at work without crashing out on my desk. (No pictures of that because you cant take photos of yourself when you're sleeping) 

By Sunday morning I was reasonably pleased with the results of my labour. I had visions of having half a finished quilt to share. But by that stage I was running out of strips to piece, press and cut so I dragged out my fabric boxes and started to pull fabrics out to cut some more. Then I thought "well since I'm here - I may as well tidy the sewing room/fabric boxes as I go" which led to "I may as well cut more fabrics for my orange peel quilt while I'm at it". 

We all know where that leads right? 

So, I'd love to show you pictures of all the fabric I sewed together this weekend for the postage stamp quilt because it was tons, but unfortunately it's hidden under the remains of my sewing room. Creativity is a messy business. 

This weeks goal? Tidy the sewing room.....and keep the cat away from my handbag.


  1. eeeeuuuwwwwww! I think I will stick to having a dog....she doesn't pee in my handbags! If I could get into my sewing room I would takes some pics, I can't even put the sewing machine back in there because there isn't any room on the table it normally sits on!! I get so much more done when I do a quick rece into the sewing room, get the required "stuff" and head on out to the dining distraction from all the other WIPs and goodies in there.....will have to do a major tidy up before you come on Saturday (or I could close the door!)

  2. I seem to be on the same page as you are, I have so much spread around me, a christmas challenge I have two weeks to finish and keep walking past, two quilts at the almost finished stage, a bag to make, I have sewn some embroidery on the front panel and put down and pieces to cut for a block of the month. I have a garden that is screaming at me and all I want to do is sit, someone please send me some motivation.

  3. Those sound like reasonable goals ... sounds like a fairly productive weekend and nanna naps are definitely required -- that's why we have weekends. Hope the retail therapy was successful. have a great week!!

  4. I think I heard a similar rumor about myself finishing something, but it turned out to be false. Maybe your kitty just has a thing for black purses. Try red next time........giggle.

  5. Ha ha ha! I never wanted a cat and now I have a good reason for not ever having one...YUK! Yes Shay you NEEDED the new handbag! Now I think it must be a November disease, chaos in the sewing room, because a few of us in blog land have it! I think the Dr will probably subscribe cocktails mid week...that will cure any concerns about mess!

  6. I agree...a new handbag was a necessity!!!! I have nothing to add about your messy sewing room as I sit amongst my own creative off cuts lol.

  7. Well, in your case it sounds like the retail therapy was a necessity! The mindless sewing sounds fun though.:)

  8. Hmmm, I see you have a pack of toilet paper rolls in there somewhere.
    Does this mean that your creative genius will be including a garment made from toilet paper.
    Maybe Kleenex will come knocking on your door any day to ask you to take up the challenge............

  9. The shiny new somethings will always win!
    Such pretties you collected while shopping.Looks like you've got yourself another lovely bag. Hope kitty stays away from this one.

    Glasses for all drinks I see.

  10. Yuk! Cat wee in your handbag sounds GROSS !! Despite everything I think you achieved quite a lot.... you just spread it around a bit !

  11. weellll.. if your bag is smelly ... then of course you need a new one! I keep threatening to clean out my sewing room so that I have more than a corridor that leads to the machine ... however having heard your cautionary tale... I dont think I will... because I still have some secret santa sewing to finish off xx lol x

  12. There must be something in the air ( besides cat pee) as I put away all my fabric last week. I had to do that because I couldn't find anything. It proved to be quite productive. I found everything I was looking for, under that mountain of fabric, and I found stuff that I'd totally forgotten about.
    Hope Moo doesn't like aqua bags or your new black one.

  13. LOL...I understand the whole cat thing. I have one that gets stubborn every now and then too. and thanks so much for not letting us die of laughter. I, for one, could not handle a belly laugh after this weekends torture at the gym. That statement itself if hilarious enough, but my stomach hasn't been overworked like that since I gave birth to my last child 24 years ago. :)

  14. I haven't sewn anything for ages due to current hectic lifestyle of birthdays, 21st party, high school graduation, formal and attendant suit hire fittings etc. I'm having serious withdrawal issues. Quilting of my niece's quilt must happen this week as it is due to fly to the UK with my brother in about 3 weeks! Nothing like a deadline!(Your cat is telling you - no black handbags! Clearly a fashionista!)

  15. WIPs are quilts that have hit an uninteresting stage, a difficult bit, etc. I'm surrounded by them too! My sewing room doesn't look quite as bad but is not far behind...congrats on sewing SOMETHING in there!

  16. Wonder what it is about black bags? That's really odd. Hope you find a way to protect it, I think it's really classy!

  17. Can you come organise my stash next please? Then you can cut some strips of my fabric. I'll make cocktails.

  18. So much fun reading your posts! I'm so glad I don't have a cat or a black bag. I usually opt for red.
    Glad you are working on a UFO. Mine are all packed to move, and so is most of the fabric. I regret that, but it helps keep the room tidy. I kept out just enough for 3 or 4 projects, and like you, I'm working on the newest one, the one without a deadline. Wouldn't you know!

  19. How come your cat keeps weeing on your black bags? She musn't like the colour. I have to tidy my sewing room too which means I keep putting off going in there... I hope you have better luck at tidying yours, and keeping the cat away from your new bag.

  20. Sorry but I have trouble reading black on black on your blog....

  21. I'm still laughing hysterically at line 2...

    PS, you need to stop filling your handbags with kitty litter, just saying...

  22. I think your cat need therapy. When you have finished tidying your sewing room pop around to mine. LOL

  23. I think your cat need therapy. When you have finished tidying your sewing room pop around to mine. LOL

  24. Maybe you need to stop with the black handbags, I think the cat is trying to tell your something! Though I'm sure you are not laughing about that, I couldn't help but laugh, so thanks.

    Maybe you didn't finish anything, but at least you made something. That counts, even if you can't find it to photograph it.

  25. I too bought a new handbag yesterday even though I totally adore the one I am currently using. But it was too pretty to leave behind and I figured the current one was bound to need replacing at some stage and then this new gorgeous bag would be sold out and I'd never be able to find it again. So really, buying a new handbag even though the current one was only a few months old was actually a wise move. (You can justify anything if you really have to.)

  26. Never justify buying a new handbag! I must own at least a dozen, and if I see one that I like tomorrow, I will buy it!!! LOL!

  27. Love the messy sewing studio pics!

  28. How is it that I always get so behind in commenting. I always read as soon as your posts pop up, but always get sidetracked while I formulate something thoughtful to say.

    I love that new black handbag. A girl can never have too many. I wonder what it is about the color black that makes the cat want to use it as a litter box?

    There must be something in the air because I haven't felt up to much lately either. I keep getting distracted (on purpose). Maybe my brain just needs a minute to decompress.

    You did get a lot done; just now what you'd planned.

    xo -E


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