Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Cocktail Wednesday

Welcome to Wednesday and another attempt to make hump day bearable. 

As I was pouring my cocktail this week the thought occurred to me that I need to get myself some more snazzy cocktail glasses. I have my martini glasses and some coloured glasses (that are so big they almost resemble bowls-perfect if you're actually having frozen daiquiris or margaritas) but not much else. Im going to have to remedy that- I see a trip to do some op/thrift shopping in my fairly immediate future.  

I learned my lesson last week with using a 1/4 cup measure. I worked out (later when I was capable of doing maths) that by the time I'd finished my cocktails I'd managed to swill down about 7 standard drinks.  I was pretty darn proud I could still function once I'd worked that out. It's easy to forget when you're drinking something that basically tastes like cordial. I held it together in a much more ladylike fashion this week. 

Little Miss Sunshine picked this weeks cocktail.  She was keen to do something with Limoncello so I wandered out to buy some (I'm pretty sure she deliberately picked something I didn't have) Then I realised I didn't have any white creme de cacao -only dark - so I wandered out again to get some without the benefit of writing it down. I came back with white curacao by mistake and had to go back to Dan Murphy's to get the right stuff by which time the staff were probably thinking I was either casing the joint or had a real issue with alcohol that I was trying to hide with multiple trips to augment my stash. 

Some proper measuring this week with an actual jigger...a quick shake in the cocktail maker (or just stir it with a stick if you don't have a jigger -dont use a quarter cup measure because that way lies drunkenness) and voila you have a Lemon Meringue Cocktail. 

Cocktail recipes from other parts of the world often put the measurements in fluid ounces while we use millilitres to measure liquids. Im sure at some point there is going to be a major disaster with conversion...

You will need :
1.5 oz of lemon vodka ( I just used regular because I was too afraid to go back to Dan Murphy's a fourth time for the week ) 
3/4 oz limoncello liqueur 
1/2 oz white creme de cacao

Like my embellishments? Kind of makes my cocktail look like a freaky Mickey Mouse.  I have a ton of really cool cocktail stuff hidden somewhere in the shed in my "party" box that I think Mr. P is going to have to find this weekend so I can make my cocktails look all purty...

Gotta say this one isn't going to make it into my "must make again soon" file. The first glug almost blew my head off - and I think after that my taste buds were drunk. It tasted better the more I drank though. 

A La Votre!


  1. A votre santé! Sounds like alcoholic lolly water to me.....mind you, moscato is that too and I quite like a nice drop of moscato......

  2. Seems like you're having fun mixing your drinks. Hugs......

  3. I can attest to the fact that you were amazingly coherent despite having that mahoosive amount of alcohol last week. Hilarious!
    I'm going to put my hand up and say I thought my choice of cocktail this week was crap. It didn't taste anything like I thought it would and oh my, it was sooooo strong. It almost put me off Limoncello.

  4. Oh I forgot to add, I used vanilla vodka instead of lemon vodka, as I wasn't about to make multiple trips to Dan Murphy's, I have a reputation to uphold.

  5. Hmm OK that does it, I think tomorrow needs to be Cocktail Thursday here! A trip to Uncle Dan's needs to be undertaken first though - hope I can remember to get everything in one go :)

  6. Wow! You make my boxed wine imbibed from a solo cup seem tacky. :p

  7. Okay, now even though you both said you didn't like the cocktail, I'm going to try and make it anyway, tonight. It's a little early here still and it might be frowned upon if I have that for breakfast.

  8. Sounds delish! I'll be imbibing vicariously through you, I'm afraid. All my meds are vehemently against alcohol, and they rule, you know. So drink on my friend, you drink for a bunch of us, I'll bet.
    Thanks for taking the bullet.

  9. Lemon Merangue, that sounds so yummy. I once got rather sqiffy on a friends homemade Lemoncello so am now very wary of it's head hurting abilities. Our nearest DM's is a good half an hour drive away, but we recently realised they home deliver...

  10. I thought the fact it tasted better the more you drank would make it a great cocktail! I have no idea, here I was thinking that was a cocktail glass, at my house it would have to be served in a wine glass!

  11. Very appropriately I read this finishing off a Baileys having slung the kids not bed. I know, not a cocktail but at least it was a Wednesday tipple.

  12. Wednesday. Again. I got into work early today, in hopes of getting out early, but my reward was to have my software crash and to get to stay an extra 1.5 hours instead. Mine might not be a mocktail tonight. Only kidding. Mostly.

    I loved the retelling of the multiple trips to the liquor store and your cocktail does look purty, although I can't quite hear how the word purty sounds in an Australian accent. Around here it is said with a bit of a southern twang, which just doesn't go with a pretty Australian accent.

    xo -E

  13. Best recurring blog post ever! That drink looks so ridiculously amazing, it should taste great :)

  14. Snazzy glasses...reading this, all I could think of was don't drink and sew. You could give a new meaning to a wonky block. hehe

  15. The drink does look and sound good, but I'm personally a beer drinker. I did like the idea of a new glass. Maybe I'll go out and buy me a new sippy cup............:)

  16. Well I love lemon meringue so I'm pretty sure I'd like this one. I've never tried crème de cacao so don't have any. Might ask my girlfriend who has a well stocked bar larder! I have the limoncello!

  17. Love that it tasted better the more you drank. That's classic. I have [more often than I'd care to admit] held my nose just to get a drink down. Don't ever do that. If it makes you shiver, just walk away.

    Wonder if Dan Murphy's has a "warning" picture of you yet. :)

    love this new series!!!

  18. this could prove to be even more expensive than my quilting hobby/addiction so best I don't get started...although I will admit I enjoyed trialling vodka cocktails at every place we stopped at in the favourite was the lemon drop cocktail we had several of in Portland. Very more-ish!

  19. Oh my goodness, a lemon meringue cocktail sounds so lovely, and it's only 9:15 a.m. here. I can only imagine how good it will sound at beer-thirty this afternoon. Must google whether creme de cacao actually contains a milk product.

  20. Oh my- just what the doctor ordered! you have made my Friday a happy one ;)

  21. It looks pretty. Just like a freaky Micky Mouse. Maybe Minnie.

  22. I've never heard of limoncello or creme de cacao. Not sure I can pair those two flavors together. Sounds like quite the adventure. Hope you found the ultimate mello place to relax afterwards.

  23. Aww, bless the staff at Mr Murphy's, we *know* you have a problem with alcohol ;o)


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