You seriously have to sing that post title to David Bowie or it doesn't have the same impact.
The only excuse for my recent absence, aside from being a slack arse, is that I've been deep in thought this week contemplating change and making deep and meaningful decisions about my life.
We finally having planning permission to erect a structure, so now we move onto the next step , which is to get approval for the actual building we want to erect. Sigh. Councils do like to make you jump through hoops to get anything done and now that the wet weather has hit it seems unlikely we'll be able to move forward on putting the footings up before Spring-approval or no approval. That means we're looking at possibly having my studio finished by about November. I can't get excited about something that's 5 months away. Rolling with the punches.....
I wrote a post here about our planned holiday this year to Fiji. What I didn't say was that we were taking Miss P and Little P on their first overseas trip as a surprise. That was the whole reason for going to Fiji. It's a great destination for a first overseas trip because it's close and the culture shock to Miss P and Little P would have been minimal. Unfortunately Miss P has a different life agenda at the moment so Mr. P and I are going to Vietnam by ourselves instead.
Vietnam is the Russian roulette of travel because it's entirely conceivable I could be poisoned at any moment because the Vietnamese love sprinkling nuts on and in everything. I'm highly allergic. Like epi -pen allergic. I've spent the weekend teaching myself to say "Em dị ứng với đậu phộng" as insurance. Other than constantly cheating imminent death I'm really excited about going.
Lastly, nobody guessed what my secret project was. I was kind of mean about giving you clues. I turned the last seam yesterday and this is my only finish for the week. I got the idea for a fabric/sewing diary from Pinterest (my one stop shop for all things inspirational) and decided to have a go at making my own. I do have manky jotting down book but this just seemed a lot more classy.
Front |
I'm planning to paste fabric scraps in it as well as pictures and descriptions of my quilts and any thing else that takes my fancy. I probably should have started this 40 quilts ago.

I'll go to Fiji with you, although Vietnam would be fantastic too - you pick, I'll join you.
I love your beautiful notebook! The details are gorgeous.
I love the book! what a great project and then you'll be able to take pictures of the pages of your inspiration.
Vietnam. Wow! When do you leave? How long will you stay? What do you plan to do there?
So sorry about the timing on your building, but when it's finally done, it won't seem so bad and will be totally worth it.
Exciting things happening in the pyjamas household. How did you come up with the idea for Vietnam? How exotic! Though, for us, Fiji is so far away that it's exotic as well!
So happy you have some great things to look forward to :)
Well, clever you! Darling quilt journal. I am tempted to copy you but I am learning how to deal with temptation. :)
Love your book cover! The lace!!! It's great.
Your vacations sounds wonderful. Such a different culture.
Sorry about your studio, but it's probably best built during the dry times.
I'll volunteer to come and be your nut-checker. Well, if your OH will be my banana/plantain checker first...
Oh, and I hope you use that book missy, I have no end of books I've covered that have then been 'too good to use' *sigh*
I am allergic to shell fish - the other thing that the vietnamese sneak into food! If ou need any tips, just ask!
Pity you were not able to have a family holiday, hope it works out for you all next year. The trip to Vietnam sounds promising, I have no idea how to speak another language, but thought you might want to get that phase laminated and hang it around your neck (?) because dont words mean different things depending on the tone you say them in? Or is that Indonesia? Anyway I hope it goes well and you can avoid nuts, trips to the hospital and misunderstandings in foreign languages. Sorry about the endless permits, but we will look forward to November on your behalf. Diary looks fab, what a good idea!
I can't tell you how many times I have started a sewing journal I have heaps of them around.... I think I just work better from my head where sewing is concerned. Too bad the surprise didn't turn out.. now I am sure I could have moved my schedule to come with you... I really need an escape clause at the moment lol.
Love the sewing journal. The way your mind fires off ideas it'll be full in no time.
You have me worried about that trip to Vietnam, perhaps you need a written note about your problem with nuts. From my understanding evena small whiff can be very dangerous.
Well......enjoy your holiday, no matter where it is! That is a very pretty journal, and I wouldn't have guessed that's what your half-done project was going to be.
I have a Quilt Journal that I started when I first started quilting, with the plan of prettying it up one day. And what does it look like? The same as it did on day one, plain green ring bound journal with the addition of a grubby mark. Maybe I should make that one of my UFO projects next year! Have a great time cheating death in Vietnam, I'd be stocking up on epi pens myself!
As a crazy quilter in a former life I just love your quilt journal. Hope you get to fill it with lots of meaningful treasures.
Gorgeous journal to record all your beautiful projects.
Vietnam sounds like an adventure.
Enjoy dodging those nuts.
Would you like to adopt me? I´d come to Fiji with you in an instant and I would do close to anything you´d ask me to do...:-)
Cool quilt journal! It's almost too pretty to write in (but I hope you do). Vietnam sounds like a fascinating trip. Stay well!
Ohhhh, love the quilt notebook! I now need one. Darn Pinterest, always sucking up our time!!
Well, since I already tried to kill you with my "friendly" chocolate package, and you survived, I am confident you will outsmart the Vietnamese nation. But pack that epi pen and travel safe, eh?
There was never any possibility of me not singing that blog post title in my head you know! I am just a sucker for a song I think. I sing along to anything. My kids often get quite embarrassed when we're out and about and something comes on over the speakers that even I don't know that I know! The funniest is when somebody does a "cover" that I know. I sing along and they are blown away by the fact that I know the words to a "new" song.
Glad you have something to get excited about, even though it's just dicing with death!
Vietnam sounds exciting. Hope you can completely skip the death defying part though (take the epi-pen!).
The quilt notebook is gorgeous. I have a quilting journal my sister gave me well before I ever finished my first quilt. It's been fun to have a record. Now I know what to do when I fill that one up.
Shay you crack me up! I love reading your blog, you are so funny. Hope you have a fabulous trip and look forward to seeing progress with the studio - how exciting... eventually.
I love Vietnam! It was one of my very favourite countries when I was at sea. Though I am sure it has changed much since I was there. The first time we went was the year it opened to tourism and it was still very untouched. Mind, I am not deathly allergic to nuts so I did not travel in fear.
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Your secret project diary is fabulous. Love how sweet it turned out! You might want to write down the words for 'no nuts' on a card so you can flash it if necessary too. Big red circle with diagonal line and all that.:)
Vietnam is a great holiday choice, not that I've been there but you only ever hear good things about it. I hope you'll be okay with the nuts thing because you have to come back fighting fit and refreshed so you can start filling your fancy frills quilt diary with fabulous ideas and swatches. Ps Now I'll be singing the song for the rest of the day.. ch ch changes...
I tried just reading the title...can't be done, has to be sung a la Bowie...
Well that's Miss P's loss, enjoy Vietnam, everyone who goes there comes back raving about how great it was...maybe pack Oreos and Salt & Vinegar chips for meals just in case...
I would never ever have guessed a journal cover for your secret project, so pretty...
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