Friday, March 15, 2013

Favourite Things Friday

It's been a long work week despite the fact that Monday was a public holiday here. Yep- we South Australians had the day off for a horse race that most of us couldn't give a rats about. Consequently, I tried to cram 4 days worth of work into the remaining three days I was supposed to work this week but didn't quite pull it off so I'm off to work today. Before you all feel so sorry for me that you start planning a party to cheer me up -I'm planning to take Monday off instead,  which will seem silly to some of you , but for the obsessive types out there (like me !) you'll completely understand why I need to get some (hopefully most) of my outstanding work done today and not in three days time. Wow! Talk about run on sentences. I didn't breathe either as I typed that and now I'm feeling a little dizzy. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to knock off time later today.  

I've been  hearing some of my friends in the US still commenting (rather vocally) about how cold it still is there. Ummmm guys... didn't you send the weather a memo about it being 5 days off Spring? That being said, the start of the week here was a scorcher and I guess the sun can't be in two places at once. And the fact that it's still cold over there makes what I'm about to do potentially evil. 

As some of you know Mr. P and I are a planning a road trip through the US in the second half of next year.  But as I was reflecting on how awesome that is going to be, I realised that 18 months until that holiday is a looooong time to maintain my excitement so I decided to plan something "little" for this year as well. So in my not so spare time this week I've been researching flights and hotels, and things to do to escape the Aussie winter. When Sister of Pyjamas lived in the tropics I used to go there for 2- 3 weeks in the winter but since she moved here I've lost my bolt hole for winter escapes. So I've had to create my own warm weather getaway. 

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Thinking of staying here ... doesn't it look gorgeous?  

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It's been 24 years since I was last in Fiji and Mr. P has never been so since its only a hop, skip and a jump from Australia it seemed like the perfect place to land for a week or so of R & R. 

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Hoping for more than a few of these views (and cocktails.) I get ridiculously excited by pretty cocktails. 

Planning a tropical mini break is my fave this week. It's kept me going through excessively long work days and the thought that the sun is about go and hide for the next 6 months on the other side of the world. 

What about you? Any favourites to share? 


  1. Well really, how inconsiderate of SOP to move! Can I come to Fiji too? I'm sure I can fit in your case...

  2. A tropical vacation does sound amazing right about now!

  3. The only thing that's nearly as good asd a holiday is planning a holiday. Yours both sound great and I'm sure the time will pass a lot quicker than you think.

  4. Sounds like a plan. We here in subtropical Queensland are wondering who keeps stealing our glorious weather???? I hope you get all caught up and enjoy your long weekend.

  5. Oh how cruel of you to wave your plans of a holiday in tropical paradise under my nose, umbrella drinks and all, when we've still got a foot of snow on the ground here. Hrumph! Just kidding,of course. I still luv ya. Perhaps if I mix myself a few pretty cocktails, I'll forget about the cold. It does sound like a dreamy spot to be.

  6. It has been lovely here this week. Positively lovely. Mid-60's with lots of sunshine. I haven't even lamented the loss of an hour for the change to daylight savings time because that means it stays light a whole hour later in the evenings, and as daylight is expanding every day anyway, it's light out until 8:00 pm, and it won't be long until we're having 14 hours of sunlight a day. Yes. Spring is my absolute favorite season.

    Enough about me. Your Fiji getaway looks to be complete and utter paradise! I'm really excited for you! That is marvelous! I hope you have a very wonderful time!

    xo -E

  7. Is it Friday already?
    I love Fiji. I'll be waving to you from a beach in Mediterranean while you're lying on the beach in Fiji. Wondering if we can have a virtual beach party?

  8. Looks like a lovely place to forget winter for a few days. Fiji for us is just about as far as Australia is, so I'm so jealous that you can count that as a hop, skip and a jump.

  9. J.E.A.L.O.U.S., absolutely green. Have fun, I guess, LOL!!

  10. Fiji sounds wonderful and so awfully exotic. I hope you have lots of time to see those views and drink lots of fru fru cocktails.

  11. I remember the tropics. How I loved that heat, and those cocktails. Now I am just ridiculously happy that I am getting off this island this summer and getting to holland instead.

  12. Oh man, I wish I could climb into those photos! I think you should definitely go!

  13. Gorgeous place! We want action photos of cocktail sipping.

  14. Lovely plans - hope the wildlife plays nice!

    Wishing you a successful weekend now that Friday's sorted.

  15. I was all kinds of excited it was going to be 50 degrees today and you go and show these amazing pictures...LOL Good for you! I have never been to Fiji, so take lots of pictures so I can relive your experience through a photo show. And don't forget....on your tour through the US you have a bed at my place as you travel through Iowa!

  16. Well, it is almost 60F here today, so I guess I can forgive you. :) Fiji looks amazing! When you begin planning your US Tour, be sure to let me know. Would love to meet up. And, of course, you are always welcome to come stay with us. :)

  17. I would love to go to Fidji right now...sounds like a really good idea

  18. Ha I have spent the last 20 years trying to get to Fiji! If you come up with any great deals please let me know, as we havent had a holiday for 2 years...and once again were putting it off for a year...but that idea is wearing thin!
    So hope you are goign to squeeze in some sewing this weekend?!

  19. It's great to have something to look forward to in the winter. We don't holiday in summer, why bother when it's nice here, but a week in the sun in November sets us up nicely!

  20. Take me with you! (Freezing here in Maryland today, even had a little snow on the ground this morning -- yuk!)

  21. You are pure evil! We had to put our water on drip before bed tonight since it is supposed to be so far below freezing tonight! I hate the cold! Take me with you! I've never been to Fiji.


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