Sunday, March 10, 2013

Eating humble pie

You'll notice I'm woefully late in putting up my "look what I did in February" post. I had a plan for February. An ambitious plan. A plan that somewhere along the line went dreadfully awry. 

Since I don't want to accept personal responsibility for my own shortcomings I'm blaming February for only having 28 days, the bag that got stuck in my head and wouldn't leave until I made it and the fact I wandered off and cut out a bajillion triangles when I should have been quilting for my lack of progress on  my list last month.  

And since I'm all about focussing on the positive I'm not going to re-cap what I didn't get done because the "didn't get finished" list is longer than the "Nailed it" list and that's just too embarrassing. Thanks goodness the girls helped me pull all the bits of paper out of those damn hexies because left to my own devices I'd still be pulling frigging papers out at Christmas.  

So let's just say I had a 50% success rate for February finishes and move on to March shall we? Here's what I'm hoping to get done. 

1)Re-do that blasted lounge chair. The fabric finally arrived yesterday.  I went to buy a tack remover from the hardware store last weekend and they looked at me as if I was a crazy lady but that may have had something to do with the fact that I had a tack hammer in the other hand. Or perhaps I looked like I was going to batter them to death with the tack hammer when they said they didn't have a tack remover? Whatever . The chair needs to be finished and it's going to be a bitch of a job. Maybe I'll save that for Easter weekend. It might stop me from swearing so much given the significance of the holiday and all.  

Auditioning the fabric. It would have been too bad if I wasn't happy with it because Mr. P almost died when I told him how much I spent on this lot.  
2) Finish the last 10 shirt blocks. Words cannot convey how utterly sick I am of those blocks at the moment. 

3) Make a baby quilt. I dobbed myself in to make this for one of Sister of Pyjamas friends who is expecting. I figure a baby quilt wont take all that long to put together...famous last words?

4) Finish Superheroes 1 quilt. Yep -I've spent a month procrastinating on the quilting. I'm so ashamed I'm not even going to show a picture. 

5)Put together superheroes 2  top for Little P . All the blocks are done, and I've bought border fabric so that should be an easy job.  And again Im tempting fate with over confidence!

I've learned my lesson about over ambitious lists so this months has far less on it . Maybe I'll be able to get everything crossed off that way. The big list thing doesn't seem to have been wildly successful for me so far this year. And ummm- yeah ...I've yet to finish a quilt for 2013. 

We've got an impromptu family brunch here this morning so I'm off to make coffee cake and cut fruit for fruit salad. You're welcome to drop in if you like . I always over cater. This afternoon's plan is to tackle that long avoided quilting!


  1. Just getting dressed now..see you soon LOL

  2. Getting ready for a nana nap .. then some bag making. I think your list looks totally do-able (with the exception of the chair). I think I'd have to have a month with about 90 days in it to finish a chair.

  3. I've completely quilt making public lists of things I'd like to get done. Real life just gets in the way too much. There's really no blog fodder in working a 40 hour week (which I have way too many of lately) instead of being able to sew a little. After work, there's still all the household stuff and kids to take care of. I've been fitting in what sewing I can. It is way less that I want it to be but really more than I have time for. Since I know this is the way things are, it just makes sense that no matter how ambitious I'm feeling, about 2:00 every afternoon, I'm going to want to have a nap. On the weekends, sometimes I do, instead of sewing. But enough about me.

    I LOVE that fabric you picked for the lounge chair re-do! When you showed it last month, I wasn't sure it was going to work, but now I see it on the chair, I think it will be fabulous!

    Those superhero quilts are so much fun and I love the fabrics you picked for the baby quilt.

    Good luck with your fabric arts endeavors this month! May the quilting muses be with you!

    xo -E

    P.S. There is a little tool that a guy from Utah invented for putting tacks into and removing them from quilting frames. I'll bet it would work on your chair. If you want, I can have a look around and see if I can find one for you.

  4. I'm with you about February cheating us out of time. Wish I could drop in for fruit salad, I'll be there in about 10 hours...what? brunch will be done by then, darn, oh well, maybe next time. Go on you can do the quilting it can be done, you can do it...and in the spirit of avoiding doing the quilting I have to do I'm going to leave the house...have a fun brunch...

  5. Yeah, February totally snuck through there, little bastard! As for the cause of your failure, I'd go with the triangles, I'm sure all quilting insanity is related to triangles. Maybe some with curves, but they pop up far less often...

    You'll have to cover that chair soon, so you can scrape Me P up and plonk him in it to recover from the bill ;o)

    I wish you luck as I wave you goodbye, I have a quilt top that I unsewed earlier to reassemble...

  6. Oh I know how it is to be so utterly tired of a fabric or project.

    I love your chair fabric. That's quite a project too. I hope you take a lot of pictures so you can do a tutorial. I've always wanted to learn how to upholster a chair.

  7. If I had seen this earlier I would have booked a flight...worth it so I wouldn't have to cook :)

  8. I am so looking forward to seeing the transformation of your chair. Love the super heroes blocks and oh brunch sounds wonderful. I'll just get out of my pj's and I will be over :-)

  9. Good luck with the chair it looks way too fiddly to attempt. I think you will be able to achieve your list his month. I'm not making a March list March is already looking to hard but I have had a finish today. Might hide in the sewing room to keep away from the heat I am thinking.

  10. The chair is going to be GREAT! And humble pie isn't too calories! Unless you stess eat thinking about the ingredients that create a humble pie. :) I think you still accomplished a lot. So chin up will all come together. Now I have to go change my clothes so I can come over for fruit and coffee cake.

  11. Brunch sounds delicious. Guess I missed it!
    Nice projects. Looking forward to seeing that baby quilt, I have some of those fabrics on my shelf waiting for inspiration.
    Enjoy the quilting.

  12. I like to make quilty lists too, but mostly I just hide them away where no one but me will ever see them.:) Good luck with making good progress this month! Oh and your chair fabric is incredibly wonderful, whatever the cost.:)

  13. Love love love your chair fabric. Surely you can find a tack remover somewhere in Australia?
    February was a very short month after all and going back to work after a holiday always takes time to get back into the swing of things.
    Easter is not that far away so you might just get that chair finished at the beginning of April, to the end of March if you really pull your finger out!

  14. Thank you for the kind invitation! I would come but it's a wee bit far......that will teach you at make lists.

  15. I have one or two too many projects nagging at me right now but I am determined to finish a bag for myself! I feel like the shoe maker who's kids have no shoes. Everybody else has a bag or a quilt or whatever.. Now I'm being selfish and making something for me. Bleh. I love the fabric for the chair and I'm hoppin' on the red eye to come on over.. Should be there in about 12 hours. :)

  16. what are you ? Wonder Woman ??? You have people for brunch. That means they hang around till at least two then you clean up. After that most people would be heading for an easy chair with the Sunday paper at the very least but you are planning to sew ??

  17. I'm with you February is just not conductive to getting things marked off your to do list. Your list for March looks totally doable, well except maybe for the chair. It it were me, that one project would take months!

  18. I'm sure somebody stole a week a two from February, It flew by too fast this year. I love that chair fabric!!! If your over your shirt project put it away for another day. Have fun woith the baby quilt instead, cute fabrics!

  19. WHAT are you thinking...its way too hot to quilt...thats the best excuse for not quilting for February and March the way our weather chart is looking! The chair will look great, just tell DH that the money you saved by DIY meant you could afford to spend a bit extra on the fabric!
    Lists are a guide, not a death sentence or a failure if you don't achieve them - its just a goal to strive for - like the Olympics...if we were all remotely athletic, which I am definitely not ;)! And remember she who dies with the most fabric if you didnt finish it, it still counts as being stash and you might "win" in the end!!!

  20. It's always easy to overestimate what you think you'll get done...I was totally guilty of that for Feb myself. Your creative blaming of the month for being short is cool, tho! The chair redo fabric is great--maybe you can just say all the words on the fabric instead of swearing? That might be fun :) Good luck on all your listed projects. I just moved my whole list to March!

  21. You've finished way more than me! I haven't stitched a thing since Christmas. I just keep amassing fabric.

    Holy frijoles! Is it already March? Guess I'll start ripping apart my chair too. Thanks for the push. ;)

    Hope your bruch was scrumptious!

  22. That fabric is amazing! I love it entirely!! Wow, you set the bar high for Feb, if only there were those extra three days, you would have breezed it in.

  23. A little late Shay but in my experience, lists were ment to be edited, broken, erased, lost. You'll get there. Lol. Sharyn:)

  24. I wish I could just pop over for an impromptu brunch!


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