Another week draws to a close. I'm passionately in love with weekends. I'm looking forward to a bit of a sleep in tomorrow (wishful thinking on my part I'm sure since Little P is coming for a sleepover tonight) and I'm planning to sew a lot this weekend too.
This week my favourite thing is something I'm sure everyone who quilts , creates, sews or makes things can totally identify with. Out of nowhere in the last 48 hours I've had a rush of inspiring "I have to make this" ideas popping into my head. I ignored them for as long as I could (that was about 12 hours , six of which I was sleeping )since I have 7 other things sitting staring accusingly at me from the WIP pile but I found resistance was futile. The idea just wouldn't go away.
That happens to me a lot. I have a list of things I want to make and usually I try to finish something I'm already doing before I start something else. But when I get an idea I feel really excited about I just have to act on it. I keep thinking about the finished item in my head and how pretty it's going to look and I cant help myself. And the only way to get that idea to stop taking up precious space in my brain is to start making it a reality.
So yesterday morning when I got up before I went to work I started cutting fabric. And last night when I got home from work I cut some more. In fact I was so excited about cutting this fabric I did it in the half dark because our power was out. That's commitment to a cause. And this morning I'm about half way through cutting fabric for my new project and it looks like this.
That lot seriously needs more green and some yellows.
I also pulled these charm squares from my stash because I have been eyeing off a quilt design for about two years that I want to do and I finally decided which fabrics to use. But I solemnly swear I'm not starting this one until I finish something else. I just want to look at these for a while. And fondle them. That might be enough to stave off any more "I have to start this NOW " feelings. Gosh I hope so.(imagine me rolling my eyes here at my own lack of will power)
The thrill of starting something new. That's my favourite thing this week. Because having 8 other quilting projects on the go isn't enough. Please tell me the rest of you creative types struggle with this affliction too!
Maybe you'd like to share one of your favourite things this week. It doesn't have to be a confession. It can be anything you like. Write your own post and link it up below. And don't forget to visit anyone else who links up so you can see what rocked their socks this week.

Bwahaha, confession's good for the soul ;o) Dose up little P on Calpol, lie in all round ;o)
Of course, my obsession is food, so flavors haunt me. I become fixated until I have to make what's been lurking in my brain! The worst is when something turns out to be hideous!
I hope your weekend is filled with creativity, productivity, and fun with Little P!
My inability to finish things because I am too busy listening to the voice in my head is why I started the English bulldog house, and the fishes mini. I have no self control and I don't care.
Awww, you're the second person who has started new things this week, and I'm being so GOOD about finishing things. I want to start something new!
Of course the diagnosis of hyperactivity springs to mind when I read about your whirlwind thoughts AND actions. I could do with a dose of what you have !!
I'll be starting new projects this weekend too with WIPs sitting staring at me was well! I just toss a piece of fabric over their glaring little eyes and sew on. :) Glad I'm not the only one who strikes when the iron is hot! Happy Weekend to you!
Starting is way more fun than finishing. Lovely fabrics you have been cutting. I'll be waiting impatiently for the pretty charm squares to see some action.
Enjoy Little P and your sewing weekend.
I love when that happens, though right now I can't believe it will happen again. The charm packs are really cute too. Do you have a plan for those or are they just hanging around for inspiration? I think it's great to have lots of things going at the same time .. that way if you get tired of one you can pick up another one and just keep at it.
No sewing for me this weekend as we're going to the Norah Jones concert tonight and then staying on in town for 2 nights which is lovely but I'm already getting twitchy fingers, wanting to finish a project I'm working on. Luckily I have Wednesdays off so not long to wait! Good luck on your sleep in!
It seems like two seconds ago I was reading last week's FTF post and thinking I would write one of my own, and now it's next week!
I love your Fav this week. "but I found resistance was futile" - a bit like the Borg! It hits me like that too at times.
I get the same way when I get ideas! Sometimes I can't sleep because of it. In fact I've been up since 3am because of an idea I couldn't get out of my head. My WIP pile is bottomless because I keep working on new ideas.
OOH I know how that is all too well, but I haven't started something new since I started the hand quilting because I knew if I did it wouldn't get finished. I'm planning some serious time in the sewing room this weekend if I can. Our kitchen reno plans are moving closer to happening the figures are starting to get scary though but I am really looking forward to a new oven and hot plates, more bench space and uber storage.
I have absolutely no self control shat so ever. That;s why the two BOM's I started almost two years ago and not even half way to finished. That;s why I started the baby quilt last week. I have so many ideas milling around in my head it's a wonder I get anything finished. Those triangles are looking great, love the 30s repros.
I am totally addicted to the rush of starting something new! What's one more UFO, in the big picture - just a smudge.
Oh the thrill of the new much fun!...loving those fabrics, both the cut ones and the charm squares, ooh what are they going to become....
Your fabrics look fantastic! Cannot wait to see what you are creating
Can't wait to see what you've got planned for all that cut up fabric. I started a new quilt this week too, which has been added to the the 5 other ones that I'm actively working on. So it's not just you.
Sometimes I am overwhelmed and have to start something new. I've gotten over feeling guilty about it. enJOY! Lane
Oh Yes, starting something new is the best!!! When the mood strikes you just have to go for it!
Yes, I definitely have that affliction... and I think it is forgivable. You are really just taking a breather from your previous project, and capitalizing on your creative juices for the newest project. If you finished everything first you might not have any juices left for the new project. That's my excuse, and you can share it if you like.
Strike while the creative juices are running I say. Who cares about UFO's, thats what lists are keep track of them, and decide who is going to inherit them...if indeed it comes to that! Starting something new is surely a disease afflicted on all quilters....think its contagious and that you pick up after a)show and tell b) pintrest or blogging c)new quilting book or d) attending a workshop? So basically there is no hope! My fav thing Friday is my unpicker...cos I thought I lost it, was saying that F*** word for about three hours and finally found it when I packed up my machine ready for class today. Off course that means that it was far too late to work on my scrappy trips blocks yesterday. I need to learn to swear in a foreign language, so I can actually say the word outloud...doesnt have the same effect when you have to say it in your head because small ears are listening.
Thanks for posting so unapologetically about something that happens to many of us quilters! Good luck with your next project.:)
Been there. Done that. I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes you need a little something "fresh" to cleanse your quilting palette before getting back to a big finish. Love your repros!
xo -E
I'm always getting inspired to start a new project before I finish the last one. I have many UFOs! Oh well, it's about enjoying the process, not always the finish, isn't it?!
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