The down side of putting my sewing/crafty/quilting goals out there every month is that I feel like an abject failure when I don't cross everything off. Such was the case for January because I failed to finish a couple of things on my list. That one lone hexie that needed to be completed remained undone (!!!) and I didn't finish the Superheroes quilt either. I finished the other 4 things on that list but somehow that seems less important than that which remained undone. Obviously I'm a glass half empty kind of gal.
I've finished the actual quilt top for the Superheroes quilt but I suck at making backs if they aren't two pieces of fabric sewn together and so that's where I got stuck. I really admire those of you who do fancy schmancy backs because often I just can't be bothered. And when you have to cobble a back out of leftovers it seems to take so much longer to put together than the front. What's up with that?
So here is my ambitious list for February which includes the things I didn't finish in January(insert eye rolling here)
- Finish Superheros quilt (pictured here laying on my sewing room floor with the dogs thinking that's an open invitation to sleep on it)
- Make Superheros quilt top for Little P (who saw the original Superheroes quilt top and asked excitedly if it was for him and since it isn't, I feel compelled to make him one too- nothing like doing two almost identical quilts back to back )
- Finish that last damn hexie!
- 15 more blocks for the recycled shirt quilt (shirts pictured here living on the computer room floor )
- Baste and quilt Briar Rose quilt
- Finish re-upholstering Miss P's outdoor chairs. I get to break out the staple gun so that should be motivation enough to get those done (pictured here stuffed into a wardrobe because I couldn't stand looking at them anymore )
- Buy fabric for lounge chair re-do. Its only been sitting there waiting to be done since January 2012. I know what I want - its just a matter of getting on line and finding it. Larri , if you're reading maybe we could do this as a March challenge together since I happen to know you have a chair re- do that has to be done too. We can share the misery.
- Pick the paper out of half the paper pieced hexie flowers not looking forward to that.Does anyone wanna come over and do it for me/with me? I can provide a comfy bed and large amounts of hard liquor as compensation if that will swing the deal....

You CAN do it!! I would be happy to help...plane ticket? LOL
don't beat yourself up - you do what you do - simple...and i'd love to go north to help with removing hexies - wait, it was the promise of hard liquor........
I hate cobbling together backs, too. What's the point? It's the BACK! (Yes, I understand the reasoning. But it's still pointless.)
The superheroes front looks great .. why not just two pieces on the back?? Those sound like reasonable goals for the month.
p.s. love your new (?) profile.
Four things done is a goodly number, given the time with hard liquor you already spent this month, eh? Wish I were brave enough to do furniture redo like that! Do you have one of those little electric stapler guns?
If you manage all this you will deserve every last drink of hard liquor you can get your hands on!
Remember, its supposed to be fun as well! Don't beat yourself up over things....
I'm on my way over!! :) And I am so happy to now know someone else who feels the same way about the quilt backs. By the time I'm done with the front, I want two pieces of fabric to put together for the back and send it on it's merry way to be quilted. yep...that makes me happy. :)
I'm right there for the hard liquor, but the commute!!!!
You make too long a list. Put one thing on it (less stress), the thing you need to have done by Feb 28, and do that. Then if - that's the biggest word in the English language - if you finish the one thing, add another thing to your list. (Better still, do stuff, and then put it on the list so you can cross it off right then! I like that method - instant gratification!)
The one advantage to not getting every thing done on your monthly to do list is that you don't have to come with a bunch of new things for next month, unless you just want too. (From the glass half full perspective).
Looks like you have even more fun planned for February. I'd come help, but then, my February list wouldn't get done.
Have you remembered Feb is a short month? You're going to be a busy lady, but then if anyone could get through this list it's you! Go Shay!!
I think I'm a glass half empty type too, however, I am all for looooong lists! I think you get more done with an ambitious list. Well done on your four finishes, good luck with February's list!
Oh. As for the hexies and the comfy bed, you should defs pick me. I would do it for you (Cause mine are all done. I guess I like that bit!) AND I don't drink, so there would be a saving for you in the liquor department. Win/win situation!
I think you are very brave putting your monthly "to do" list out there. I would fall so fearfully short that I would go into a deep depression!
Hard liquor and a comfy bed? I'm there already, lol.
I love Terri's idea that's my kind of list.
Notice my list was three not very ambitious things. I like to make sure I can achieve what I set out to do. Having said that, I know you, and you are a crazy woman when you have deadlines to work to so I know you can get most of those things ticked off your list in the next 24 days.
Ha, I have January carry overs too, the best of us make over-ambitious lists... ;o)
Oh, are so ambitious. I am a master of procrastination....laundry today, cleaning tomorrow. Blech. Hope your list is more fruitful!
Ha ha dont mind picking hexies papers out, but I want chocolate instead! I hate hate piecing backs, even two pieces of fabric - I am a big fan of wide backs...except before I discovered such a great idea I had purchased metres of fabrics for the purpose of backings for future quilts cos they were cheap! I think they will get given away!
Hmmm, two super heros quilts, thats a tall order. You need to buy your grandson a new toy to distract him from such thoughts and hopefully he will grow out of super heros shortly, then you can make a different quilt in Lego/Bob the Builder/Thomas the Tank engine/? what ever fabric instead!
To do lists are not designed as a form of punishment! The quilt police are not monitoring your blog! We love your achievements and share your frustrations and UFO, cos we ALL have old UFO's!
One of the main reasons I prefer not to publish my goals on my blog. I suck at finishing things ( or even starting sometimes) as I am definitely the World Champion Procrastinator. Good luck with your February list!
Nice list. Adding to leftovers is the way to go.
Love the real photos, shirts on the floor, top tried by four leggeds.
Enjoy the variety of your projects.
I love reading your posts. You totally crack me up! Mostly when I piece a backing it's strictly for frugality 'cuz you're right, it takes forever and I always wonder what in the world I'm doing. Good luck on your list esp. with a short month!
You can do all that easily! Right - take a deep breath, hitch up those big girl panties and start with that lone hexie......
Love the chair I am sure I need one like that to make over too, just don't know where I would put it. You have a big list there you do realise that Feb is shorter than all the other months.
Love the chair I am sure I need one like that to make over too, just don't know where I would put it. You have a big list there you do realise that Feb is shorter than all the other months.
I've stopped posting lists of what I want to get done, because inevitably, life happens. I'd have enough time to do everything I want if life didn't get in the way. I have a mental list that only has two projects in addition to the one I'm working on and it seems more manageable because I don't have a deadline. I still work on stuff like I have a deadline, but I don't feel let down by myself if I don't meet that deadline. Because I'm a glass half empty kind of person too. Those things I don't get done negate any thing I did get done and I just feel rotten. And I'm tried of feeling that way to be all the time.
I love your super heroes quilt! A lot. And those hexies . . . I love to see them every time you show them. Such pretty fabrics. I love the colors you've chosen for your recycled shirt quilt. And that chair is going to be amazing when you've recovered it!
You can do it! May the sewing gods be with you!
xo -E
Be over in a flash to help with getting the paper out - just a slight problem getting across the ditch!
But wait free drinks??? Well it could be worth it!
You can do it! You can do it! I have faith that you will be able to do everything and well.
I hate pulling paper out of a hexI
When you start on your chair, I will be watching closely. I have an old sofa that needs to be redone!
Always good to have a list! I have one for just about everything else in my life but not for sewing for me to go with the flow with those....would be way too daunting to have a list I think!
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