I don't know about you , but I've been waiting for Friday since Monday.
In the mornings things get measured in "coffee time" here not by the actual clock. Despite the fact that I'm an early riser, I'm not quick to get going in the mornings. Nobody is allowed to talk to me before I've had my first sip of coffee. I have to follow my morning routine before I can get my act together for the day. I get up and make a coffee, and then spend two (sometimes three !) coffees reading blogs, sorting through email, writing my list of goals for the day and tidying my house. Only then am I ready to start facing the actual reality of the day.
Here's a sad confession. I'm so much of a coffee addict that for me even bad coffee is better than no coffee at all. And instant coffee is big in my house because it's quick and easy and not complicated to make. I do love those fancy schmancy coffees available from Hudsons, or Cibo, or Gloria Jeans, I'm just too mingey to pay over 5 bucks for a cup of coffee.
Mr. P had been nagging me to go and get a coffee machine. He bought me one about 7 years ago and it was so complicated to use that it just sat on the bench taking up space. I never used it once because it entailed going back to uni to get another degree. I've been resisting the idea of another coffee maker because complex kitchen appliances throw me. I refuse for anything in my kitchen to have an higher IQ than I do.
Fast forward to my holiday to Little Miss Sunshine's. She has a coffee maker. I felt so cosmopolitan and worldly sipping coffee maker coffee every morning while on holidays.
So when I got back I announced to a very surprised Mr. P that we were getting a coffee machine, and we went out the very next day and bought the identical model to the one at Little Miss Sunshine's house (mainly because I already knew how to use it).
I have to say - this little gadget makes my mornings just a little brighter. It's idiot proof. So the instant coffee is just going to have to keep sulking in the pantry because it may never get used again.
So that's my favourite for this week. Being able to have classy coffee whenever I like. What about you? Do you have a favourite to share this week? Link it up below so I can come and have a nosey.

Enjoyed your post about coffee machines. I'm in total agreement.
I'm a pot of tea girl myself so will not comment on your new toy.
I used to absolutely love coffee! But now I can't have any without getting a panic attack, such a bummer. But now I love my Earl Grey and almond milk - can't wake up without it! Glad to see you're back to FTF! :-)
It is always nice to get a new toy that plays nicely! Love your FTF today.
xo -E
Have fun with the new toy! But if you ever try and serve me something from it, I may have to kill you...
Three words -
Single White Female
Lovely - enjoy it.........so should I bring my own tea bags tomorrow? might even remember the Oreos....maybe!
I haven't' got none either for all the reasons you mentioned.. also I can't wait that long. Coffee addicts unite.
I don't do coffee, but I have a little routine I like to enjoy before I have to submerge myself in the 'reality of the day'. My husband, mr. sunshine, doesn't get it but he has learned to leave me very much alone first thing in the morning.:)
Perfect favourite - nothing quite like the morning coffee. Love the new toy.
Enjoy your coffee.
Idiot proof, yep, you'd think...but then there is me...I mean how hard is it, oh that's right for normal people not hard at all...yes I'm the idiot who has managed (and sadly on more than one occasion) to get the little coffee pod thingy stuck so the lid won't close properly, pierced and coffee grounds not where they are supposed to go...I now just step away from the coffee machines, boil the kettle and drown a coffee bag or some instant, it's just safer that way...enjoy your new toy and sipping your cosmopolitan coffees every morning...
I've been tempted to go the coffee machine but I'm on a tea binge at the moment and there is no time for another beverage at the moment. Great FTF.
It's a very swish coffee machine! I have my little French press and grind my own beans......because life is too short to drink instant coffee.
Lucky you! I imagine this is like a Keurig with the pods. How divine! I am still on cup number 1 of decaf, so not feeling very brilliant yet this morning, but I am happy for you that you won't have to drink instant coffee anymore.
The carafe of my el cheapo coffeemaker (not the fancy kind) came apart this week, spilling a few cups of hot coffee all over. I was ready to go buy another one when I found a screw loose (not in my head, on the carafe) and tightened it. That fixed the problem. I am both happy I could salvage the old and sad I don't have a new one, lol.
Coffee doesn't like me, and I don't like coffee, but I have been eyeing some of those new coffeemakers that also have a hot water feature for my daily tea. Glad you were dragged into the new century of coffeemaking by Miss Sunshine.
You would not feel out of place if you were to ever wake up at my house. My Guy is definitely coffee powered. You really don't want to speak to him until he's had his coffee. I'm not quite that bad unless I didn't sleep well then coffee is a must to get things jump started.
Enjoy your new coffee maker!
Ohh nice one, I can smell that fresh coffee smell from here! I once babysat a house with a proper coffee machine and didn't sleep for two weeks because I could resist making them. We'll know why you start making 10 times as many quilts... Enjoy your Saturday morning coffee, knowing there's a whole weekend ahead...
We have one of those complicated/ too hard to use/need a PhD/then you have to clean a billion bits coffee machines, I had to hid it in a cupboard as all our guests started requesting cappicinos!
So I love your new easy instant machine...and its red, what more could a girl want! OK perhaps a few fat quarters and a block of chocolate!
Im a bit of a coffee fiend myself but stick to the 'old school' plunger style because those contraptions look way to complicated! Love yours though! x
Looks like a wonderful machine .. I hope you enjoy many coffee mornings. I don't get my first cup until I get to work cuz i don't like the way the coffee tastes at home .. I don't always like the way it tastes at work either, but someone else makes it for me there.
Oh gosh, you should live in Canada. We are Tim Horton's addicts. I suspect that there might be coke in the coffee as we all stop at the shops which could be at four corners of an intersection and they would all be busy! Coffee is the same for me. I do use a simple machine though, have had the expensive ones, not hot enough for me, or too tall for my counter at the cottage, or too expensive. I now have one from Walmart, has a clock, am able to program for mornings and it cost $15.00. Happy me. And like you my sweetie does not speak unless he sees that I have at least half a cup in my system. I've been away so long and reading all the blogs is now up to three cups of Maxwell House Dark Roast...my favourite for travelling.
Yep, no functioning without my morning coffee. Don't even SPEAK to me without that. Nice Favorite Thing!
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