Sunday, July 22, 2012


Some of you noticed that I was AWOL on Friday. To those of you who emailed to make sure I was OK -thank you. I particularly liked Kate's email that asked if I'd gotten into a tangle with an irate kangaroo.

Sometimes unanticipated events occur and parts of my life get put on the back burner. Family will always come first and family has needed me more than usual over the last month or two.  I stressed out about not posting my favourite thing for the week but that's just the way the cookie crumbled.  

The truth is I've been really struggling to juggle my real life with my blogging life lately. At some point over the last month or so blogging has made the shift to my list of things I need to do like doing the washing or grocery shopping.

I had a chat with my inner self this weekend and I recognised that I am not wonder woman and that I can't juggle everything or do everything at my usual 110% at the moment. So for the next little while I'm going to drop in when I can and see what you're all up to without putting ridiculous pressure on myself to comment on every single post or to post to a schedule myself. 

This weekend has been full of highs. We celebrated Little P's birthday on Saturday with a Friday night sleepover and had to wait until he went to sleep at 10pm Friday night to bake his birthday cake. Don't ask.   

I didn't have the internal reserves to make a firetruck cake at that time of the night so Zebra cake it was. It was all good, Little P and I just eat the icing off the top anyway. 

Since Little P is Sam the Fireman mad at the moment, I made him a pair of yellow pants (just like Sam wears) Saturday morning to go with his Fireman Sam top. It's amazing how happy 3 bucks of yellow fabric and some thread and stitches can make a kid so happy. And that has been the sum total of my sewing this week since my machine only made it back from the fixit shop on Friday. She's purring like a dream. I'm pretty sure the fixit guy knows I abuse my machine by running over pins all the time but at least I didn't get a lecture. Although I did get one for using metal bobbins in my machine. Again.


  1. We don't want to see you in the funny farm, so make sure you look after yourself. Blogging is supposed to be fun. Not a chore. *gives you a hug cuz I can*

  2. Ditto what Sue said! I understand why people need to take blog breaks sometimes, definitely. Recharge and take care of you first.

  3. do what you gotta do shay - no explanations necessary - enjoy - life;s too short

  4. You make me feel good....don´t be wonder woman...enjoy live!!! We´ll still be following!
    By the way..i had a patient from Australia three days ago...

  5. I think we all go through those phases with blogging, sometimes it just doesn't seem as much fun or as high a priority. Nothing wrong with that! Relax and deal with everything else. It will all come good in the end.

  6. Well hell, it's your blog, you pop up whenever you feel like! Happy birfday to the wee man

  7. Happy Birthday to Little P. And I think you have your priorities right. Life is far more important than blogging. I have been reaching for a better balance too. Though I doubt my stress levels have been quite what yours have. Hope it all settles soon.

  8. Totally hearing you on that count, especially since I haven't done much sewing lately either, and it's hard to blog when you've got nothing much to say... But I think, as much as we all love you, you should blog for yourself, not us, and we'll just be grateful to get whatever shows up :)

  9. Good on you Shay!!! I think you do an amazing job of fitting so much in. It'll be fun having you drop in and out surprising us. That green zebra cake looks amazing, so green!! Happy Birthday to little P, I bet he never wants to take the yellow shorts ever again.

  10. And I had you sunning yourself in Fiji...she says as she looks out on white crunchy frosty grass *sigh*...we wish!
    Happy Birthday Little P...although I think you had one of those just a couple of months ago and that you are sneaking in extras so Bella will make you Fireman Sam dacks and icing (the cake being incidental and only there to hold up said icing)...
    You take care of yourself and remember that blogging should be fun not an obligation...oh bugger, now I've got the Wonder Woman theme song in my head...get out, get out damn song!!!!!

  11. I headed here to see if you had resurfaced. Glad everything is ok life gets busy for all of us and after all blogging is a pleasure thing not a have to thing when you stress yourself out about it it stops being a pleasure thing. Little P's birthday and sleep overs are way way more important. Have a good one.

  12. I headed here to see if you had resurfaced. Glad everything is ok life gets busy for all of us and after all blogging is a pleasure thing not a have to thing when you stress yourself out about it it stops being a pleasure thing. Little P's birthday and sleep overs are way way more important. Have a good one.

  13. I headed here to see if you had resurfaced. Glad everything is ok life gets busy for all of us and after all blogging is a pleasure thing not a have to thing when you stress yourself out about it it stops being a pleasure thing. Little P's birthday and sleep overs are way way more important. Have a good one.

  14. Hey - nice to see the family has a priority here. I really did think it was all about the production and your imaginary friends for a bit - HaHa.
    Enjoy the family and your purring little helper in the sewing room - so glad the fixit guy didn't give you too many lectures.

  15. I have had similar thoughts with blogging lately....not much to say....LOL have been spending time on other things and just hibernating a bit as giving myself a time out LOL Happy Birthday to Little P!

  16. Blogging should be more no-pressure, pleasure oriented and a really good place to hang out. Not on the "must do" list, egads!

    Little P is adorable as always. Lookit that happy little face!

    Hope your family issues settle down and you can relax a bit more soon

  17. Little P is like most of my kids. Why do we actually bother with the cake? A bowl of icing would do it for most kids! Glad to see you here. I know exactly how you feel regarding blogging. Maybe it's the season? (depths of winter and all that?) I did actually sew something this weekend, but it was kind of a deadline type thing so not really sure it counts. Take it easy my friend. You can only do what you can do! (We like you, no matter what! Even if you do use metal bobbins in your machine!!!)

  18. Happy birthday to Little P! Just take as long a break as you aren't superwoman, you know, much as you try to be. None of us are.

  19. That birthday boy of yours is SO handsome! And PlayDoh is an awesome toy! Love it.

    I don't think you should feel at all guilty about focusing on family, or anything else that is more important. Of course, we'll miss you. But we'll all still be here when you do stop by. Caring for the people you love is definitely priority.

    xo -E

  20. Happy Birthday to Little P! Do what you need to do for you and your family. Blogging should not be a chore!

  21. Uh huh, felt the same way about blogging, not worth it lately! But then when I go to read other's blogs, and they haven't posted; I get annoyed. Hmmm...... Anyway, so nice how little ones love what you make them, the simplest things cheer them up so much! Glad your sewing machine is in good order now, nothing worse than it not working! :)

  22. I reached that point a couple of months ago too. I just can't be bothered a lot of the time at the moment.
    Hope everything is ok & you get the rest you need.

  23. Having been MIA for several weeks, I totally get it & admire you for knowing when to say when. :) Happy Birthday, little P! Wow - has it been another year, already? I love that photo of him with his hands in the air. He looks as though he's yelling, "Yes! It's MY BIRTHDAY!!!" :) Happy Monday night, Shay!

  24. Glad you're taking time with family and reordering priorities. I totally get it. Good for you.

    Laughed about the $3 fireman pants making the kiddo so happy. It really is the little things! Sounds like a fun birthday for the little rascal.

  25. Family is first, never to be forgotten. Friends get that. Love the zebra cake, and the birthday sleepover that had a bedtime of 10 o'clock, that's a dream, lol. Hope your week is marching on smoothly, even if the kangaroos get testy ~

  26. Glad to hear that you didn't get into a tangle with a kangaroo .. hope that your family life is settling down.

    I can't believe Little P is three years old already. What a cutie!

    In our house, my kids like the cake, not the icing. I get to eat all the icing. It's great!!

    Glad to hear your machine is purring away; what's the problem with metal bobbins?

  27. I tried to comment on this yesterday. Either blogger or my computer wasn't cooperating, and my comment got eaten.

    The gist of it was this: you shouldn't feel at all guilty for putting your family first. Of course, we'll miss your wit and wisdom, but we'll still be here when you pop by.

    xo -E

  28. It reassures me when others struggle with life management. Family always comes first blog land will always be here. Take care of yourself. Zebra cake looked very yummy.

  29. So your linky party is over for now?
    Take care of things you need to do and hurry back. :)


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