Friday, May 18, 2012

Favourite Things Friday

I've had a much calmer week this week . I haven't skidded into Friday feeling like I only just made it by the skin of my teeth which is exactly how I felt last Friday. I'm ready to gracefully tip toe into a weekend of sewing and relaxing and doing some of the things I love that make me feel good. 

I've  had a few favourite moments this week. All low key but they made me happy all the same. Some weeks it doesn't take much.

I got a free rice sample in my mail box. That was a bonus because I'm trying not to spend money on groceries at the moment. 

Making the decision that I need to work on one project at a time until the end of the month (ie actually having a plan ) Since I'm not scuttling round doing bits and pieces of things I'm actually seeing progress on the project I do choose to work on.

And snuggling up in my warm bed at night when it's freezing outside (Australian freezing not Northern Hemisphere freezing ). The down side of that is having to get out of bed in the morning when it's cold This morning I actually laid there for a while internally debating about whether I should get out of bed or just stay there for a bit longer... until I  realised it wasn't going to be any warmer until about lunchtime and that I needed to be at work long before then.

So no earth shattering faves - just a nice week filled with a few pleasurable moments.  It's nice that rice can make me so happy don't you think? Simple needs people- simple needs. 

Stay tuned because I'm going to attempt a complicated cake this weekend courtesy of a recipe sent to me by Lane. I could be writing a post about how to clean cake mix off the ceiling....


  1. It's nice to have a good week that just flows along. The mornings have been cold but the days have been glorious so its a good trade off I think.

  2. I think I may have linked twice because I hit it the first time by accident. Please ignore the first link it's wrong! Unless there's only one link then just ignore the first part of this comment!
    Anyways that's a nice sample! All we get for samples would be like three bits of rice.
    Good luck on the cake!

  3. And I may have left that comment twice. Aghh I hats mobiles! But I love the fact that aghh autocorrects to "Athens"

  4. Yum...cake! Looking forward to your post. Hope it's not Red Velvet, as you may never get that red food coloring out of the ceiling.

  5. It is good to appreciate the little things. This week, I appreciated a husband who doesn't mind an untidy house. I sat around on my behind without feeling any twinges of guilt.

  6. The little things mean a lot! I use that Uncle Ben's rice all the time. It is perfect for two people and fast fast fast.

    Glad your week had a bit of zen in it. We all need weeks like that!

  7. It's hard to top a lie in on a cold morning for a favourite thing!

  8. Oh I did the lie in thing this morning too. My electric blanket is just lovely. Glad you had a better week this week. Not sure I understand the one project at a time thing, but I await the results with anticipation.

  9. I'm glad you're feeling calmer this week. The simple things really are the best. But maybe that complicated cake will trump all?

  10. Did it! I FTFed on my blog.

  11. Just wrote a comment and it disappeared HATE That.

    Its good to take note of the little favourites from time to time specially when blogger is playing up. I'm with Kris don't get the working on one thing at a time thing.. had to stop transmission myself this week to start and finish project just because. Should be writing the tutorial to go with at this moment but that isn't happening because I am reading blogs. Back to stitching Xmas in July stuff though now really need to get on with it now only 6 weeks to they need to be finished and written up.

  12. Glad your week was more peaceful. Nice favorites. I love staying in bed when it's all warm and comfy. Can't wait to see your project or learn about the cake.

  13. It feels really good to have a week where lots of little things work together to enhance the overall. I am glad your week was a lot calmer. I keep looking at SA temps and must say am getting a little twitchy...brrr!

  14. Gracefully tip toeing......yep, sounds like you......have a good weekend!

  15. Nice calm, almost food free, week. Has that ever happened before? Glad you are drifting peacefully into the weekend though. Enjoy!

  16. I'm with you on the staying in bed longer on these cold mornings. Rice is nice, surprise free rice is Very nice. Happy lovely fun weekend to you Shay. It's Bloggers Quilt Festival starting soon, are you entering a quilt?

  17. Calm weeks are not to be underrated, they are precious things indeed. Hope your weekend is a contiuation of the same.

  18. Heh, I suspect Australian freezing is like South African freezing - I lived there one 'winter' and as I was swanning into work in linen trousers and short sleeved top, my colleagues were shivering in woolly jumpers, scarves and hats - it was only 15C outside in the morning you see, and a mere high 20s during the day...

  19. Yes we can even feel the mercury dropping up here....I even had the fire going last night! Have a great weekend Shay, hope the cake works out :-)

  20. A quieter, peaceful week is most definately a good favorite, especially when it's been a while since the last one was around. I'm glad a bag of rice and those little moments all added up to a good week and lead into a, I hope, great weekend.

  21. I sensed a relax in this post from last weekend and the subsequent photos. You are totally and sew some cake too, it's a relaxing food!

  22. I think Australian Freezing is pretty bloody freezing. And as someone who gets up at lunchtime, well, it's still not great...

  23. Your post always make me smile and I'm thankful for having found your blog. Glad you had a more relaxed week.

  24. LOL!!! I'm looking forward to reading about your cake recipe! And I love your favorite things this week....sometimes those simple little things are absolutely amazing...xoxo

  25. Oooh that bed does look snuggly warm - Enjoy those extra few minutes.

    Hope the cooking does not end in much cleaning.

    Enjoy your cake.

  26. It would definitely make me happy to get a packet of rice in the mail. That is awesome!

    Enjoy your sewing this weekend. I plan to, as well.

    And I can't wait to read your adventures in cake baking. If it turns out, send me a piece, will you ;)?

    xo -E

  27. I'm beginning to be more and more convinced that recognising those simple moments of contentment and pleasure is the key to real happiness.

  28. Hope your calmer has continued...I know where the feeling of skidding into Friday wandered off!...and I still feel like I'm sliding...Australian freezing is cold enough for me, I can so relate to the internal discussion about whether or not to face the cold and get out of bed...enjoy your free rice...and your hope the cleaning of the cake mix off ceiling isn't a post you have to write!...

  29. Just catching up but I'm afraid I haven't any favourites at the moment -- perhaps Nursing Homes for old people ????

  30. So glad things are slowing down for you! We have had a lovely weekend and it may be the last for a while. My mother will be here for a couple weeks and that may prove to be a little crazy! Hope things continue on an even pace for you!

  31. Nice to hear it's cold somewhere in the world, pretty hot in the US, I've already sweated through my favorite bra, with no laundry planned until Friday...

  32. Wow, cool, I have an Uncle Ben, too! But I stopped using him for dinners in lieu of generic rice. I'm sure the Uncle is mad. But he charges too much. I bet his Mexican rice was good, though.

    Yeah, you've made it too easy if you didn't skid into the weekend, mixing things up with a really difficult baking venture is just your style :)


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