Sunday, May 13, 2012

Farmers Wife, Fudge and a Finish

I spent Saturday in the company of my lovely Farmers Wife Quilting Buddies (Claire, Val, Denise, Kris, and Tara) at the House of Loz. Much gossiping, eating and a little bit of sewing ensued.  My contribution to the day was my signature fudge because I figure if I'm going to get fat in my old age I'm taking my friends with me. By the way I didn't do a darn thing on my FW blocks. And as usual I forgot my camera.

Loz presented me with a stitchery that she made just for me. Isn't this one of the most darling things you've ever seen? Thank you Loz. I ADORE it. The quandary is whether I make it into a cushion nobody will ever be allowed to use , a wall hanging or whether I pop it in a frame under glass and hang it somewhere I'll see it often.

I finally rocked up to the post office for my tri-weekly pick up on Friday and the post office guy asked if I had a trailer to take home all my packages. He's such a comedian. Most of it was fabric that was ordered three weeks ago for quilt backs but in amongst all that was this package of selvages from the lovely Erin at My Patchwork Life. Thank you Erin. I keep worrying about running out of selvages and this will keep my concerns at bay for another 5 blocks or so. 

And Little Miss Sunshine donated to my Hometown fabric fund.

And she sent me some other cute stuff too...that I'm going to make into other cute stuff (eventually) 

I basted the jelly roll race quilt this morning. It's half quilted. Not a bad effort considering we went out for a large chunk of the day. 

Crinkly look courtesy of Little P who thought it was great fun to jump all over it just before I took this photo.
And while we were out for lunch today I managed to finally get the last  bit of binding down on the Contrary HST Quilt. My sister in law commented that it reminded her of Strawberry Shortcake and so the quilt gained a much groovier name than it's had throughout the production stage. This one is going to be gifted to a friend.

Yes- I have functioning oven again. No I haven't used it to bake a cake yet. But two hunks of meat have been slowly roasted in it and they were both wonderful. 

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mum's out there!


  1. lol I never get anything done when I get together with quilty friends, either. The fudge looks delicious! If you need some more selvages, let me know your snail mail addy and I will send some over. Just let me know how wide you want them. The quilt for your friend has the WOW factor. Happy Mothers Day.

  2. Love Strawberry Shortcake. It will be a very well received quilt. And where is your recipe for this signature fudge. If I am going into old age fat with you then you need to pass on the calorie laden recipes!!

  3. Ha, love the idea with the fudge, I keep sending my bee blocks out with cakes of tablet (which is a Scottish close relation to fudge) - we're all going together damnit!

  4. Happy Mother's Day!
    And those dolls are ADORABLE! I'm a fan of the frame under glass idea personally. Might give them the best longevity...

  5. Happy Mother's Day. The stitchery is very cute. You should frame it. Congrats on the finish. The HST quilt turned out beautifully. Love the green border, it shows off the center of the quilt beautifully.

  6. Is that Penuche Fudge? OMG!! Takes me back to my childhood...ohhhhh...

  7. What a yummy post, from fudge to strawberry shortcake, delicious!! Sounds like you've been having lots of fun with friends and fabric. I'd hang that stitchery on the wall, it's so sweet! Somehow the special cushion no one is allowed to sit on is the one everyone sits on.

  8. That Loz is such an amazing and lovely lady. Love your finishes. And I would mind some fudge though at the moment I can't taste anything as the lurgy has hit big time in chateu Seabreeze.

  9. Such a yummy post .. from fudge to strawberry shortcake to such great fabrics. Your "unproductive" weekends tend to put my productive ones to shame. Happy Mother's Day to you too!

  10. Happy Mother's Day to you! The Strawbertty Shortcake quilt is really pretty! Love the colors. I was drooling a bit when I saw the fudge. I loooovvveee fudge and for some strange reason don't ever make it for myself. I like little P's contribution to the quilt!

  11. Hey, that HST quilt does look like Strawberry Shortcake. Which is coincidentally, what we had for dessert today. You can't have Mother's Day without strawberry shortcake. Awesome job with the quilting!

    And that little stitchery that Loz made is SO, SO cute! I LOVE it!

    xo -E

  12. I hope all the fudge made your co-crafters make yummy noises....

    Love your new stitchery gift--sooo cute!

    Jelly roll race looks good, and so does the newly named HST project. It seems a lot of your quilts get food names. Do I sense a pattern emerging?

  13. She's right, it is very Strawberry SHrotcake-ey. And it's good to hear your oven's finally been fixed.

  14. Your fudge looks delish! Great stitching done too. I did that at my last stitching day...forgot my camera and talked too much to do any stitching. That's the fun bit all the chatting.

  15. Strawberry shortcake is a perfect name for a quilt made in these pretty colours.

    Delicious gifts you have received. I'm loving that red fabric, ooh and little babushka's you sure were spoilt by your friends this week.

    Enjoy the cooking.

  16. Your Fudge looks Divine...I saw your quilt on Loz's blog Great Colours...
    I Think your little stitchery would be nice in a frame...

  17. glad you had a great day with the girls......cute russian all the things your working on........

  18. OMG Shay, I can't even begin to tell you how much I loved the fudge you made, it was soooo yummy! I may or may not have had two pieces ... can't prove anything *lol*
    Be sure to have a great weekend

  19. I love that you're taking your friends with you - you crack me right up! Been to busy to post or sew, but hoping to have time tomorrow...


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