Saturday, May 05, 2012


Michelle was kind enough to email me yesterday and tell me that she was getting a malaware warning from trying to access my blog. 

After doing some research last night it seems this has become a wide spread problem in blogland for some people who use Shabby Blogs backgrounds. Their site has been hacked so google is posting warnings on some blogs that use their content. 

It looks like at least some of my Saturday is going to be spent trying to find a new background I like that 's not from the affected site. I've removed shabby blogs content this morning  but meantime it's going to look a little weird and half finished around here. 

In the meantime thank you for your patience as I clean house !


  1. Oh my, you're in the pink now I see!

  2. Good think you were tipped off .. i kinda like the pink!

  3. So sorry that you have to deal with that. I'm sure we can all deal with a little blog contruction for a few days.

  4. I noticed the same thing with my blog yesterday when I clicked on it. I was thinking about posting, and when I clicked it gave me a big red screen that said the same thing. So instead of posting yesterday, I posted today, b/c yesterday was spent changing out buttons, etc. that I used from Shabby Blogs. :/

  5. Hope you get it sorted! Good luck.

  6. I've gone for an easy blogger template for this very reason. good luck.

  7. Good job you caught it early on. Let me know what you find - I need a header for mine!

  8. That is a bugger isn't it, blogger is a real PITA lately but we persevere :-)

  9. Good luck..but´s WHAT you write that we are interested in :-)

  10. Kirsten took the words right out of my's not what your blog looks like that I visit! Come to think of it....why DO I's because you are so awesome....are you out buying more groceries today??? See you next Saturday at Chez Loz!

  11. Big bugger...those hackers need to get a better hobby, like quilting!...see you've got it all fixed up now...liking the pink polka dots...but Kirsten and Loz are's not the house it's the occupant that we come to visit...

  12. Yeah me too, I was saying more than bugger. I LOVED my backgroud, I can't find anything as good. Oh listen to me sulking..My blog is just white at the moment... yeah bugger!!:(

  13. I should say I like your new choice!!! It's pretty, spotty and fun!!!

  14. Glad you got it sorted.How could we get on without access to your wonderful blog. It's such a damn nuisance for you.


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