Friday, April 13, 2012

Favourite Things Friday

I feel like I should explain what happened last week with FTF ...I posted as usual , went away to my parents and sadly found that because they live in the middle of nowhere their internet was not real flash for the weekend. Since my mobile phone is from the days of Noah I don't have internet access on it and sitting in Maccas  using their free WiFi was a less than stellar option for responding to every ones posts which is why it didn't get done until Monday. Darn you technology! 

I've had a much calmer week this week so I'm skipping into Friday feeling like my sanity is intact for a change. It's been a while since I had a Friday like that. Little P will be up soon (we had a sleepover last night ) so the feeling may be short lived.

The last few months have seen me affected by a strange malady that involves the inability to finish quilts. It's April for crying out loud and so far I've managed to knock one whole quilt out for 2012 which is sort of pathetic. This time last year I was heading towards my 5th finish and while I know it's not a race this non finishing nonsense is seriously  frustrating.

But this week saw the back end of another WIP and that has made me ridiculously happy so I'm sharing it for my favourite thing.

My helper who insisted on me taking his picture on the finished quilt. He then took mine and that will not be appearing on the blog because I think he hit the "fat-tify" button on my camera and I look like the Goodyear blimp. 2 year olds don't understand the concept of getting your best side.

The hoarded vintage sheet has been used as a backing. This quilt has very simple quilting (in the ditch my friends) and is meant to be dragged around and loved and to eventually fall to bits from all the loving.


Not resting on my laurels here , I have a ton of other projects calling out  "Finish Me , Pick Me, I want to be a quilt , not just a pile of half sewn fabric " so I'm already onto the next finish for April.  I have started something new but it's little so it hardly counts right?

Feel free to link up and show off something that floated your boat this week .


  1. There is "something" about this quilt that I really love. I like the idea of making a quilt that you don't expect to be an heirloom. When our grannies made quilts back in the day, they made them to be used. I think it is lovely that you made something so uniquely special for your grand.

  2. LOVE it!
    And love your helper too :)

    How funny is it that we both finished rainbow quilts this week. I think mine was only my 2nd of the year also... *sigh. WAY behind usual...
    (And the 1st finish was on the 1st January so I'm not even completely sure that counts!)

  3. I am still laughing about the "fat-ify" button. Mine has one of those too. The "skinni-fy" button must be a secret combination of buttons because I haven't hit on it yet.

    Your quilt is FABULOUS!! I love the bright colors and that vintage sheet backing is absolutely perfect! A standing O from me -- brilliant!

    PS - Send some finishing mojo my way please...

  4. Yay! A finish! Well done. No wonder this beauty is your favourite thing today. I was mulling over my finishes this week (or lack of them) and worked out I hadn't actually finished a quilt this year. (Tiny ones 20"x20" just don't count in my world. Wall hanging! Not quilt.) Maybe April will see me finish one.

  5. I agree with Suzan, that you expect this quilt to be loved and used which after all was what they were designed for. I think it is gorgeous and I love the model on the quilt. I am sure I have that 'fat-ify' button on my camera too.....wonder if it was an optional extra and can be removed.

  6. My camera has that same damned button!! Yet our little people appear svelte - how is that possible? Love the quilt! I'm pretty sure I already told you that I'd be stealing that idea, but if not, be forewarned. Something that looks suspiciously like your lovely quilt will be popping up on my blog in the future because you make cool shit and I wanna be like you!

  7. Now this quilt SPEAKS to me!!! I love it, love it, love it!
    My camera has that fat-tify option.

  8. I have been down in the finishes this year too actually on the starting as well, at this moment I have a pile of fabric next to me that needs to turn into a birthday pressie by Wednesday. Think I might head out now and getting started. Love that quilt, I love the look of log cabins I just hate making them just don't have the staying power with them.

  9. That is one seriously happy quilt.

  10. Very nice quilt and such a cute little helper too! I am glad you used a vintage sheet as the backing as I have finished the top for Billy's quilt (i know don't fall over) and I bought a sheet to use as the backing as this year I am trying to stick to a budget and that material for backing can be pretty $$. It's a quilt that is going to be used not a showcase so I figured it would be ok, turns out I am right :-) Got any tips for adding the backing and the batting to the top on a carpet floor? The only space I have for laying it out is in the lounge and its carpet :-( I put a piccie on my FB page is you want a peek, no where up to you quilters standards but it is done so its a happy dance for me :-)

  11. lol @ fatify button. Your quilt is lovely. In the ditch quilting? My favourite kind! I'm all for quilts that get used and loved and patched.....There must be something about the April air....maybe the creativity is not being sucked out of us by the heat....and I'm on a finishing jag, too. Small projects are good, they create a quilting zen-like balance......ommmmmommmmommmwhatcanifinishnow?ooommmm

  12. It's gawjusssss !!!! it you are so Farmers wife this month as everyone 'cept you & me are away !!!!!so Ill email you the next date :)

  13. Great finish and I love the backing. And, what could make it cuter than that little one sitting on it. I love quilts that get loved to pieces. Lane

  14. I love your posts...and your quilts! Great job, and have fun with that boy:)

  15. nice quilt! I remembered this week too sometimes friday's escape though.

  16. I want to make another big random rainbow quilt but I keep on cutting too efficiently and I don't have enough scraps :( Might have to cheat and buy fabric especially for it like I did last time :)

  17. Shay, I love this quilt!! Scrappy rocks and your colour blocking is fabulous! The backing is worthy of a cheers too!! Fantabulous!! The photo with Little P is so cute!!!!

  18. Very pretty quilt! Congrats on finishing!

  19. Love that quilt, and congrats on your finish - that's always fun.

  20. The quilt turned out great!! Looks like Little P really likes it too. The backing is great. What a wonderful finish! I think you've got that mojo back..

    I really think they should remove that "fat-tify" button. Mine seems to have it too!

  21. Shay, I absolutely love it! I've loved it since you started it and seeing it all together, I love it even more. "Happy" really is the best description for this quilt. So cute! And so is Little P! Congratulations on a great finish!

    xo -E

  22. It looks fantabulous Shay, and love the sheet for the backing. I'm sure it will be a lovely well used quilt, used by humans and not by dogs!
    Little P is looking so cute as always. If you ever find the skinny button on your camera please let me know.

  23. Gorgeous quilt. Love all the brights on the front and the vintage flowers on the back. Beautiful favorite (your assistant is a cool favorite too).

    Congrats on getting a finish. I don't have one yet. But I'm working this weekend so I'll have one before the end of April. Must be something in the atmosphere that only affects us sensitive types so that we haven't wanted to be in the sewing room. I'm hoping all the rain washed it out of the atmosphere here.

  24. Just seeing this quilts makes me think summer! The back goes so well too.

  25. Love that quilt!!! And hey...don´t worry abozt the number of finishes...if your quilts look that great, it is well worth waiting!!
    Oh and by the wasn´t us who stole your is still freezing cold and shitty wheater on this side off the world!!!

  26. I love that quilt! It's so colorful!

  27. Can't decide which is more gorgeous...the quilt or that little man. ☺

  28. I love log cabin quilts...beautiful


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