Friday, April 06, 2012

Favourite Things Friday

Happy Easter to you all. Thanks for dropping by for this Good Friday edition of Favourite Things Friday.

As many of you read this I'll be heading up to my parents for the long weekend (I just hope the Easter Bunny knows to drop my chocolate off there)

My favourite thing this week could have been the 4 day weekend but that's way too obvious. So I'm going for the second most obvious thing . Hot Cross Buns. I'm old enough to recall a time when they only came with fruit and spice. There were no fruitless , mocha cappuccino, broccoli flavoured, chocochocolate chip stuff back in the dark ages.

Since hot cross buns now appear in the shops about a week after New Year there is plenty of opportunity to eat them for about three months of the year. I think that detracts from how special they are and the anticipation of that first bite and I usually refuse to buy any or eat any until the week leading up to Easter. And then I totally pig out. Usually I eat so many I'm happy not to see them for another year.

This mornings bun du jour was chocolate chip (I'm kind of glad they invented those. It's like eating Hot Cross Buns and Easter Eggs all at once.)

and this was the aftermath.

Enjoy your weekend ! Happy Easter to everyone.


  1. Are they the bakers delight ones? They are the bomb, though if I eat them too fast they give me indigestion :(

  2. I am nearly 60 and have never had a hot cross bun in my entire life. Perhaps this is something I should rectify!

  3. I'm with you I don't like to buy them until the week before Easter either. I did buy a packet of choccy chip ones this week, Maestro had one for lunch one day and breakfast 2 days squid just kept hers for breaky. I couldn't get to BD yesterday .. to many last minute errands the last day before School holidays so they missed out today, but Nana had Lindt bunnies on the table with our fish for lunch.

  4. We don't get them here, so i don't have them unless I make them. And we all know what that means! Id din't know they came in such a range.Enjoy your easter

  5. It is 6:30am Friday here and i am just about to start making mine! I never heard of chocolate & other flavors. Mine have raisins (instead of currents) but no citron.

    So if they are chocolate, what makes them HCBs --the shape & cross, or is the dough different than regular little rolls as well?

    What a great picture!

  6. Okay, now see.....Even though our kids sing about these in school, I've never seen these in our stores.

    Have a fabulous time with your parents!

  7. dang, that kid just can't get any cuter!!!!!

    happy easter shay ...

  8. I know the song well, but I've never tried a Hot Crossed Bun in my life. I don't think I've ever seen these in a grocery. Perhaps I need to stop at a bakery today. Hmmm...yummy favourite, Shay! Happy Easter! My Greek family would say, "Christos Anesti ~ Alithos Anesti" ☺

  9. You mean the aftermath wasn't Little running around like his pants were on fire from the sugar buzz? Too bad, I was hoping for more mayhem. ;)

    Seriously, though, that kid is seriously CUTE. How do you resist kissing that little mushy face all day? I hope you do not (resist). Get it while you can, Nanna.

    Never had a hot cross bun and probably never will, unless they make them gluten and dairy free, (and if so, SEND ME ONE!), but they look irresistible. Happy Easter, Shay!

  10. Ahhh, the bliss of chocolate all over your face. I wanna do that! Enjoy the holiday. Lane

  11. We don't have hot cross buns here. But I do love chocolate chip muffins. And chocolate chocolate chip muffins. It is breakfast, only better! Love it! And that Little P is so dang adorable. I'll bet his little Aussie accent makes him all the more cute. Have a great weekend!

    xo -E

  12. I've never heard of chocolate hot cross buns but they look scrumptious. Even the residue on Little P's maw!

  13. Haven't tried the chocolate ones, but My Guy made a batch of the traditional ones last week and shared them at work. They are certainly a favorite in this house. Enjoy your Easter weekend. I hope the Easter bunny leaves you lots of chocolate!

  14. I've never had a hot cross bun either.

    But I know they cost one a penny, two a penny.

    Happy Easter Shay!

  15. I've never seen chocolate ones, but your post did make me realise that I hadn't had any this year so I went and managed to find some before they are all sold out. Just ordinary ones, but toasted and covered in butter - yum....

  16. Happy Easter Shay, I imagine Easter Sunday will be a lot messier :-)

  17. I can't say that I've ever eaten a hot cross bun, but lil' P looks like they are the bestest stuff! Bite a chocolate bunny ear for me, Shay! Happy Easter to you and your family.

  18. We always have them with our Easter Lamb dinner. If you want to try and make some Pioneer Woman has a wonderful recipe for some.

  19. I'm a bit traditional when it comes to hotties. I think the chocolate ones are cheating.. but I'm sure one day I'll be tempted to try one and I'll end up scoffing them down happily. That chocolate face is very cute!! Happy Easter and enjoy your long weekend away!

  20. Hot cross buns would make my buns turn to wide load buns. Just looking at your pictures put abougt 10 lbs on each cheek as I type this. :o) They look YUMMY!!! And Little P is so stinkin cute!!

  21. You know, I've never had a hot cross bun. I wonder if they sell them over here.


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