Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures

The sorry tale of my oven-less state continues. Apparently the  part we need is still being hand carved out of wild boar bone by some tribe in the deep dark recesses of the Amazon. Consequently, I haven't baked a cupcake for over 5 weeks and my recipe books are sitting here full of yummy things and they're taunting me. Bastards. 

I was having a whinge about this on Saturday when I was at lunch with my in laws. (I know - it's hard to believe I ever grizzle and whinge being the lovely even tempered chick that I am ) and my mother in law came up with a potential solution.

It's a portable convection oven that she had lurking in her cupboard and I was so desperate to bake something I took it. Someone who cant bake in a regular oven + taking an oven you've never cooked in before  = potential disaster. I like to live life on the edge. 

A while back, one of my awesome blog buddies mentioned confetti cake in one of their posts and I lamented that we didn't get that here in Australia. A few weeks back I found this in a store and did a happy dance right there in the aisle. 

So confetti cake became my new victim and one very lopsided cake was born.

And refused to come out of the tin in one piece. 

I served it up to dinner guest in pieces and we ate that sucker anyway...

...I so need my oven back.....


  1. I bet it tasted fabulous. And remember...frosting covers a multitude of cake sins. I speak from experience. ☺ Happy Tuesday!

  2. Sometimes you just have to have cake...no matter what it looks like!

  3. Bet it tasted fine... just serve it with those eye cover thingies you get so you can sleep on an aeroplane. You could make it a quiz to liven up the evening - guess what type of cake you're eating !
    Also... I have a friend who cooks all her roasts in one of those and loves it. You could test it out for us.

  4. You are too funny, that cake worked!

  5. I've seen and made much worst myself! I bet it tasted good!

  6. I have been away for a while, so I am not sure why your oven doesn't work. I am wondering what is wrong with the cake, mine always look like that!

  7. because cooking the cake in your oven will definitely make it come out of the tin in one piece?? Bahahahaha

  8. You had me laughing my butt off!!

  9. Hey, it didn't burn and was edible so that's success right there. I've seen those things on infomercials and they looked handy. So did your cake cook in half the time? I bet it'd do a bang-up job on a roast or chicken.

  10. I love my UFO but not for cakes :) Meat and toasties and vegies are delish done in it - lets hope the wild boar can be caught and your oven fixed asap! hugs

  11. Hooray for Confetti Cake! Sorry about the bits and pieces it turned into, but hopefully it tasted good :)

  12. Girl friend said those ovens do a fantastic roast and vegies.....

  13. Isn't that what all home baked cakes look like...No! Oh! Mine always do.Bet it tasted great though. I like Helen's idea you could have had a guess the flavour with blindfolds.

  14. Sounds like my angel food cake fiasco .. messy but yummy. I can't believe you're still living without your oven. What is the ETA???? How crazy.

  15. At least it was edible! Let's hope the part you need makes its way out of the jungle soon.

  16. No matter what sort of day I have had Shay, I can guarantee you will give me something to smile about. I bet you it tasted good!

  17. You are a braver baker than I Gunga Din...baking in a portable oven I am impressed...considering the adverse circumstances under which you were working your cake turned out fine, and hey, who cares what it looks like really, I'm sure it tasted just fine and yummy...

  18. a little custard or cream and everything looks fine! i did without an oven for 6 months - you get very adept at using the microwave, the barby and an electric frypan - hope yours gets better soon :)

  19. Seriously, what is wrong with going to a bakery? All the yummy goodness without any effort - you could have spend the time sewing instead!

  20. I'm not a baker either and convection sounds "Serious Baker" like. I'd eat the cake chunks, tho!

  21. We will pray for the save return of your oven, my dear.

  22. It still looks better than one of mine!

  23. Now that is just sad. Can I just say I'm totally proud of you for trying? I think I'd be tempted to ask for a whole new oven. It's still under warranty, right?
    By the way, I've seen plenty of your successes, I know you can bake!
    Here's hoping the amazonians get their act together soon.
    I want to see a picture of the turkey!!!

  24. At least you try. All my kids get now are No-Bake cookies and the Thanksgiving turkey on the grill...

  25. Confetti cake is awesome, even in pieces. YUM! Making me hungry . . .

    Also, I can't believe that you're still oven-less. I know I'm way behind in reading/commenting, so hopefully by now the part has been replaced and you are baking to your heart's content.

    xo -E


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